SW oneshot

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Will you now please tell me what this urgent mission is that you need me for?"

Luke didn't bother to mask the frustration in his voice at the lack of explanation provided to him so far. This was the third time he had to change into another vessel and after hours in hyperspace without anyone filling him in about what was going on or even where in the galaxy he was headed, Luke's patience was spent.

"Ah, yes. Sorry for the secrecy, Commander," Captain Grhy said. He rubbed his temples. Even in the dimly lit crew compartment of the ageing gunship, the strain of whatever events made the veteran captain have Luke fetched from half across the galaxy, showed on his weathered face. "This is really just between a handful of us and High Command for now. A few days ago a task force captured a small imperial outpost. Our spy network said that the Imps would keep there their long-range transmissions codes."

Luke nodded. Finding ways to decrypt the Empire's fleet communication had been on the very top of their objectives for ages. Knowing where the Imperials were and where they would attack next would save countless of lives on the Alliance's side and maybe even give them the deciding edge to turn this costly war against the overpowering Empire in their favor.

"Well, they didn't keep the codes there," Captain Grhy continued. "But instead they... um, Vader was there."

Luke eyed him with horror. "What happened to them?" he asked, even though he had a fair idea of what must have been the outcome of the encounter. Ben's final moments before Vader cut him down replayed in his head.

"Yeah, that's the thing," the captain said. "They captured Vader."

"What?" Luke tried to keep his disbelieve from his voice as good as he could. "How?"

"I know, this is a very unexpected turn for us. We'd never even considered the possibility of capturing him. But Vader knows everything about the Empire, not just codes, but their plans and tactics and everything about the Emperor."

"So you interrogated him?"

"Ah, yes... well, there is a difficulty."

Luke's eyebrows arched up. "Let me guess he-"'

"Won't talk? Yes, that is the problem," he said. "Believe me, we tried everything."

Luke rather didn't want to imagine what that entailed. Remember Leia, he tried to remind himself. Remember what Vader did to her. If anyone deserves this, it's him.

"So what do you want me to do?" Luke asked. "I don't know enough about the Force to help with this, if that is what you're asking."

"No, no, not at all. You see, Vader has already agreed to talk and tell us what we want to know."

"He did? So what's the problem?"

"There's no problem. It's more a technicality."

Luke looked puzzled.

"See, he only wants to talk to you alone."

Luke blinked once, then twice. Surely he had misheard that bit. But the way Captain Grhy was staring at him left no doubt. "What? Why me?" he choked out past the sudden lump in his throat.

"Well, we don't know for sure. But you have reached a certain... prominence with your achievements during the battle of Yavin. We think, that must be the reason why he specifically only wants to talk to you."

Luke stared at the rebel captain. "I can't imagine he just wants to meet me-"

"Well, to put it bluntly, we think that he might want to try to kill you. But don't worry, Commander." Captain Grhy gave Luke a pat on the shoulder almost hard enough to crack Luke's ribs. "He is unarmed and restrained. You won't be in any danger."

Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now