Percabeth fluffiness

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Percy was, in Annabeth’s opinion, the absolute dorkiest guy in the entire world. It wasn’t just the things he said and did when they were alone (he once dragged her through the underworld to find Nico, who had apparently borrowed his gameboy and copy of some Pokemon game, muttering over and over that ‘the little f**ker probably replaced all my water types with rock types and that’s unacceptable’) but also the things he did in public.

It wasn’t all that bad when it was just them, Piper and Jason, when he sat there and thought of couple names for all of them, or braided Piper and Annabeth’s hair into cornrows because ‘he’d always wanted to’, or played endless rounds of ‘rock, paper, scissors’ with Jason and kept throwing dolphin, claiming that, being the best animal, they beat everything, and Annabeth would have to intervene before a fight broke out between them, Piper too engrossed in giggling at the horrified and angry expression on Jason’s face because eagles were obviously the best animal ever and who did this son of Poseidon think he was, to assist her.

It also wasn’t all that bad when he was watching movies featuring talking fish, (not necessarily Nemo, but that often made the list) breathing every damn line into Annabeth’s ear like a seductive secret, his lips tickling her ear as she desperately struggled between annoyance and being strangely drawn to his ability to make ‘Just keep swimming’ sound like an invitation. (which probably made her a dork, too, though she figured, being a daughter of what was essentially the goddess of nerds, it was socially acceptable for her. Though, really, being turned on by Finding Nemo probably demonstrated a few severe issues.)

And, yeah, it didn’t suck when he made her blue pancakes shaped like fish, complete with little smiling faces in whipped-cream, on their second-year anniversary, or when he spent thirty dollars trying to win her a dumb stuffed bear at a carnival they took some of the younger campers to, or when he let her win at Mario, because ‘everyone needs to be the weener at some point in their lives’.

And, yeah, sure, she thought it was hilarious how he would declare camp-wide water-gun fights and crush the Ares cabin’s pride by beating them horrifically, and then allow the Aphrodite cabin to soak him thoroughly. And she thought he was adorable when he got his wisdom teeth pulled, and, stoned out of his mind on mortal pain-killers, spent four hours straight leaning over to her and whispering just how much he loved her into her hair over and over and over and over again.

There had been that one time, at Disney Land, when he’d chased the guy dressed as Mickey all around the park, attempting to get a picture with him, and then, when he’d finally caught up with him, been to shy to act upon the urge and just cowered behind Annabeth as she snapped a picture of Mickey with a reluctant Grover, whose mouse-ear cap didn’t exactly cover his horns properly. Then there had been the fact that Percy had insisted on a blue hat, blue balloon, and blue boxers from the gift-shop. And then had attempted to pay in drachmas.

At some point she’d just accepted the fact that she was in love with a giant three-year-old.

And, Gods, did she love him. Staring at him as she walked up the aisle, gripping her father’s arm tightly because, oh Zeus, were the shoes that Piper had chosen for her wobbly, she noticed that his bow tie and cummerbund were a shade of dark blue, and she glanced at the sapphire-studded ring on her finger. Seven years of this so far.

She approached him at the altar, and he grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly as he grinned, and she realized just how much dorkiness was to come.

Damn, their kids were going to be weird.


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