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Everyone was standing outside of the blown mansion while Erik, Jean, and Wanda rebuild it. Lillian was standing next to her brother and professor. Rose was standing next to the wolf girl whose name was Nicole and her older sister, the ice girl, whose name was Olivia. "Are you sure you can't... do your thing and heal my leg." Peter looked at his sister. "No, you deserve that. You acted like a selfish bastard. You son of a bitch." she started slapping him on his arms and chest. "Lillian," Charles whispered.

This caught Erik's attention and he smirked a little. "You could have died. What would we do without you?" She looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Pizza and diet coke. To honor him. But the diet coke would never give him peace." Rose remarked. Peter started laughing in agreement.

After some time the whole mansion was rebuilt with everything. Now everyone was back in their rooms. The Maximoff girls were sitting in their room when they heard a knock on the door. "Come in," Wanda shouted. Raven opened the door and walked in. "Hey." They said. "Hi, Charles and I talked about what happened in Cairo and we decided that the world needs X-men. Training starts tomorrow after class."The girls looked at her with open mouths. "See you then." Then she left.

"We are going to be a part of the X-men," Rose shouted happily. Within seconds two girls came in, carrying Peter. "What are you doing?" Wanda asked, laughing. "I wanted to be here sooner, so I  asked the girls if they could carry me here." Olivia and Nicole put him down. "So, you heard about the X-men thing?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm so excited." Rose started jumping around the room.

"Look, sis, I really want to go there tomorrow. But my leg... Can you heal me?" Peter gave his little sister puppy eyes. "Okay, lay down." Peter enthusiastically threw himself on the bed. Lillian sat beside him and put her hand on his leg. He whined. "Peter, stay still." Olivia and Nicole stared at the girl. She let go of him. "It hurts more than usual." Peter joked. "You want me to break it again?" He got up to test his healed leg. Lillian looked at her brother with love.

"You're coming tomorrow too?" Rose asked the girls. "Yep, I still don't understand how. But we're excited." Olivia answered and the girls cheered. "Guys it's late I think we should go to sleep," Lillian said. "Ahh don't be such a buzzkill." Her older twin threw a pillow at her. "I'm not, I just think if you want to have energy tomorrow you should get some sleep." She explained. "You're right." The Adams sisters nodded. "Goodnight girls." They said. "Goodnight."

Nicole was put in a class with Rose and Lillian and Olivia with Peter and Wanda. The classes ended quickly and the teens were in the dressing room. Raven passed by them. Lillian got the opportunity to talk to her. So she ran to her and started. "Miss..." Raven immediately stopped her. "Please don't call me miss. Just Raven." She said. "Okay. Raven, I don't really feel like training. I'm just... scared. Do you think I can skip this training?" Lillian asked quietly. "One day you'll need to get over this fear. But okay, if you feel uncomfortable then you can skip it." Raven patted her shoulder. "Thanks, Raven."

With excitement, she got back to the dressing room. "What brought a smile on your face?" A girl named Ororo, known as the lightning girl from the battle asked. "Nothing special." She lied. "What, did you dee Alex?" Her older twin teased her. "What?" They asked with Scott at the same time. "No, it's not that. I'm not training... now." The teens looked a little confused. "I just don't feel very comfortable with my powers. Hope you understand." Wanda hugged her little sister. "Whatever you want." Raven came into the room again. "Okay, guys. In the danger room." She commanded.

Lillian stood outside of the training room while the professor was talking to the group of young mutants. "Your siblings are there?" She flinched when a voice spoke beside her. She looked up to see Erik. "You don't have to be afraid of me." Lillian shook her head. "I'm not afraid of you. Well, I should be. But I'm not... anymore. And to answer your question, yes." Her eyes switched to see each one of them. "You were in Cairo. Why aren't you with them." She was really curious about why was he talking to her. 'Does he know? What should I do? Should I tell him?' Million of questions gone through her head.

'Don't do it.' Was a simple answer from her sister. "Just don't feel like it." She answered quickly seeing that the Professor was wheeling to them. "If you two want to talk I won't listen. I'm here for my family." Lillian said. "I know, my dear." She tried to focus on what's Raven saying. She could only think about how is she gonna tell him. Erik and Charles' talk was over and Lilian did not even notice Erik walking away till he stepped in the elevator. She was deciding if she should run to him. "Do as your heart tells you, not your siblings," Professor said, not taking his eyes off the training room. "Thank you, Professor." She said quickly and ran to the elevator.

'Where did she go?' Wanda looked at the Professor. 'To tell Erik. You can only support her. She's determined to tell him.' She looked at her brother. 'We need to go. Lillian is about to tell him.'

Lillian ran through the mansion when she bumped into someone. "You're racing with your brother? Well, I hate to break it to you but you don't stand a chance." She looked up to see Alex."Hey, glad you're alright but I gotta run. Talk to you later." She shouted and start running again. When she got outside she saw him getting to the car. "Mister Lehnsherr wait!" He turned around and saw her running. She stopped a few feet in front of him. "I need to tell you something... Just let me catch my breath." She took deep breaths. She was so red in the face. "I have never run this quickly nor that span."

In a few seconds, Peter stood there. Rose jumped off his back and put Wanda down. "Lillian don't do that," Wanda said angrily. "No, he deserves to know. It's his right and mine too..." She ran out of breath. "Sorry, and I'll tell him." Her older sister grabbed her by the arm. "Lillian listed to me..." Erik stopped them. "Alright, I think you all need to cool off." She let go of her arm and stepped back a little. "And now tell me what you think I need to know." His calmness surprised them. "Well go on, Lillian. Tell him if you're brave."

"Okay, I am... Well not just me. We are...I can't." Rose rolled her eyes at her. "Oh my. I'll do it. We..." How do you say 'we are your children' to someone you barely met? "They are your children."

Someone yelled from behind them. It was Raven. The teens looked back and saw the whole new X-men group standing at the door. Erik looked surprised. Not every day you find out you have four teenage kids. "I...how?" He stuttered. "I don't know if we are the ones that should give you the 'real talk'," Rose said. "I know where babies come from. It's just how could I never hear about you."

Wanda looked behind him. "I think we are about to find out." They all looked. Magda was in the car driving towards them. "Mom." Lillian and Rose ran to her when the car stopped.
She let them hug her before she started. "Where were you?! I have been calling you many times and you didn't answer your phones! I saw what happened in the news. I was so scared." She yelled at them. The group that was watching at the door rather ran away. "Magda?" Erik came to them. "Hi, Erik." She said without looking at him. "We should talk."

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