The Joy Of Parenthood

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(Damn... that was a really good reception to the first chapter)

3rd person pov

Laying on the floor, exhausted, Y/N looked over to see Blake who crawled under a table. He tried to reach for her but she simply turned, dodging him before looking to the Huntsman, her ears twitching.

Y/N: I will catch you... nothing hides from me!

He got onto all fours and lept towards her, trying to grab the evasive baby. However she somehow disappeared making Y/N go through her and hit his head on a table leg, Blake was somehow on a chair.

Holding his head in pain Y/N rolled around on the floor, groaning in pain which made the baby giggle and clap her hands slightly. Soon looking to her he growled and reached out, his hands closing around her.

However they simply went through her which made Y/N pause. Glancing to his side he saw Blake crawl away as he gritted his teeth, a vein popping up on his head in frustration.

Y/N: Damn teleporting babies! Get back here or i'll sell you to the oriental!


After about three hours of chasing her Blake finally fell asleep leaving Y/N to flop on his couch as he looked to the basket she came in. Who would send him a baby, and why did they think he is a good enough person to take care of another.

He reached over and looked to the note left for him. Nothing about it let him know who sent it, nor what their intentions were. The Huntsman sighed softly, soon getting up as he went towards the door.

Opening it Y/N saw someone standing in front of it which made him pause. They looked ragged, and tired. A bandage was wrapped around their forehead as it seemed they just escaped from an attack.

Y/N: ...You have five seconds to explain why you're at my door

?: I-I heard that you're a Huntsman, and i wanted your help

Y/N: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-

?: Bandits nearly killed my family!

Y/N: Bandits? Why did you say so?! Where are they?

?: P-Please, just let me

Grinning Y/N shut the door and went into his room, slipping into his Huntsman clothes before grabbing his weapon. Sheathing it he went to leave but saw Blake sleeping on his bed which made him pause.

He sighed, knowing that even he wouldn't just leave a baby on their own. Thinking of a way to take her without having to hold her Y/N hummed, placing a hand against his chin.


Y/N: 30 Lien... for this

He had to wear a cloak to hide what he brought, although it was slightly restricting. The Huntsman came close to Burma, hoping the bandits were still around there as he had some frustration to let loose.

Seeing a few people with weapons walking around Y/N went to pull out his weapon but something on him started to cry which caught their attention. They looked to him making him freeze as they pointed their weapons at the Huntsman.

Bandit 1: Give us your stuff

Y/N: Make me

One approached him, grabbing his cloack and attempting to rip it off. Y/N pulled back his hand and bitch slapped the bandit as his cloak fell, revealing Blake in a child harness on his chest

They stared at him as he bent his knees, his hand hovering over sheathed weapon as he went to draw it. But Y/N quickly realised he'd deafen Blake is he fired a gun this close to the baby.

Y/N: Surely they wouldn't shoot me if i have a baby, right?

Bandit 2: Shoot him, and the baby!

Y/N: You monsters!

Placing his hands on top of Blake's ears Y/N dodged the bullets fired at him, making sure the baby doesn't get hit. He thought that it was probably best not to expose her to death at such a young age.

The Huntsman looked down to the baby who was trying to move his hands off her ears. Taking a breath Y/N ran out from behind his cover and jumped over a fence, fly kicking one bandit.

They were knocked out causing him to kick their gun into the air before punting it into to face of another. It ricocheted and hit the last one making Y/N throw up his hands in victory.

Y/N: Victory is handed to me once again!

Upon him shouting triumph Blake whispered, his voice being too loud. Slowly looking down to the baby he paused as her lip quivered, soon crying and screaming as he shook in frustration.



Standing over his bed Y/N saw the sleeping Blake and paused. He got onto his knees, resting his arms on tbe corners of the bed while watching her, a faint smile slowly making it's way to his lips.

Y/N: When she's not making my life hell, she's kind of cute... she reminds me of Kali

He continued to watch her as her ears twitched, peaceful. Slowly Y/N got up and left the room, closing the door silently before letting out a sigh of relief and going into the living room.


Kali: I know this is a weird question, but if we ever had kids, what would you call them

Y/N: ...Buck for a boy, Lake for a girl

Kali: Those are... unique

Y/N: Please, as if you could come up with a better name

Kali: I guess you're right

*flashback end*

He sat on the the couch and ran a hand through his hair. Grabbing paper he began to write a letter, one to Kali, the person who left him instead of the other way around which was the case most his life.

Y/N: I hope you get this... i really hope that you see i've "changed"... whatever you meant by that

(Lemme know what you think)

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