Star wars

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Very slowly Luke woke from a deep, dreamless slumber. For a while he drifted between sleep and waking, wishing he'd just drift off again. He felt drop-dead tired, but there was a persistent static hum permeating the room around him that pulled him from his sleep. His body was aching dully. Luke blinked through heavy eyelids at the dimly lit ceiling, but no sense of familiarity would set in. With difficulty, Luke made to sit up. At once the dull ache in his body flared into a stabbing pain that ran down his spine. Luke lifted his head a little to search the immaculate white surroundings around him for any clue as to where he was. Even this small movement cost him all the strength he could muster. Exhausted he collapsed back to the bed, trying to piece together where he was.

He was in a darkened medical suite. The bed he was in was surrounded by quietly humming machines and medical equipment, from which cables snaked into his bed and under the plain white shirt he was wearing. Luke brushed over his chest, feeling electrodes stuck to his skin. Bandages around his left hand held the access for the drip next to him in place, a clear unknown liquid flowing drop by drop into him. He tried to remember how in the galaxy he had ended up here, wherever 'here' was, or what had put him in this state where every move ached, but he couldn't remember.

Luke bit his teeth and took a deep breath. Despite the pain he managed to push himself up to a sitting position this time. He looked outside the viewscreen to his left. But instead of the star-spotted black of space that had greeted him every time he had looked out a viewport in the past months, an impressive and vast city scape, illuminated by uncounted lights, met his eyes.

Realization hit him with the force of a crashing Star Destroyer.

Coruscant! The emperor! That's where they had been headed. But where was his father? Luke tried to calm the bubbling fear clouding his mind to instead focus on the Force to find the familiar presence of his father. But he couldn't find it, in fact he couldn't even reach for the Force at all. Where it would usually linger in the back of his mind there was a gaping nothing as if something was blocking him from reaching for it.

That was odd. Not once since his first ever lesson with Vader, the revelation of their familial connection still fresh, had Luke lost his connection to the Force. And now it was simply gone.

In a frenzy, Luke patted him himself down, but of course the lightsaber he had hidden under his garments was gone too.

This could only mean one thing. Palpatine knew. He knew. Palpatine knew of his Force sensitivity, had done to him whatever it had taken to reduce him to this state. His father was in grave danger, if he was even still... no Luke didn't let himself finish this thought. He needed to move, Vader couldn't take on the emperor alone, he needed help.

This was all Luke's fault. He needed to get away from here, he needed to find Vader and Bail before it was too late.

Luke wrenched at the drip, pulling it out. He pushed himself out of bed. He got entangled in the cables, but he yanked them off. His bare feet hit the cold floor. The machine behind him beeped ndignantl beep, setting into a slow but insistent alarm. Luke staggered forward, biting back cry at the sharp pain shooting down his spine at every step.

He had little time before his escape would inevitably be noticed. He grabbed the heavy glass jug placed on the bedside table, the only thing looking solid enough to do any damage with when wielded. He upended it, water splashing out onto the floor.

Luke stumbled on. He barely made it to the door. With numb fingers, he fumbled for the release, expecting it wouldn't open for him, but it swished to the side to reveal a man clad in the white of an imperial medical uniform blocking his way out.

Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now