quests (Part 1)

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Percy has done many things that previous demigod heroes and mortals have such as:

Slayed the Minotaur twice (once in The Lightning Thief, and later in The Last Olympian), defeated Procrustes, and entered the Labyrinth as Theseus did.

Killed Medusa as Perseus did. (The Lightning Thief)

Got the Golden Fleece as the first Jason did. (The Sea of Monsters)

Battled and defeated the Nemean Lion, fought the Eurythian boar and the Hydra and entered theGarden of the Hesperides as Hercules did. (The Titan's Curse)

Entered the Underworld alive (multiple times) and returned alive as Hercules, Orpheus, Odysseus, and Houdini did.

Bore the Curse of Achilles as Achilles did. (The Last Olympian)

Killed a snake as a young child as Hercules did. (The Lightning Thief)

Faced the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, Circe, and Laistrygonians as Odysseus did. (The Sea of Monsters)

Taunted Polyphemus (by insulting him and then saying that he was Nobody) and escaped his caveas Odysseus did. (The Sea of Monsters)

Took the Gray Sisters' eye and threatened them for directions to a location as Jason and Perseus did. (The Sea of Monsters)

Carried Hera/Juno in another form across a river like Jason did. (The Son of Neptune)

Held the weight of the sky like Hercules did. (The Titan's Curse)

Fought Ephialtes and Otis, like Hercules and Dionysus did (The Mark of Athena)

Faced Alcyoneus, like Hercules did (The Son of Neptune)

Confronted Phineas, like Jason and the Argonauts did (The Son of Neptune)

Spent time with Calypso, like Odysseus did (The Battle of the Labyrinth)

He has fought a total of five Titans, two of which he defeated (Artemis ultimately defeated Atlas). He also defeated a Giant, a feat which no other hero had accomplished other than Jason Grace who dueledPorphyrion, Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang who killed Alcyoneus, and Dionysus and Hercules who fought alongside the gods against Typhon and the Giants and won both battles before they were granted immortality.

Few details are known about the quests Jason went on during his days at Camp Jupiter, however some of his accomplishments include leading a quest to find and slay the Trojan sea monster, which included him staying at Aeolus's palace for a few days, doing a favour for the godBacchus involving a missing leopard in Sonoma, and going on a quest with Reyna to Charleston to retrieve a stash of Imperial Gold torpedoes from the C.S.S. Hunley at Fort Sumter. 

While the Greeks were fighting Kronos and the main Titan army in the Battle of Manhattan, Jason led the Twelfth Legion in an assault on Mount Othrys where he fought through an army of Scythian dracanae and defeated the Titan Krios himself. His actions, which resulted in the destruction of Mount Othrys, led the members of the legion to raise him to the rank of praetor. 

For some strange reason I could not get hold of the other seven's quests. But I promise the next update will conclude their quests.... Once I search it up. So this is part 1 for a reason. And no it didn't even have the info of Annabeth! So next update continues on with this. Chapter sucked, but, hey, it's good to know your characters

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