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Maki knocked frantically on Kaito's door for the the fifth time. No one had answered.

We'd come up with a plan. Once Kaito answered, Maki would lead him out of his room by stalling him, but she would also put one of her scrunchies in the door while she was doing so, so it wouldn't close completely. That way Kiibo and I could get in.

We weren't sure if Kokichi was even in there. But we'd looked everywhere else, what else are we supposed to do?

After a long time, Kaito finally answered the door. He shut the door quickly after slipping out. Crap.

"Yeah Maki Roll?"

"I, uh.... wanna.... train?" she asked, giving Kiibo and I an 'i'm sorry' look.

"Sure," he answered. "Where to?"

They walked away, leaving Kiibo and I hiding behind the corner. We looked at the door pitifully.

"Wait, I have an idea!" said Kiibo, lighting up. Suddenly, his hand was replaced with a drill. "I'll drill off the doorknob and put it back on when we leave," he explained.

As he drilled it off, my mind raced. What if Kokichi's in there? What if Kaito hurt him? Is he okay?


I blinked and realized my thoughts had been interrupted.

"Shuichi? Are you okay?" Kiibo asked me, waving his hand in my face.

"Ah, yeah, I-I'm fine," I stuttered.

"Alright then," Kiibo said. "You go first,"

I cautiously put a hand out and pushed the door open slowly. And what we saw before us was....




There was nothing there.

I sighed and started to shut the door, but was stopped by Kiibo. "Wait," he said. "Do you hear that?"

I tried to listen for noise, but I didn't hear anything. "No?" I said. "What do you hear?"


Oh no.

No no no.

I pushed the door open again and went in, looking in every place someone could potentially be able to hide. I looked in the tiny spaces too, considering Kokichi's small frame. Kiibo helped me look.

"Shuichi," Kiibo called after a while of searching. I ran over to where he was. The closet.

It was still closed. Kiibo didn't open it. I guess he didn't want to scare Kokichi. I nodded a thank you to him and gently knocked on the closet. "Kokichi?" I said. "You in there?"

There was no noise. Not for a while, anyway. Eventually, Kiibo left, saying he wanted to make sure Kaito was still occupied, and he would come back in a bit. Once the door shut, the closet flew open and Kokichi came out of it, running straight into me. He buried his face right below my chest and cried. I could feel him trembling. "Kokichi? Are you alright?"

He looked up at me, and revealed something terrible. His nose was bleeding and his eye was bruised purple. Instantly I knew what happened. My hands formed into fists. How could he..?

Suddenly, Kokichi sprung away from me, his back hitting the closet door. His eyes filled with tears and he squeezed them shut to keep them from falling.

"K-Kokichi! What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"P-Please don't hurt m-me!" he stuttered quietly.

"Hurt you...?" I thought out loud. "Why would I hurt you?"

I spread my arms out, signaling he could feel safe with me, but he backed up even more. He was sweating bullets. I sighed and put my arms back.

"You might not want to, but you really need to come with me. I don't know what Kaito will do once he sees me in here, but-"

*ding dong, bing bong!*

"A body has been discovered!"

I heard the announcement. It was so sudden. My stomach churned. This has to be some sort of joke, right?

"A-A body..?" Kokichi said. "W-What does that mean?"

I could barely muster up the words. I could barely even think about it, let alone explain the entire thing to a person who had no idea what was going on. I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes.

"Well.... i-it means someone died, Kokichi," I explained, tears filling my eyes. "We need to go to it, and investigate it. Once we figure out who killed them, they will face an..." I was cut off by the sound of Kokichi whimpering. He sniffled and looked back at me, letting me finish. "an...execution."

His eyes grew wide. He rubbed some blood off of his nose. "L-Like, they get... killed?" he asked. There was really no way else to answer his question. I nodded.

Suddenly, he ran out the door to who knows where. "K-Kokichi! Wait!" I called after him. By the time I got to the door and looked down the hall, he was gone. Damn, he's fast.

I walked through the hallway, hoping to find someone to direct me to the body. Ironically, after saying he'd be back later, there was Kiibo.

"Shuichi! It's in the gym, cmon!" he said, starting to run in that direction. I followed him, but at the back of the mind, I was glad this was the way Kokichi had ran.


By the time we got there, Kiibo stopped in his tracks in front of the door. "Just to let you know," he said sadly, "You... might not like who you see in there,"

I braced, and pushed the door open. When I looked up I saw....

Kaito Momota. Luminary of the Stars. Dead.

Trapped (Pregame Ouma x Ingame Shuichi) {COMPLETED!}Where stories live. Discover now