A Rags To Riches Story

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He knows that convincing her is going to be hard.

That situation he must face isn't new (at all), but it still is kind of alarming for multiple reasons. One of them was Millie, of course.

Let's do a recap.

Even though Finn Wolfhard has turned into the best version of himself thanks to that unrepeatable sparkle of luck (his brat) that changed his life, he was still a man with a name and a certain reputation.

After all of that time, he was still helping the poor by donating millions to charity organizations, especially to the Saint Mary Orphanage, in which children were hosted, healed and supported in their early stage of life— they were not alone anymore, and Finn couldn't be prouder of it.

Once, he would think that his actions were just the result of his despicable attitude; a monster who didn't love and neither helped anybody. A flawless facade in order to cover his rotten inside.

Then, he understood that, no, he did that not because his father wanted him to, but because he couldn't stand the idea that people went through what he experienced in his own skin.

It wasn't fair, it wasn't right.

Hundreds of thoughts are buzzing his mind as he is walking through the flourishing garden of his house. He needs to reach that arc made by blossoming white and pink canine roses, where Millie is watering the bushes and Prince is rolling himself on the tickling grass just next to her.

"Princy, what are you doing?" Millie asks, looking at her baby at her feet.

"Ball." He replies. brushing his fingers on the daises he has just collected. "Ball. Me."

"Yeah, I see that you're rolling like a ball. But you'll turn into a little taco if you don't stop!" She giggles, fixing a chaotic strand of hair behind her ear and keep watering the bushes of orchids.

It was such an amazing day. She loved June, and her garden was just the definition of majestic — a breathtaking enchanted forest, full of sparkling flowers, and a multitude of different scents dancing into the breeze. An Eden of Earth, and it was all of hers.

But ready to break her peace of senses, the Beast got nearer and nearer, ready to catch her.

Silently, Finn got closer, and finally pinched her hips from behind, "You know, baby doll, if you were a flower you'd be damnnnndelion!"

In response, Millie screeched, letting the watering can fall from her hands, "Oh my Goodness, y—you scared ME!"

Prince bursts out a laugh, clapping his hands.

"I see I made my boy laugh. You're automatically canceled, baby doll. You don't appreciate me enough." He whines, as he chains both of his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

"Okay, try again. Maybe this time I'll laugh." She chuckles, rolling her eyes in amusement.

"Let's see," He hums, before snapping his fingers, "if I were you I'd put your tulips and my tulips together."

This time he wiggles his brows, as Millie's frown grows even deeper, "Wow, Finnie. Lovely."

He swallows a laugh, as his face got closer to hers, "Oh, one more. If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, baby doll, I'd be walking in my garden forever."

"You're in a good mood today, uh?" Millie finally let her grin grow across her face, as her hands chained around his neck.

"Yeah, let's just say you were... great last night. Anyways," He shielded himself as Millie's slap almost reached his face.

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