Growing Up (Finale)

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(Sorry this took so damn long to come out. This was really fun to write, and i'll try doing more wholesome and laidback stuff again. Thanks for reading, this couldn't have been done without you all)

3rd person pov

The school holiday had come which ment there was alot more free time in the day and Blake, being a kid, had energy for most of it. To help exhaust her energy Y/N took her to the park.

As he sat down on the bench, watching her play so the Huntsman didn't lose sight of him another parent joined him which made Y/N glance over to them as they did it back, noticing the lack of ring on his finger.

Parent: You're raising yours on your own? Must be rough

Y/N: Uh, no, actually. I have a wife, and she's transgender

Parent: Oh really?

Y/N: Yeah, she's over there

They looked over to see no one which caused a look of confusion to appear on their face before turning back to Y/N who seemed to be holding back a smile, although they didn't know why.

Y/N: She's a transparent

After a moment their expression dropped and they rolled their eyes at his horrible joke. Getting up they walked away and went to another bench as Y/N let out a breath and looked to Blake.

She came over while sniffling softly and limping a bit which caused concern to appear in Y/N's mind as he came over and crouched down, placing his hands on her shoulders.

Y/N: What happened?

Blake: M-My knee

He looked down and paused, seeing that she scrapped her knee which made him lower his head. He cleaned up the blood before looking to the jungle gym with rage in his eyes.

Y/N: Who was it...? Who hurt you? I don't care if they're a child! If they can crawl they can brawl!

Blake: I just f-fell...

Y/N: Oh... let's go home then

She nodded and reached up towards Y/N so he picked her up and began to take her back to their home as the young faunas sniffled slightly, holding onto her father tightly.


Blake: Come on, let's go!

Y/N: I'm too old for this...

A twelve year old Blake pulled Y/N as they walked up a hill. Both had aged although one grew up while the other seemed to be like cheese, getting worse looking with age... or at least that's what he thought.

Y/N: Why are we doing this again...?

Blake: Because i don't want you to end up old and fat! You'll get heart problems

Y/N: I'm only 32-

Blake: Exactly, you're old!

He frowned slightly before the two of them reached the top of the hill. Y/N let out a breath and sat down as he leaned against a tree which caused Blake to glance to him and sit down as well.

She took out a bottle from her bag and handed it to her father so he smiled a bit and took it thankfully before drinking from it. Y/N screwed the lid back on and handed it back to her.

Blake: ...Tell me something i did as a kid i don't remember

Y/N: Well, you saw the movie Psycho when you were little, and the shower scene scared you. So when i went to make you take a bath you brought a knife with you so if Norman Bates ever appeared you could stab him first

Blake: Oh my gosh, really? That's so dumb!

Y/N: Yeah, well, not the dumbest idea i've heard in my life...

Blake: You talking about Kail?

He nodded which caused the faunas to come over and pat his shoulder with a smile, making Y/N smile a bit. Blake then sat down and looked out to the view happily.

Blake: It's okay. You're the best dad i could have

Y/N: Heh... thanks


Sitting at home an older Y/N let out a breath as he cycled through the channels. Hearing footsteps he looked over to see Blake, now seventeen, who had a nervous expression on her face.

Blake: Dad, i have... a secret to tell you

Y/N: What is it?

Blake: I-I've, uh, i've had a girlfriend for a month now. I've just been too scared to tell you...

This caused the Huntsman to pause for a moment as he thought, linking his fingers together Y/N hummed. If she was dating a girl that means she can't get pregnant early... and need to give up on her dreams.

He then stood up and pat Blake's shoulder, her ears raised up as Y/N grew a smile which helped relieve her worries. She then hugged him and he hugged her back as the faunas smiled.

Y/N: As long as she makes you happy, then i'm happy for you. Will i be able to meet her-

Being cut off by the doorbell ringing Blake slipped away and went over to it, opening the door to reveal a girl with tanned skin and brown hair tied in a ponytail that curled like a lizards tail.

Blake: Ilia, this is my dad. Dad, this is Ilia... my girlfriend

Ilia: Nice to... meet you

Her expectations of how daunting he might be were severely destroyed upon seeing that Y/N was two inches shorter then her, and a human. Coming over the Huntsman looked to her before humming.

Y/N: Nice to meet you too

Ilia: Y-Your daughter is a wonderful person, sir

Y/N: Yes, i know, certainly doesn't get it from me. Anyway, have fun you two

Blake: See you when i get back!

She went over and hugged him quickly before going to Ilia and taking her hand, walking away. Y/N shut the door and went over to the couch, sitting down with a weary breath.

Reaching over to the coffee table he grabbed a picture frame and brought it over, looking at a picture of him and a very young Blake. She had appeared on his head when the picture was taken which made him yell and try to grab her.

A smile grew on his aged face as he brushed off some dust with his thumb. A feeling of accomplishment overcame him as he wiped a forming tear out his eye and stared at the picture.

Y/N: You did good, Y/N... you did good. She's a no longer a kid, and she can take care of herself now...

(Lemme know what you think)

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