Lost and Found

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Their life together began in a cold day of October.

Finn Wolfhard, a spoiled and rich businessman met Millie Bobby Brown, a broke student who was urged to work for him as a housemaid until she paid her father's debt.

Looking back, oh boy, they really did hate each other: he was insolent and arrogant, while she was a kind young girl who had never seen the world with her pure soul. A spoiled prince and a gentle bookworm. But then, one thing lead to another, and after a year of adventures and sufferance, they both had fulfilled their dream: their happily ever after. 

Two years after that eclipse of love, the meeting in which the sun and the moon collided, there they were again, keeping up with their differences, their fights and their amazing, curious and bratty baby boy.

The choice of his name was a funny story.

"Okay, now that we are about to find out the baby's gender..." Millie slammed the book of names on the kitchen table, right in front of Finn.

"Let's begin and make up our minds once and for all!" She chirped in all of her enthusiasm, almost overwhelming her boyfriend with her contagious laughs.

To be completely honest, he wasn't in the mood for other arguments about the name. He was busy dealing with stuff  for his Records, but how can you say no to that pretty face, anyway?

"Okay, but I already told you— Michael ain't it." Finn snorted, not really on the mood for choosing names.

Especially when they were about to marry in a month and Millie was, well, hot like that: her face was adorned by two honey short pigtails, and she was wearing a red maternity dress — strawberry patterned — and high socks til her knees. If she bent down a bit, he would even see everything.

Damn, her beauty gave him that stupid tickle all over his body. Her angelic innocence always drove him crazy.

Finn tilted his head, focusing better on the curve on her rear, and immediately biting his down lip, "Have I ever told you I could stare at your ass all day?"

Her cheeks tinted of the same color of her dress. He never failed to be inopportune or making her embarrassed for nothing.

She rolled her eyes up to the sky, "Unfortunately, you have."

He smirked, "Then I'll tell you again: I love your ass. UNESCO should make it world heritage site."

She slapped his head, "R-Rude!"

"T'was a compliment, baby doll. Come here."

He made her sit on his lap, encircling her hips, making sure his hands landed on her belly button, were their treasure was drowning into his peaceful sleep. God, he loved so much him and he hadn't seen him yet. He wondered what type of eyes he had, the shape of his jawline, if his fingers would have played the piano just like him...

"Okay, so," She adjusted her sit, flipping her fingers through the book, "We need to choose a letter."

"How?" He raised a brow, resting his chin on her shoulder.

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