The Death Of Percy Jackson

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Annabeth didn't want to let go, but she forced her hand to sink just a few inches away from his wound, she didn't speak, but her heart was shattering into a million pieces. Annabeth felt the whole world balance on her shoulders. She let the tears stream down her face. Annabeth constantly blamed herself. She knew what she had done. And she knew that she couldn't do anything about it.

She stormed off to her death boyfriend's cabin. She sobbed into his shirts, and took a whiff of them. The room smelled a faint of the sea. Time passed by, Annabeth wouldn't eat or sleep. She had bags under her eyes. The others would beg for Annabeth to come away, to eat or to sleep in her own cabin. But in the terrible condition she was in, she remained where she was, after days.

She still thought of his funeral, Annabeth stood up and walked to the front, where the shroud was. "I first encountered him when we were 12. I had said,'You drool in your sleep'. I found him annoying at first.Then I got to know him better, when we went on our first quest to find Zeus's lightning bolt. I found him quite brave. Then we traveled through the Sea of Monsters together, to save our friend Grover and camp. He got turned into a guinea pig. I, luckily, saved him. Then we we were 14, we found Nico and... I got seized and so did Artemis. We fought Atlas, a titan, and took turns holding the sky. The next following year, when we were 15, we had to journey through the Labyrinth. And he gets to Ogygia somehow. I thought he was dead. And as you know we had the great prophecy, Percy ended up being the chosen one, but he didn't turn out to be the hero in the end, however he was still quite a brave Seaweed Brain. People always thought as him as a leader; I can't disagree with that statement. The last words he said to me, before he died was 'I love you but you got to move on from me; there will always be you in my thoughts' He flashed a grin, coughed and then died" Annabeth hadn't realized she was crying until Piper came forward to give her a hug. "You were really brave Annie." She would've given her a death glare, for calling her that, but she was too weak.

The next day, Annabeth decided to Sally, to see how she was taking the news. She finds her sitting on the couch by herself. Her smile lit up when she noticed her."I miss him too Annabeth," Sally sadly said,while embracing Annabeth into a big hug

"He would want you to move on-

Annabeth interrupted her, "I could never do that!" Tears start forming down her cheeks. Annabeth looked up at a picture of Percy in the hallway."It's my fault," she whispered,"I should of noticed."

She sighs. "I miss you but I don't think I can continue breathing." Sally offered her some blue cookies" She took the cookies and walked out of his apartment. She traced down the memory while eating some blue cookies...

Annabeth didn't take much attention to anything. Which was her foolish mistake. The seven heroes were on there way to Olympus. Annabeth sat in between Piper and Percy in the Strawberry van, while Argus was driving. When she got out of the van, something brushed against her, pushing her. Percy saw this and ran to help. Annabeth blacked out after seeing a sword and raven black rush past.

When she woke up, Percy was laying on the pavement, he had blood all over his face, his shirt was ripped, and you could see a big massive wound on the side near his weak spot. He took hold of her hand and leaned in to kiss her and groggily whispered words to her. Annabeth had never gotten a kiss from him like this one. She was breathless when they pulled away. And then he died.

Annabeth walked along the beach; she thought of how their future was never going to be together.

"As long as we're together" She had said before falling into Tartarus. If it wasn't for Percy's fatal flaw she wouldn't had been alive. She thought of all the times Percy tried to save her. She thought of the time when she first met him. All those years he was still loyal, kind but he'd always been her Seaweed Brain, her Percy. And then she rimed her finger on her ring finger and thought how she was never going to be called 'Annabeth Jackson'.That thought made her day worse. She hated her life, her fatal flaw. Hubris. She always believed she was better then anyone, even the Gods,but she knew she could never be better then Percy, the Greek hero, the leader, her Seaweed Brain, her hero...

pro- edit-ish- I wrote this when I was like 12, and so far only a few typos have been corrected. But I'm gonna correct all of them, don't worry! :) hmmm, would you say this is a good or bad piece of writing for an 12 year old?

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