Star wars

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The large throne room was quiet like a tomb, the cloying silence only broken by the steps of their small procession. Vader brusquely marched ahead without looking back, his black cape fanned out and snatched against Luke's ankles every few steps. From the corner of his eyes, Luke saw that two red clothed guards had started tailing them. They stayed very close at Luke's heels. Inadvertently, Luke hurried his steps to stay closer to Vader rather than them.

The room was only dimly lit. It was hard to tell its dimensions as the walls were cast in shadows and Luke couldn't make out the ceiling in the subdued lighting. In dark nooks to the side, hints of crimson red indicated more guards posted, silently watching their way in.

Luke crossed through the length of the room behind Vader until they came to the foot of the stairs leading up to the throne, where a figure dressed in black was seated.

Vader marched up the first flight of steps to the throne, but when Luke tried to follow, bracing himself for what would follow, he was held back harshly by the royal guards at his side, clutching his shoulders. Vader scaled the stairs without a glance back and stopped on the first platform, a respectful distance away from the throne. He eased himself onto one knee and lowered his head in supplication. Luke watched the scene in front of him with dismay. It felt wrong to see someone so powerful and frightening in his own right to kneel before this wretched man.

Luke swallowed. He set his jaw and stared straight at the hooded figure occupying the throne, determined not to show his unease. Luke had seen the Emperor before, at least in holos and in the decidedly flattering portrait that hung in the Alderaanian reception hall. His adoptive father had made sure it hung in the darkest and most drafty spot of the hall, when it was made the law to put up a picture of the sovereign. He had explained to Luke that the Jedi's last desperate attempt to prevent Palpatine's seizure of power, had left the despot disfigured and withered. But no holo had managed to prepare Luke for actually seeing the man up close.

His skin was as pale as that of a corpse and heavily furrowed. The flesh sagged from his bulging temple and around his piercing, yellow eyes that seemed to catch Luke's own even while they were focused on Vader. Only with difficulty, Luke managed to look away. He could feel the Emperor's suffocating, sinister aura, a suffocating vile and evil presence that seemed to lay him bare and vulnerable. Luke concentrated with all he had on his shields, but it seemed a futile, feeble effort confronted with such dark cowl of his black robe was shadowing the upper part of the Emperor's face, making his decaying teeth, exposed by a satisfied grin, stand out even more.

"Rise, Lord Vader," the Emperor rasped. "As always it is a pleasure to have you here, my friend. Too seldom does your way cross with the capital."

Vader rose to his feet. "My duties do not allow for more frequent visits, Master," he replied.

"Ah, of course, most commendable indeed. But now that I have the luxury of having you here, I am most curious to hear what you recommend resolving the situation Ryloth?"

"I recommend decisive action to prevent the fire of rebellion from spreading across other systems. The local governor is incapable of handling the uprising."

"I see, we are in agreement as usual," the Emperor nodded, his smirk widening. "Once your work here is done, you may take your fleet to punish the people of Ryloth. Show them the consequences of their defiance."

"As you command."

They were talking as if Luke wasn't even present. Incensed Luke listened as Vader seemed to agree with everything the Emperor said. No matter what atrocity they were planning, his father was all too easily approving, even suggesting them himself. Was he really on Luke's side when it came to dispose of the dangerous despot? Luke shifted his weight on his feet, tiring from standing still this long. The Emperor's piercing gaze fixed on him in an instant, no longer pretending that he didn't see him.

Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now