First Day!

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Prince Wolfhard loved his bedtime story. It was probably his favorite part of the night for three simple reasons.

The first one: he could snuggle and cuddle Millie unashamedly. His king sized bed was the fluffiest thing ever, he could roll in it like a burrito and sleep in pure delight, undisturbed in that sea of softness.

Sometimes, Winnie jumped on it too to sleep next to him.

The second one: his little sister always slept before him so he could enjoy the bedtime story without hearing her asking questions every time she could. She was terribly chatty.

The third one: the tales. Mommy especially, she was so original in that. The way she narrated was mesmerizing, entertaining, as if she knew exactly what to say to catch his attention.
A real storyteller.

Now, Prince's eyes can barely stay open as Millie's voice drags him into a profound and calm abyss of tranquility. The atmosphere is the best one: dim lights, the warmth of his bedroom, the blue blankets, the tale of princess and knights of faraway lands... Everything is screaming: bedtime.

When she glimpses at her baby's eyelids getting close, Millie gently closes the book, resting it on the nightstand.

Her little bean was nearly asleep.

"Mommy how does it," Prince yawns with open mouth, blinking in the vein attempt to stay awake. "How does the story end?"

"We will find out tomorrow. Now it's time to sleep. You dad already put your sister to bed." She says, giving him a soft stroke on his curls and fluffing his pillow.

"Ugh... I don't wanna wake up tomorrow. It's the first day of school." His voice is anything but pleased when he utters that cursed word.

Millie already knows how this conversation will end: with the usual beg to not let him go as he wants to stay home with them.

But instead of scolding him, she gets more comfortable on the bed and lays next to him on the top of the duvet. Kindness was always the best approach.

"Princy, we already discussed it," She gives him a tender a glance. "You have to go."

He turns on his right side, facing her and placing a hand on her cheek. "But it's not fair mommy... I don't wanna go. Why don't you want me anymore?"

Now, her face softens. There is nothing she can do about it: her son is one of her weaknesses, especially when he pulled the Finn's pout type of thing. Impossible to resist.

"Baby love, of course I want you. I love staying with you, but it's time for you to see something besides home, don't you think?"

He shakes his head, firm. "No."

Stubborn just like her.

For that, Millie shows him a tender smile as she keeps stroking his curls. "But the world—is so big, so marvelous, so unlimited. School is the first place you'll explore!"

"But—What if... what if people won't like me?" He says with a frown. His pouty lips are pressed together, trying to mask his anxiety.

"How can they not like the most spectacular baby boy in the whole world? You're so—" Millie brushes her lips from his little bottom nose to his forehead, smashing butterfly kisses. "Cute! And gentle!"

Every time mom does that thing he giggles. Only she could make him happy within a second. That was her magic.

But no matter how hard she is trying to sugar coat what is going to happen tomorrow, Prince is still worried about the future. The uncertainty of what he would have found once he stepped out from his Castle.

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