Star wars

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Incessantly, Vader brushed his hand over his son's pale face. Through the Force he reached out with all his power, but time and again he failed to pick up the familiar sense of Luke's presence in the Force. There was no response.

Behind his visor, Vader closed his eyes in despair. For the second time in his life he had failed the ones that deserved his protection the most. It was his fault to have brought his son here, his fault that he had failed to shelter the boy against his Master. He'd trade the whole galaxy or gladly give his own life, if only Luke would live. But it was too late. Where their bond used to be there now was only gaping nothingness.

In the void, there was tiny flicker in the Force, almost eclipsed and overshadowed by Vader's dark thoughts and self-loathing that fueled the Dark Side more than his anger ever could. But it was undeniably his son's signature, wavering and feeble, as it had been the very first time he had reached out to touch Vader's mind. Vader concentrated on this small light, grasped for this flimsy tendril as if he could nurture and strengthen it through his willpower alone.

And Luke reached back to him, weakly, but determinately. Perhaps it was just an instinctual reflex of a child reaching for their parent for comfort and solace. But his son clung to Vader's own Force probe, as if it was a lifeline. Luke's eyelids fluttered and he stirred.

Vader patted against Luke's cheek to raise the boy, but Luke didn't regain fully consciousness. With a shuddering breath, the boy fell limp again. His chest now rose and fell ever so slightly, but with increasing regularity. With relief Vader cradled the slight figure against his chest once again prone and lifeless.

His feeling of relief was short-lived however.

His master lay slain. Even with all his own power and influence, Vader wouldn't be able to cover up the Emperor's demise for long. And once they'd be found, his and Luke's life was in grave danger. There were too many men in the palace, many of which vetted by the Emperor personally and all fiercely loyal to him. The chances of them to make it out alive where marginal and that was not acceptable.

He could of course raise the alarm himself, present Luke as the culprit and have him safely put away under the guise of bringing the Emperor's killer to justice. But it would be hard to for many believe and even if he'd manage to convince everyone that the prince had indeed killed the Emperor, it'd be even more difficult to explain the killed guards. No, Vader had already made his allegiance to the little prince clear when he had defended him. There would be no way back for either of them.

Perhaps there would be enough time to flee the Imperial Palace if they used the secret passage ways and tunnels that only few individuals were aware of. Through them they might make it back aboard the Executor and depart the system before the destruction in the throne room was noticed. But this plan had several shortfalls. It would be far from easy to escape unseen with the prone form of the prince of Alderaan. And Luke needed urgent medical help. Every moment that passed without such help, was endangering his son, whose life signs were still incredibly weak.

Which left only one course of action. The timing was far from ideal, his forces scattered across the galaxy and not nearly enough ships close to the core to take the capital planet. But Luke had succeeded in the impossible task of killing the master, whom Vader hadn't dared to stand up to for so many years. Now he needed to back up his brave son with equally decisive actions and trust in the Force to guide their way.

Vader reached for his comlink, his decision made. General Veers answered his call almost immediately.

"General, I have orders for you."


From the large viewport on the bridge of the Executor, Admiral Firmus Piett stared down on the blinking orb of Coruscant. The hemisphere housing the vast Imperial palace had entered the night cycle and a myriad of lights were shining up at him after the storm that had raged over the day had passed.

Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now