Somebody Else

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Finn admires her from far away.

Temple rested on the window-door frame, a foot planted to the ground while the fingers of the other one are slightly curved as they are touching the floor.
His arms are crossed, brown eyes dreamy as he is loving her just by the mere sight of her frame.

She is so sensual in her innocence, juicy like a passion fruit; she is sunbathing, wrapped in that pair of yellow cotton shorts and a mint green tank top. Her mousy hair is collected into a messy bun, and her pretty eyes are covered by her golden lenses.

He can't control his legs moving to that miracle standing not that far from her.

And her sixth sense is working; Millie can feel his presence behind her. A shiver runs down her spine, as she loves feeling him so close to her.

Words flow naturally out of his mouth in the moment he enters in her aura, "You know what day is this, little brat?"

"They day in which you finally know how to change diapers to Prince?" She chuckles, fixing her roundish golden on the tip of her nose with a finger.

She breaks the magic, but in a way, that was how their relationship worked: being silly to each other and make each other laugh.
And Finn was a champion in that.

He almost gags at the thought of it. Their son wasn't certainly the most perfumed thing in the universe; yes, he was a "stinky ball of love", as he liked to call him.

"It is not my fault I can't deal with his royal poop. It's fucking disgusting."

She rolls her eyes up to him, shaking her head as she is gently tapping her fingers on her laptop while laying on the beach chair. She was in the swimming pool deck, taking advantage of the spring air and the warm sun up in the sky. It was a great day to not doing anything at all.

Well, almost. Millie was actually writing one of her final essays — her graduation would come the following the month, and she couldn't be more excited. Just one final exam to go, and she would finally be free.

"So," He covered her eyes with just a hand, "Do you know what day is this or not?"

How could she forget one of the best event of her life? Avoiding her sudden redness was impossible, as she remembered that far away day of May...

She finds herself smiling with tender candor, even if she can't see anything now, "The day in which you proposed to me two years ago?"

It was it. The day he climbed upon that plum tree just to ask for her forgiveness; then, he took her to Castle Wolfbrown for the first time, and for the first time they loved each other in a new kind of way. That day he stopped being a coward, and together, they chose to fight against the world, being the heroes of their own destiny.

"So clever, bookworm." He smirks, as with the other hand he takes out two tickets from his pocket, "Open your pretty eyes now."

Doing what is she told, Millie's eyelids slightly open, her irises readjusting to the light outside and catching all the the beautiful colors around her, and not only them. Because right in front of her, he's holding a pair of tickets for a concert of...

"The 1975! Baby!" Millie screeches, grabbing the tickets and immediately jumping off the deck chair and looping her arms around his torso.

With all the love she has, she snuggles her cheek on his abdomen and holds him tightly; and for Finn, this is the best reward he could ever get, for Millie's love is the only thing that keeps his world spin around.

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