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The Maximoff siblings were sitting in Peter's room and watching the news about their dad. "Mom's coming," Rose said. Lillian quickly switched the channel. Wanda took a ball from the table and threw it at Rose and Peter returned to play Pac-Man. "Hey guys, what are you doing?" Magda asked.

"Nothing, just messing around," Rose said quickly. She always had a cold head and quick answers. Magda switched the channel back to the news. "Sure you weren't watching this?"

"Why would we, mom?"

"You want to go after him." Their mom sighed. "He's our dad. We just wanna meet him. I love you, but I need to understand myself! And he can be helpful." Lillian said. "You're just 16 and 18! I know I can't stop you, but this won't end well. Nothing does with him." For some time everyone stayed quiet.

"You know you're talking about us too, right? " Rose joked. "We wanna go to this school for mutants. To meet Charles Xavier. He'll help us with our powers and maybe with this dad issue." Wanda tried to explain. The older woman sighed. "When are you going?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"That soon?"

"Mom, you know when Lizzy loses control... It's bad." The black-haired girl dropped her head and Wanda took her sister's hand. "I know, I just... it's gonna be weird. No Peter running around, no you and your floating things..."

"Mom stop. I'm already crying." Lillian wiped some tears from her face. "Come here." Their mom opened her arms and the teens ran to her. "I love you, kids. You're the only thing your dad ever did right." Everyone in the room smiled.

"We love you too, mom."

"Okay, that's enough. Let's go have dinner."

"Got everything?" Magda asked as Peter closed the trunk of their car. "Yeah." Rose sighed. "Last hug?"

"You'll be okay?" Lillian asked as she wrapped her arms around her mother.

Magda tucked a strand of her youngest daughter's hair behind her ear. "Yes, I'll be fine, don't worry sweetheart." Everyone swiftly got to the car. "Drive safely Peter! I love you guys. Call me!"

"Love you too mom!" They answered at once. "I'll call you!" Wanda yelled before Peter closed the door and drove away. Rose took her twin's hand. "She'll be fine."

"I hate to leave her alone." Lillian teared up a little. "We still can turn around and leave you home." Peter joked. "Pete, that's not helping her. It's okay Liz. Just calm down." Wanda said to her younger sister. She knew her sister wasn't good with emotions.

"She'll be fine."

"How can you know?! She'll be home alone without us for the first time in years!"

Wanda quickly got inside her head and knocked her out. "Wanda!" Rose shouted. "It was the only way, Rosie. If she got more upset I wouldn't be able to get inside her head. I'm gonna watch her dreams so we can have her under control." Her mind was connected with her sister's and eyes locked on the road.

"Lizzy, Liz. Wake up. Lillian." These words were repeating in Lillian's head. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around.

"We're almost there," Rose answered before Lillian even asked. "Don't be nervous, it's fine." Rose laughed and took her sister's hand. "And you look great as always." she winked and Lillian rolled her eyes playfully.

"Okay, can you please stop doing your mind thing?" Lillian asked, a little annoyed. "As you wish, little sis." Wanda smiled gently at her sister.

"I hate you. You're just a few minutes older and-"

"I'm sorry guys, I don't want to step into your moment, but we are  literally here." Rose interrupted their stupid fight. Peter stopped the car in front of the door. "Okay, everybody out of the car," Peter ordered them.

"What are you? My boss all of a sudden?" Rose asked, laughing. "No, but I'm your older brother so you do as I say," Peter smirked.

"Sure I will." She gave him a little cheeky wink.

They got to the door and Peter knocked. A few seconds passed then a man with glasses opened the door. "Hey Hank, is professor here?"

"Hi buddy, of course, he's here. You're up to sign?" Hank asked. "Yes and my sisters as well." Peter pointed at his sisters behind him. "Well, the professor is going to be very happy."

"What is your mutation?" Rose asked as they walked through the house. "Rose, you can't just ask what is people's mutation." Her older sister said. "He's super smart."

"Peter, in your opinion everyone who knows multiplication is super smart." Lillian roasted her older brother. "That wasn't really nice."

"We are here." The group stopped before a huge brown door. "Should we knock or something?" Wanda asked. "You can go inside," Hank informed before he opened the door.

Peter walked in first. The siblings suddenly stood in front of  Charles Xavier. "Well hello, I was wondering when are you going to come." Charles smiled at them. Lillian felt a pressure in her head. 'Mr. Xavier, with all due respect, can you please stay the hell out of my head.' Charles looked at her in surprise. 'Both of my sisters are mind readers, I know just how it feels.'

'I apologize, Lillian.'

'It's okay, I understand you're trying to protect your school..' my thoughts interrupted Wanda. "What is going on here?" Peter gave them a confused look.

"I'm happy you came. You're welcome to stay. Hank is going to show you around." The siblings smiled at each other. "You can go, but I would like to talk with Lillian." He said as Hank entered his office again. Wanda took a step to her little sister. 'I'll be okay.' Lizzy thought. Wanda nodded and stepped outside with the rest of her siblings, Hank briefly looked at Charles then closed the door and ushered the Maximoff kids into another room.

"Sit down, my dear." She did, a little hesitantly. "When I was inside your head... I never felt such pain. Your mind is so... sharp."

She looked down before tears filled her eyes. Charles wheeled down to her. "I don't know what happened in your life but you're not alone. There are people here who can help you. You don't have to talk to me or them now but, we are here for each other. Okay?"
She couldn't answer so she just nodded.
"You can go now." Charles gently said with a smile.

The siblings were sitting in the girl room, wearing pajamas, and calling mom. "Are all of you okay?"

"Yes mom, we're fine. Everything in here is amazing. We already have a schedule. Lessons start at 8 am." Wanda answered. "You should go to bed, I'm sure you're tired. I love you guys. Goodnight."

"We love you too mom. Sleep well. We'll call you tomorrow."

"I'll be waiting." With that, she hung up.

"You should go to your room, Pete," Rose said. "I guess... Goodnight." He got to the door, waved at them, and turned off the lights.

"Sweet dreams." Wanda began,
Lizzy continued: "May God's grace calm your mind."
"And bless you with peaceful sleep." Rose finished and closed her eyes.

"Tomorrow is going to be a great day, right?" Lillian asked. "I hope so. Now, go to sleep." Wanda whispered to her sister before they all fell asleep.

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