Forbidden Love ( An Edward Cullen and Voldemort story

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Please read and comment and fan us!! Because you guys are awesome!! Hope you enjoy!! :D (By kookie) also we do not own ANY of the characters all credit to J.K and Stephanie


Everyone knew Lord Voldermot as an evil villian out to kill muggles and the famous Harry Potter. To everyone Tom Riddle was dead and left this beast in his place what no-one knew was that Tom wasn't really dead and he had a secret......... a secret that could change everything FOREVER! 

A secret that he couldn't tell anyone but he couldnt hide it any longer it was to painful. he was standing between crossroads! He had to choose before the pain became unbearable.....what would he do? What was his secret? Why was it painful? Because an ant had bit his balls!! :D

He believed...believed in vampires, believed him and his one true love could be together despite the different casts- and nose structure and different movie contracts, but their love knew no boundaries! What would happen to his life long dream of killing harry potter?

And what would happen to his fling with Malfoy? he knew Malfoy would be heartbroken!

But no this amazing beautiful vampire was more important! He knew his body and soul....wait he didn't have one!!

He had split it into seven whore croakses ( i didnt know the spelling so i decided to make it funny :) btw a whore croak is the sound a whore produces when she doing it :D sorry if its too perverted!!) But whatever he knew he belonged to that hot vampire forever.


OMG what would i do? I knew I wanted to stay with bella... I had promised her that and even had a child!

But i couldnt anymore....I was always gay its just that the only reason i was attracted to bella was because she looked like a man....she did make a hot man...but woman? Not so much!!

But him...that wizard....he was beautiful! even though he needed a nose job and a new wardrobe!!

But love is blind!! And he could make a few compromises....

How exactly was I going to tell bella this? I'm gonna leave you for a wizard that I just saw in the screening of HP?

Who doesn't even know i exist? Shit I couldnt tell her that because I kind of sneaked out to watch it and due to the recession and alice's excessive shopping he sold her Gucci bag to pay for the ticket......I needed to do something and fast! 

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