Getting Older

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(I'mma just time skip-)

3rd person pov

Y/N: Hmm...

Groaning as he layed in bed Y/N slowly opened his eyes, feeling something nudging his arm which made him turn to see Blake who was trying to wake the Huntsman up with a happy look on her face.

Blake: Papa! Up!

Y/N: I'm getting up...

It had been three and a half years since Y/N had brought Blake in, and things had been eventually to say the least. There was when she had to go through teething, which was an experience


Blake cried as Y/N held the sides of his head, trying to cover his ears as her cries echoed throughout his house and wouldnt cease, his mom's words of advice not being the slightest bit helpful.

Y/N: Stop screaming! AHHHHHHHH-

*Flashback end*

But luckily she didn't go through her terrible twos, instead she was a curious and happy toddler. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes and looked to the faunas as she smiled and clambered onto the bed.

She then grabbed his nose which made the Huntsman's face drop as she giggled, soon taking her hand back as she held it in the air and stuck her thumb between her fingers.

Blake: Got you nose!

As Y/N reached towards her his hand phased through the faunas. Cocking an eyebrow she appeared at the foot of the bed, her hand peaking over as she waved it triumphantly.

He then got up as her feet could be heard scurrying away which made him sigh then chuckle. Walking out his room he yawned and stretched his arms above his head, not even touching the top of the door frame.

Following after her Y/N saw Blake hide behind a chair which made him roll his eyes and walk past her, deciding to play along as he went into the kitchen, pretending not to see her.

As he began to make himself a drink he heard her feet patter against the floor which made him turn back only to see nothing. Looking forward the Huntsman was met with Blake on the counter which made him panic.

Y/N: Don't go up here, it's dangerous!

Picking her up she then put her hand against his nose and offered a smile before he sighed and placed her down. She then dropped her smile and hung her head apologetically.

Blake: Sorry... i just wanna give nose back

Y/N: It's okay, just don't do it again

She nodded before the doorbell rang whcih which made the both of them look over. Going over to the front door he opened it to reveal Kali who was smiling warmly as Blake shortly appeared beside him.

The younger Faunas gasped before hugging her leg which made Kali giggle as Y/N took a step back, cracking a smile as he rubbed the back of his head while looking to the two.

Y/N: Thanks for agreeing to take care of her

Kali: No problem. It's a treat to be do it!

Nodding he went to change as Kali stepped inside with Blake following her, the two going into the living room and sitting down on the couch after the older Faunas picked the other up.

After a moment Y/N stepped out as he was wearing his Huntsman gear, a familiar sight for Kali which made her smile. Approaching the two he bent down and pet Blake's head which caused a smile to appear on her face.

Y/N: You be good, okay?

Blake: Uh huh!

He smiled before nodding at Kali, shortly leaving as the door shut behind him which left the two alone in the house. Looking up to the older faunas Blake steadily stood up on the sofa.

Kali: So, what would you like to do?

Blake: Hmm... get you and papa married!

Kali: Wh-What? Where did you learn that word?

Blake: A book!

Kali: Reading at your age? I'm impressed... but no, we can't get married

Blake: Aww... why not?

Kali: We don't like eachother like that

Blake: Papa likes you!

The older faunas hummed before getting up and taking Blake to the kitchen where she began to root around in the fridge while the younger faunas's eyes widened in hope.

Soon she took out soon salmon out the fridge that was hidden behind something that Y/N even struggled to get. Bouncing around happily Blake watched as she began to cook it for the both of them.

Looking to her Kali placed her finger on her lips, gesturing for her to keep quiet about this which made Blake nod as she placed a finger against her own, a smile still on her face as her ears twitched.


The door slowly opened as it creaked which made Y/N flinch, lights coming from the front room. Taking off his shoes he made his way into the front room to see Kali sitting there as Blake was nowhere to be spotted.

Her ears twitched as she turned back, seeing the Huntsman a smile appeared on her face. Y/N went over to a seat and sat down, letting out a breath as he sunk into the cushions.

Kali: Tiring mission?

Y/N: Yeah... Blake's worse though

Kali: Y/N

Y/N: I'm kidding, i'm kidding. Still don't know how you get her to behave

Kali: Guess she sees me as a figure to listen to-

Y/N: You fed her the salmon, didn't you?

She paused, tryint to come up with an excuse before chuckling nervously and rubbing the back of her head. Y/N sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before sitting up.

Looking to her he took a breath and lowered his hand before clenching his fists, seemingly like he was trying to prepare himself for something, but Kali was oblivious to it.

Y/N: Kali, i... i wanna ask if you...

Kali: What?

Y/N: ...Do you want to come to the aquarium with me and Blake next week? She seems to like you, so it'd be more fun for her

Kali: I'd love to!

(Lemme know what you think also sorry for the lateness of this

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