The Truth Comes Out

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(In case anyone was wondering, the stuff being Y/N and Kali isn't the main focus, which should be obvious given the stories name)

3rd person pov

Blake: Papa, can we pet the stingrays?!

Y/N: Let's just get through the rest of the aquarium first

She nodded as her, Y/N and Kali began to go through the halls. The older faunas had agreed to come, although felt out of place as even though Blake was her daughter, they weren't a family.

Reaching up Blake held Y/N's hand which made him pause before doing it back, making sure the young girl wouldn't get lost. Soon they arrived in front of a shark tank which made them go over.

The younger faunas looked to it in amazement as the sharks swam around, however one lunged at the glass and bared it's teeth which scared Blake and make her back away.

Lokking between the two Y/N had a look of confusion before he went over to the side, trying to find a way in so he could punch the shark. Kali came over and dragged him away as he struggled.

Y/N: Let me go! He thinks he's so cool behind the glass, but let's see what happens when i'm in there with him!

Kali: We'll get kicked out-

Y/N: Only after i kick his teeth in!

As she continued to drag him away Y/N grumbled and crossed his arms as Blake followed along, watching her adoptive father before giggling and catching up to him.

Eventually calming down they walked down a hallway in the middle of a large enclosure, allowing them to see fish swimming all around them as the younger faunas looked around in awe.

She went over and grabbed Y/N's hand, tugging it as she pointed in a direction. Looking over the Huntsman saw a school of fish swimming about as there was a wide smile on Blake's face.

Blake: Papa, Papa look! They're so pretty!

Y/N: Y...Yeah, they are

Soon a gleam appeared in her eyes as she dragged Y/N around, pointing out many different fish. Simply allowing it to happen he followed along side her, making sure he didn't lose the girl.

Kali was behind them, gladly watching as she realised it wasn't her place to intrude in a family like this. One that should know they are actually related, and not family a by adoption only.

Soon arriving at the coveted place Blake was yearning for she rushed over and rolled up her sleeves. Sticking her hands in the water she felt the stingrays go across her palms which made her giggle.

Tapping Y/N's shoulder Kali gestured for him to follow her. He looked to the young faunas for a moment to see her enjoying herself which made him nod and step back a few paces.

Kali: So... you know how you said you found Blake on your doorstep

Y/N: Yeah, why?

Kali: W-Well, that... that was because... o-of me. She's our daughter, that i left for you to take care of

Y/N:...So that's why you were getting fat

Kali: Y-You're awfully calm...

Y/N: Oh no, i'm absolutely fuming. Don't talk to me or my daughter again

He just left her and went back to Blake as she gestured he brings his hand into the water to touch the stingrays. Doing it Y/N felt one run across his hand as the younger faunas giggled.

Watching from where she was Kali frowned, holding back her emotions before leaving as Blake didn't notice, only focused on what she was doing with her father as Y/N took a deep breath.


Y/N: Say, Blake... what do you want to do when you're an adult?

Blake: Um... i wanna be like Papa!

Y/N: What do you mean by that?

Blake: I wanna help people, and stuff

Looking up to her as she sat on his shoulders Y/N sighed softly and continued walking. She looked ahead of them, feeling taller thanks to being on his shoulders although not by much.

Blake: What happened to Kali?

Y/N: She... had to go, family emergency

Blake: I hope she's okay...

Y/N: Yeah

Spotting someone about to come out an alley Y/N drew his foot back and kicked a rock, sending it to their forehead. It hit them making them stumble back and fall in a pile of trash.

He didn't suspect them, or think they were going to do anything, he was just angry. After a while they made it home and Y/N ushered Blake inside before he closed the door and stayed outside for a bit.

Taking a deep breath he began to pace back and forth as he had his arms crossed, the Huntsman contemplating something before he stopped and began to tap his foot quickly with a sigh.

Y/N: So she didnt trust me, she thought i was too reckless or something, and yet she made me take care of a baby? Why didng she tell me "Hey, you've got a kid, please help" instead of just leaving her on my doorstep!? But... Blake's actually my daughter... that's a good thing

He let out a breath and sat down, running a hand through his hair before the door opened behind him. Turning around Y/N saw Blake standing there with a nervous look about her.

She then came over quickly and hugged her father which made him pause for a moment, not expecting this. However he soon wrapped an arm around her, patting her back gently.

Blake: Is papa okay...? I heard you shout...

Y/N: Yeah, I'm okay... so, you want to be a huntress, right?

Blake: Uh huh

Y/N: Well, when you turn five, i'll start to teach you some stuff, okay?

Blake: But why not now...?

Y/N: Too young. Let's just get inside, it's cold

She nodded before the two got up and went inside. Y/N watched her walk into the front room as her ears twitched before he cracked a smile and followed her, content with being her parent, glad he didn't take her to an orphanage when he found her.

Blake: Can we have tuna?

Y/N: You have to eat something other then fish

Blake: I don't wanna...

Y/N: I swear, you would've eaten the fish at the aquarium if you could

Blake: ...

Y/N: Blake, please tell me you didn't

Blake: Um...

(Lemme know what you think, also sorry if you wanted Y/N and Kali to be a thing)

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