The Unexpected Appearance

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(This is a more chill and wholesome book. And no, there is no romance between you and Blake)

3rd person pov

Y/N: What was she talking about, reckless? I'm perfectly safe!

Bartender: Y-Yes, you are... now please, put the knife down

Looking to his hand Y/N blinked before tossing the knife away, clearly drunk. Putting some money down he stumbled out the bar, trying falling flat on his face but he caught himself.

The Huntsman made his way towards the B-and-B he was staying at, it being quite dark as most people were home by now. Kicking open the door he shuffled inside, dropping the coat on the floor.

Y/N: Honey, i'm ho-

He instantly fell asleep, falling face first on the floor as the door was shut thanks to the wind. His snores echoed through the B-and-B while he dreamt of old and painful memories.

(7 months ago)

Kali: I can't trust you when you say that!

Y/N: C'mon, you know me!

Kali: Exactly! That's why i don't trust you

Y/N: What part of "I promise i will come home safe" is untrustworthy?

She sighed and closed her suitcase before looking to the Huntsman who had bandages on his forehead and medical plasters over his broken nose and heavily bruised cheek.

Kali: It's the words, it's the person they're coming from

Y/N: Then why am i untrustworthy?

Kali: You said you'd come back safe, but look at you! Your face is more bandages then skin!

Y/N: It is not!

Staring at him blankly Y/N maintained his point, not wanting to back down. Kali sighed and picked up her suitcase before heading towards the door which made him follow her.

Y/N: Where are you going?

Kali: Home. Back to the Menagerie

Y/N: Come on, don't be like that

Kali: Until you can prove to me that you're responsible enough as a functioning adult

She soon left as Y/N stood there, stunned. He quickly turned around and marched off to his room, grabbing his weapon which was a sword that morphed into a shotgun and grabbed his scroll, looking for mission.


Hearing a knock at his door Y/N groaned, his head pounding from his hang over. He slowly got up, heading over to the door as his hand fumbled with the doorknob, a groan coming from him.

He opened the door and was hit by sunlight making the Huntsman groan louder. Squinting Y/N looked around, seeing no one although her heard something from below him, so he looked down.

Upon opening his eyes a bit more Y/N saw a basket with a blanket covering it's contents making him blink a few times. Picking it up he brought it inside, digging his hand into it to take something out.

Y/N: At least i've got some breakfast...

Feeling something fleshy inside Y/N pulled it out, not looking as he went to take a bit if it. However the Huntsman stopped upon feeling it move around causing him to slowly look over.

In his hand was a baby girl, no older then four or five months. Her hair was black and short, her eyes a nice amber colour while two cat faunas ears sat atop her head which made him freeze.

The baby just stared at him which made him stare back at her. Slowly Y/N placed her back in the basket and laid the blanket over her before backing up as he held his hands up to around shoulder height.

A few moments later the basket spilled over and the baby crawled out, going towards the Huntsman which made him scurry backwards, sitting on the table as she looked up to him.

Grabbing his scroll Y/N began to go through his contacts before finally finding the right one causing him to call them. As he held his scroll against his ear Y/N waited, looking down to the baby for a moment.

Mom: Yes?

Y/N: H-Hey, quick question, if i were to be a parent, what should i do?

Mom: ...Well, first rule is- Don't. Shake. The baby

Y/N: Wha-

Mom: Don't hold onto it's sides and start shaking the absolute shit out of it while shouting. "You're weak! And you'll never be a Huntsman!" It'll give them a complex

Y/N: Okaaay...

Mom: Rule number 2- Don't force feed them coffee, it'll stunt their growth

He stared at his scroll before hanging up and sighing. Placing a hand atop his head he groaned in annoyance and got off the table, walking around the baby and towards it's basket.

Picking up her note Y/N read that her name was Blake, and that she wasn't a fussy eater, but was able to eat baby food now. Slowly looking to her the Huntsman picked her up.

He stared at her before her face shifted to a sad one and she began to whimper. Y/N raised an eyebrow before Blake began to cry, annoying him to all hell as she was way too loud for him.

Y/N: Stop. Stop! Stop that right now!

She didn't, instead she began to cry louder as Y/N growled in annoyance/anger. His hands didn't get tighter around her, although a vein popped up on his forehead from her screaming.



He layed on the floor, eyes wide as they stared at the ceiling above them. Blake continued to cry, still not stopping as Y/N panted, in disbelief that she was still crying and screaming.

Y/N: She... She out-screamed me... No one out-screams Y/N!

Shooting up he looked to her, her cries soon stopped as Blake saw his face, instead giggling back clapping her hands slightly which made him pause, pulling a face as she continued to giggle.

He grumbled, looking away. Blake crawled over to him, slowly climbing onto his lap before looking up to the shorter then average male. Turning his gaze to her she grabbed his nose and giggled.

Y/N: ...I'll sell you, i swear to God i'll do it

(Lemme know what you think)

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