Taking Care

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Hiro opened his eyes and peered into the darkness. He tried to rub the blurriness from his vision but his arms felt heavy and his movements were uncoordinated.

"Mwuh?" he managed, and wiped his eyes enough to see Baymax hovering over him, glowing faintly.

"Your temperature has become slightly elevated," said Baymax evenly. One of his chubby fingers was resting on Hiro's forehead. Hiro gently pushed it away and sat up more, pressing his own hand to his skin. It did indeed feel a little warm, and his thinking felt fuzzy, but it was the middle of the night and Hiro never liked being woken up randomly.

"Wh...y are you even up?" Hiro half-spoke, half-yawned. Baymax looked down blankly, and Hiro rubbed ran his hand through his hair and down his neck. He spied the piercing red numbers of the alarm clock on his desk. 3:27.

"I heard a cough," said Baymax simply. Hiro raised an eyebrow.

"A cough?"


"A single cough?"


"Baymax, I'm fine."

"I heard a cough, and detected a higher heart rate and temperature. Which of the following do you require?" A screen lit up Baymax's rotund body, causing Hiro to squint at the harsh light. The options included cold medicine, a blanket, a hot water bottle, a bath, and, alarmingly, an ambulance. Hiro smiled at his dear robot's good intentions, and chuckled a little.

"Baymax, I promise you, it's nothing. Go back to sleep. I am satisfied with my care."

Baymax stood still over Hiro for another moment, before blinking again and waddling over to his charging dock near the wall. Hiro snuggled down under his blankets, which didn't seem as warm as before, and listened to the faint squeak of Baymax's vinyl. Finally, Baymax settled into his dock.

"Goodnight, Hiro," he said. Hiro smiled despite his sudden chill.

"Goodnight, Baymax."

The next thing Hiro felt was a pounding headache, which was not helped by the streaks of sunlight glancing in through the blinds and landing on his face. He sat up and groaned. His whole body felt like a weight, and his throat was raw and his nose was completely blocked. He rubbed his palms in his eyes but they remained blurry and sensitive to the brightness of the morning. Hiro peered around his room. Baymax was nowhere to be seen. Of course, Hiro remembered, it was Friday. Friday was always very busy at the cafe, so Baymax had taken to, at Hiro's request, staying to help Aunt Cass. Hiro thought for a moment of calling him, he didn't feel well at all. But then he thought of all the work he had to get done at school, and how Aunt Cass would be swamped without Baymax. He couldn't do that to her, and he was a little behind on his project. There was nothing else for it.

Pulling himself out of bed, Hiro crept into the bathroom. He'd have to get ready and sneak off before Baymax or his aunt could stop him and keep him home. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. He was pale and tired-looking, but he looked otherwise normal. He washed his face and threw on a heavy sweater, despite the already-warm spring day. Carefully avoiding tripping over Mochi on the stairs, Hiro managed to slip out the back door undetected. Pulling his sweater in around him, Hiro trotted as quickly as possible towards San Fransokyo U.

"Open wide, Hiro..."

"Nu-uh! It tastes icky!"

"It'll make you feel better..."

"No! No no no no *choke* uuuuuuugh!"

"Hahah! Got ya!"


Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now