Attack pt.2

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A/N - Lmao yeah i'm alive sorry been pretty busy lately, also it's hard for me to type cause I'm fucking dumb and got my nails did, so clickity-clack it's hard to smack my stupid computer keyboard. 

"VOI!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Squalo screamed while kicking someone in their gut, slashing another person with his sword. 

"Tsk. Stupid trash!" Xanxas was beyond pissed, hell, the whole Varia team was pissed. this was supposed to be a nice and easy mission that would get them some good money, but instead out of nowhere a gang of people appeared and as a result, their target ran away, which means = no money.

Mammon was definitely the most pissed out of all of them, considering their obsession with money, and was now on a killing spree of the armed men that attacked them.

"Die, die die die die making me lose my money I'll kill you-"

"ushishishishi, looks like someone isn't really happy about this." Bel snickered as he threw knives at the incoming men. For some reason, they just seemed to be everywhere.

It was all fun and games until one of the men hit him close enough to nick some of his hair, causing Bel to freeze in his spot.

His finger twitched, "You dare hurt the prince?" He frowned, throwing knives and wires towards the poor man. 

Soon everyone in his general area was on the ground (he earned a smack from Squalo for almost hitting him), and he huffed in satisfaction, "no one hurts the prince, because I'm the prince."

Xanxas growled, kicking over the trash next to him, and firing his gun a bit too close to Squalo, "Call Nono, I demand to know why the fuck the mission was interrupted." 

Levi immediately pulled out his phone, "Of course boss!"

Lussuria wailed in the distance, "Kyaaaa! My favorite shirt!" he pulled at it, revealing a small hole in the front, "It's ruined!!!!"

"Relax, you have like 20 of the same ones," Bel commented. "it's not like it's irreplaceable."

"They are irreplaceable! They're all different shades of this color! I wear them based on how I'm feeling today! And right now, I am feeling terrible!" 

Squalo frowned, turning to Mammon, "Did you notice they were different shades?"

"No. they're the same shade."

"That's what I thought."

Lussuria kept wailing as Levi talked on the phone, and Bel strolled off to buy something to eat, Mammon accompanying him. 

Xanxas was nowhere to be seen, and Squalo walked off to salon, muttering about how he needed a day off.




Miyu coughed violently, her chest heaving from the lack of oxygen. Tanaka stood next to her, a towel in hand, concern and worry plastered across his face.

"Miyu-sama..." Tanaka handed her the towel, gently urging her to lay down and rest.

"Thank you, Tanaka, but I'm fine." Miyu smiled weakly, sitting up as adjusted her glasses.

"How much more paperwork is needed for the company?"

 Tanaka sighed, but still replied back, "You still have quite the amount to do Miyu-sama." 

Miyu groaned lightly, "God I hate paperwork..."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Miyu nodded to Tanaka, who moved to open the door. 

"Yes? Who is it?" 

A servant stood there, bowing lightly to Miyu and Tanaka, "Miyu-Sama, Tanaka-san, Reborn-sama had just delivered a message by phone."

"Oh?" Miyu raised her eyebrow, taking off her glasses, "What did he say?"

"Reborn-sama wants to warn Miyu-sama that someone is attacking the family members of Vongola, currently they have just confirmed that Tsunayoshi-sama's family members were attacked by trespassers, but was fended off by Bianchi-sama and the rest. Reborn-sama's exact words are- please excuse my language- "don't get killed by the shitty enemy because you're too weak to defend yourself.""

Miyu chuckled, "That sounds like him." She then frowned, "attacks made on family members instead of the guardians themselves? I hope everyone is okay..."

There was a loud crash from outside, followed by the terrified screams of the maids. Miyu furrowed her eyebrows, "Tanaka!"

Tanaka nodded and clicked a button, immediately guards jumped out from all over the room, the ceiling, and from the windows. 

Miyu flipped out of the blanket and stood up. the door burst open, showing the crowd of men dressed in black. "Target identified, attack!"

The men shot towards them without another word, and Tanaka along with the others started to open fire. 




"Hibari, your mother was just attacked-" Reborn stated, ignoring the burst of killing intent that spilled from Hibari as soon as the words left his mouth.

Reborn couldn't finish his sentence before Hibari jumped out the window and ran towards his house, not caring about the concerned shouts of Tsuna and the others.

"This is a hospital!" Tsuna shrieked, "Ah! is Miyu-san okay?!" Reborn fired his gun, a mere millimeter away from Tsuna's head.


"I wasn't finished talking," Reborn threatened, "hmph. as I was saying, she's not hurt." 

He huffed, "kids these days."

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