Mortals vs Demigods

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Yeah. I said it will continue... but zzzzzzz.... that's what you'll be doing when you read ahead. Or in other words I couldn't be bothered to bore you... I couldn't be bothered to search up their quests ;o

Percy and Annabeth's arguements often led to the Olympian Gods taking sides. Even if it was over something as stupid as ice-cream, thunder could be heard as Zeus complained about Ambrosia not being an offical ice-cream flavour

Fangirls during TLF (Lighting thief movie)

Me: Annabeth is supposed to be blonde

Me: I thought they were 12 not 17

Me: Wait Grover should be ginger

Me: This never happened

Me: What are they doing? What is this?

Me: Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong


Me: *Crying* Uncle Rick how could you let them do this?

Teacher: How do we begin a relationship?

Student: By telling them him he drool in his sleep

*Making new friends*

Me: Sooo.. You guys wanna hear a joke?

Them: ...Uh

Me: Ok! How does Kronos like his coffee?


Me: LUKEwarm lolz


Me: ... Too soon?




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