Holly Jolly Christmas

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(This is a Christmas chapter. Btw, the support for this story is insane. Thank you all so much.)

3rd person pov

Blake: We need to put up the tree, c'mon!

A tired sigh escaped Y/N as he made his way towards the attic. Pulling on the opening after stepping onto a stool it opened and the ladder descended so the Huntsman climbed up and into the attic.

Reaching around once getting inside he found the light switch and pulled on it, the lightbulb flickered momentarily before illuminating the dark attic to show a number of boxes and various junk.

He began to look through then, attempting to find the Christmas tree, however Y/N stumbled upon the basket he found Blake in which made him smile slightly. Moving it out the way he found the tree along with a box of decorations.

Blake: Have you found it?!

Y/N: Yeah, move out the way!

Taking the tree to the exit he slid it down before taking the box of decorations with him as he carefully descended the ladder. The Huntsman closed the attic and began to take the tree downstairs.

As he did Blake picked up the decorations and followed, wanting to help due to being impatient to see the tree decorated. Making it to the front room Y/N let out a breath and stood it up straight, beginning to set it up.

Smiling widely the young faunas came over and set the box down, watching Y/N set up the tree. He straightened the branches, making sure everything looked nice before hearing Blake gasp.

Blake: Can Yang and her mom come around?

Y/N: Why?

Blake: Because it'll be fun!

Y/N: I dunno, they probably have their own plans

Feeling her tug at his pant leg Y/N looked down to see Blake looking up at him with pleading eyes. To add to this her ears flattened against her hesitated which made the Huntsman hesitate.

Blake: Please...?

Y/N: I... You- Ah... fine...

She then smiled brightly and hugged Y/N's leg which caused him to reach down and gently pat her head as he looked away. Still  after five years of parenting, he hasn't learnt to say no.


Standing outside a door Raven sighed as Yang sat on her shoulders, a Christmas hat rested ontop of her head as she carried a bag in one hand and rang the doorbell with the other. It shortly opened as the Huntress gripped the bag.

Raven: Sorry if i look ridiculous, Yang made me wear it

Y/N: Don't worry, Blake made me too...

The two parents were both made to wear the hats which made Raven chuckle lightly before Y/N moved out of the way, allowing her to come inside and place Yang down who went over to Blake.

Raven: Thanks for inviting me. It would've just been the two of us otherwise

Y/N: Yeah, us too

Shutting the door he took a breath before noticing the bag in Raven's hand which made him raise an eyebrow. She just stepped past him and went towards the tree, placing down presents.

The Huntsman smiled slightly and slipped into the kitchen, pouring two glasses of eggnog before coming back and handing one to his talled neighbour who took it and looked to him.

Raven: So, what are we calling this, festive drinking?

Y/N: Festive drinking sounds better then alcoholism

She chuckled then took a sip as they made their way over to the couch. Sitting down the two girls joined them shortly and looked over to the tree, more specifically the presents, with excitement.

Placing down his glass Y/N reached over and grabbed both a present for Blake and for Yang. He passed them to the both of them as Raven glanced to him, huffing in amusement.

Raven: You got us stuff too?

Y/N: Blake was insistent on it

Raven: Well, at least i'm not alone on this


Hours passed and the two girls were passed out from exhaustion/tiredness. They were asleep on the couch, just a bit seperate as the adults sat there, nursing their drinks while a movie played quietly on the T.V.

Raven: Just... explain to me why you're so short

Y/N: My mom force fed me coffee as a baby... and it stunted my growth

Raven: How does that work though?

Y/N: I dunno. How does your body get enough blood around with how lanky you are?

Raven: How do you find adult clothes in your size?

Y/N: How do you find enough shampoo for that bush on your head?

They stared at eachother, obviously a bit drunk, before laughing softly as Raven leaned back into the couch and ran a hand through her hair. Y/N took a breath and slowly stood up, a faint grown coming from him.

The Huntress also got up and carefully picked up Yang, holding the sleeping girl in her arms and smiling softly as she looked to her. Soon turning her gaze to Y/N the smile stayed before she let out a breath.

Raven: Well, today was nice. Thanks for this, Y/N... i'll see you soon

Y/N: Yeah. Stay safe

She nodded before leaving, the front door shutting a moment later. Reaching over Y/N gently picked Blake up and took her to her room, gently laying her down as he smiled a bit.

Pulling the duvet over her the Huntsman made sure she was comfortable before brushing some hair out her face and patting her head gently which made her faunas ears twitch.

Y/N: ...Merry Christmas, Blake

(Lemme know what you think)

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