IV* (4)

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  • Dedicated to To people who hate Hera!!!!!!!!!

Annabeth to Percy:

I sit on the sand looking out to the sea,
Oh, Hera, why couldn't you just let me be?

You could take away anything from me,
but why did it have to be he?..
I stand up and wade out into the sea,
Hoping for a miracle to happen to me.
I don't know if I could stand another day like this one,
I think as I gaze out at the setting sun.

I've been up researching of where you may be all night,
But I finally lean over and turn off my light.

I lay and wonder what could have happened to you,
I lay and wonder if you miss me too.

Jason and his friends return from their quest,

And Chiron calls a meeting, and Jason speaks once everyone is at rest
Jason is explaining about why he thinks he has appeared here, tries to make us see,
But just then something dreadful dawns upon me
Percy has gone far, far away, across the sea.
And he probably doesn't even remember me.

Percy to Annabeth:

I awoke to find a wolf surrounding me
My head throbs, how did this come to be?

The wolf says her name is Lupa, she'll teach me how to fight,
So that I may live atleast another night.

I am face to face with life or death,
One Gorgon's blood in my hand, the other in my opponents,
We uncapped them at the same time and drank,

"Oh, no! Percy!" Screamed Frank.
I thought I was dead, in fact, I knew I was dead.
Until a bit of the throbbing left my head.
I glanced up to see,
That I had won the bet just because Gaea wanted to use me.

It was on the way back to Camp Jupitor
When my memories actually begin to flicker
I thought and thought hard, and suddenly, wham.
The memories flooded through like a dam.

I remembered everything and everyone,
Grover, Tyson, Thalia, Nico, Camp Half-Blood and my mom.
But the one I remembered and loved the most,
Annabeth. Daughter of Anthena, Goddess of Wisdom.

Percy to Annabeth, Annabeth to Percy:

I promise to find you,
  You know I miss you,
   The day will come when we reunite,
    The day twinkling stars light up the night,
     No matter monsters, evil, or whatever the danger may be,
      We will be okay because I have you, and you have me.

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