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The girls woke up to a sunny morning. They quickly got changed and ran to the cafeteria. They met Peter there and had breakfast together. Next to Rose sat a pretty redhead girl. "Hey, you're new here, aren't you? My name is Jean Gray." She introduced herself.

"Yes, we are new. I'm Rose Maximoff, this is my twin sister Lillian."

"Hey, it's nice to meet you." Lizzy shook her hand. "My older sister Wanda."

"Hi." Wanda waved at Jean, then they shook hands too. "And finally, her twin brother Peter."

"Hello, my fair lady." He kissed her hand. His sisters gave him a confused (and a little disgusted) look. "Peter, what just happened?" Lillian asked. "I don't know what you're talking about, little sister." he just smiled at her.

"What's your first lesson?" Jean asked. "We have Math." Lillian looked at their schedule that was placed on the table. "That's cool we're in the same class. And you?" Jean looked at Wanda.

"We have history. And the professors....?" she asked, a little nervous.

"Everybody is just so nice. Everyone loves them. You don't need to worry"
The bell suddenly rang, alerting everyone in the cafeteria. "It's the first ringing. We should get ready for class." She quickly stuffed the last scraps of breakfast into her mouth and grabbed her bag. "I have to go, see you in class."

They quickly got up and walked to their rooms, then took everything they needed for their lessons. The kids then went their own way. Well, needless to say, Rose and Lizzy got lost. When they're together they turn into two confused puppies. After some time of walking aimlessly, Rose spotted a bright brown door with the words 'Math Classroom' written on them. "I'm sorry we are late, but we got lost," Lillian said as they finally got in the class. In the class, she spotted Jean smiling at them. "That's alright. You are new here, aren't you?" Teacher said. "Yes, we came yesterday."

"Okay, go take a seat." So they did. On the other hand, Wanda and Pietro found their class immediately.


It was their last lecture, Lizzy, and Rose had literature with Professor Xavier. He was slowly spinning around and reading 'The Once and Future King'.

" 'If everything one did, or which one's fathers had done, was an endless sequence of doings doomed to break forth bloodily, then the past must be obliterated and a new start made. Let us now start fresh without remembrance, rather than live forward and backward at the same time.' Now, what on earth do we think that the author meant when he wrote all that." He got distracted by looking at the corridor.

"That's going to be your assignment for tomorrow. Top marks, everyone. Class dismissed." Everyone started packing their things. Just Lillian starred at a blond guy that walked into the room. 'Shouldn't you be leaving Lillian?' Xavier's voice echoed in her mind. 'Yes, I just got distracted.' She thought. 'Bye, professor.'

"Where were you?" Rose shouted as she finely found her sister. "Got a little distracted and please, lower your voice."

"Oh, I know why you got distracted. Is it because of that boy that walked in, isn't it?" Rose teased her younger sister. Out of nowhere, Jean showed up. "The blond one. Alex is his name if I remember correctly." She said. "Jean!" The two older girls laughed. "So what do you do after school?" Lillian asked. "Well, most of us train. Or just chill. But you guys need to show professor Xavier your powers at first. He'll tell you what to do." She explained to them.

"We need to wait for our siblings. Then I don't know."

"Sorry for leaving you but I have archery training. So I need to go." Jean smiled at them apologetically. "It's okay. Bye for now." She waved before she disappeared around the corner. "So where are we going?" Lillian asked. "To find our siblings."

The twins waited outside of the classroom for 20 minutes until their older siblings walked out. "Hey girls, how was your day?" Wanda hugged her sisters. "Amazing. What about you?"

"Good, I heard you guys got lost." Peter teased them. "Well, this school is huge. How could you not to get lost." Lillian tried to defend themselves. "What would you say if we spent some time outside?" Wanda announced. "Why not. It's a nice day."

The siblings sat under a tree and relaxed after their first day in the new school. "I'm sure mom is waiting for our call," Rose said after a while. "Sure." Wanda took her phone and dialed their mom's number. Lillian dozed off for a while but then her eyes spotted the blond-haired boy again.

'You know it's rude to stare, Miss Maximoff.' She heard Jean's voice in her head. 'Well, it's not really polite to get into someone's head without their permission, Miss Gray.' Her thoughts were interrupted by her oldest sister. "Lizzy, mom is asking you something."

"Yes? Hi, I'm sorry I kind of lost myself in my thoughts. What were you saying?"

"How was your first day of school?" Their mother asked again. "Really well. I mean, I'm somewhere where I can use my intellect." Everyone laughed. "And you? How was your first day without us?"

"It was pretty normal. Went to work, then home. It was a quiet day without you." She laughed. "But don't worry about me, I'll get used to it. And you too."

'Maximoffs can you meet me here?' The voice of Charles Xavier echoed in their minds. They all looked around and saw Charles sitting in his chair across the lake, fingers pressed on his temple. "Mom we need to go," Wanda said quietly. "Okay babies, mommy loves you." They all laughed. "We love you too mommy."

"Hello. How was your first day?" Charles asked as they walked to him. "You are like the third person who asked us this question today... Your school is amazing, truly." Lillian answered with a bright smile. "I'm glad you're enjoying your stay. But we are here for another reason. I need to know about your powers." Anxiety slowly crept into Lillian. Her powers? This isn't going to end up well...

Peter was about to run as fast as he could but Charles stopped him. "Peter, I know about your powers, you don't need to show me." A kind of sad expression passed Peter's face after what Charles said. Wanda went first. Charles already knew that she and Rose had the power of telepathy. She showed him some of her telekinesis.

Rose went after her. "Well, I can control my own gravitation or anyone else's. I can pull them off the ground, up to the clouds, or slap them against the ground so that they can't move. Peter?" He stood in front of her. With a small movement of her hand, he floated about ten meters up in clouds. Charles clapped his hands. "Amazing, girls amazing. Okay last one, Lillian."

She took a deep breath. 'Shh, you won't hurt anybody. It's gonna be okay.'

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