Another Parent

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3rd person pov

Seeing Blake walk into her preschool class with Yang, the name of Raven's daughter, he soon turned around and began to leave with the other parent in toe, the two walking together.

Raven: So, what do you do?

Y/N: I'm a Huntsman... when i can get someone to take care of Blake

Raven: Huh. Me too, except with Yang, of course

He nodded slightly as the two continued to walk. As they did parents passed them by while trying to rush their child to hurry up, nearly being late. Looking into the sky Y/N let out a breath before he slouched forward.

Y/N: I've been slacking. I got so much weaker because i needed to focus on raising Blake

Raven: It's been like that for me for... about three and a half years now

Y/N: Then what happened for the first year and a half?

Raven: I was with someone. But it turns out he loved someone else, so we divorced

Y/N: Oh. Sorry, must've been hard

She shrugged a bit as the two continued walking towards the road they lived on. Oddly enough, despite the world they lived in which was filled with fighting and death, things were peaceful.

However the Huntress couldn't help but smirk upon seeing the height difference between the two. She was around 10 inches taller then Y/N which made it look like he was a midget in comparison.

Raven: What about you? Where's Blake's mom

Y/N: She dropped her off at my door when she was a baby then just expected to come back into her life

Raven: Did she leave you because you're short?

Y/N: I'm not short! You're all just tall!

He tick appeared on his forehead as he turned his head to the side and crossed his arms. A nerve had obviously been struck within Y/N and Raven couldn't help but laugh at his outburst.

Hearing this Y/N looked over as the Huntress failed to contain her laughter. Her normal stoic shield had fallen to expose and smiling face, although it was at the expense of Y/N.

Despite this he couldn't help but calm down slightly as her laughing eased him, if only a bit. Looking down the Huntsman took a breath, attempting to ignore the fact that she was laughing at his shortness.

Y/N: I just hope Blake doesn't inherit this from me...

Raven: I-I'm sure she'll be fine

Managing to calm down Raven placed a hand on her chest and let out a heavy breath before chuckling faintly and lowering her hand. She glanced to Y/N who had his hands in his pockets and was looking forward.

Raven: Thanks for that... it's been a while since i've laughed that much

Y/N: Yeah, well, you were laughing at me. But whatever, it's fine

Raven: Still. Wanna go to my place, it has to be 5pm somewhere

Y/N: ...I like how you're thinking


Leaning back on the leather couch in Raven's house they both sipped on a drink as Y/N stared at a fire place. Above it was a white mask with red accents and a sheathed sword just below it.

Y/N: Can't drink too much. Still gotta pick up the girls...

Raven: Do you know anyone at the preschool who could pick them up?

Y/N: Well, most the parents don't like me there...


Parent: They allow Faunas here? The standards some people fall to, even having a half Faunas kid

Y/N: You... Hey, what's that on your face?

Parent: What's on my fa-



Raven: Wow...

The Huntsman nodded slightly as he took a swig from his drink before letting out a breath and kicking his feet up onto the table. Crossing them over eachother he sank into the couch.

Y/N: Yep. A broken nose and a restraining order later, i have no parent there who likes me... apart from another Faunas parent, but they're still spooked from that

Raven: Guess we gotta be moderate with this then

She grabbed a remote and turned on the T.V, the two beginning to watch it as they nursed their drinks carefully, knowing that they couldn't get drunk. A cheesy movie was playing on the screen as they both rolled their eyes.

Finishing his drink Y/N grabbed his scroll and went through some job offers, needing to find one as to actually get money and not starve. Raven looked over and put her drink down, sitting up.

Y/N: Would you mind taking care of Blake for a few days?

Raven: Only if you'll do the same for me when i need to go on a mission

Y/N: Great, you're picking them up them!

Raven: Wait, what?

A split second later Y/N left the house and went to his own, changing and grabbing his weapon before leaving in the direction of the airship docks. Running a hand through her hair the Huntress got up.

Taking the drinks she poured them down the sink and tossed the bottles in the recycling bin. She turned off the T.V and checked her scroll before seeing the time and heading out after slipping her shoes on.

On the way to the preschool she bought a mint as to help get rid of the stench of alcohol from her breath, it seeming like a bad idea to have that lingering on her when picking them up.

Around 10 minutes later Raven made it to the preschool and waited as the girls grabbed their things before the parents were allowed to pick up their children, but understandable confusion came from the young faunas.

Blake: Why isn't papa picking me up?

Raven: He's off on a mission. So you'll be staying at my place over the weekend... you're not allergic to anything, are you?

Blake: Um... fruit!

Raven: Really, fruit?

Blake: Yes...?

Raven: ...Alright then, but you can't have ice cream then, strawberry is a fruit after all

Blake: Wait! I-I'm not!

Raven: That's what i thought

(Lemme know what you think)

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