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As Miyu got near the mansion, she noticed the shouts and noises of fighting immediately. 

Getting out of the car, she ran as fast as her legs could take her, worry consuming her, though she knew her son was capable of protecting himself, still, he was her son.

Quickly scanning the scene for her Kyo-chan, her eyes caught onto a sight that made her blood run cold. Her Kyo-chan was laying on the floor, unmoving, a man standing over him, weapon raised.

"No!!" She screamed, dashing over, and deflecting the weapon with a smaller blade she carried on her at all times.

Rei grunted, falling back a couple of steps due to the force. 

He looked up at Miyu, his eyebrow raised, "Another one? Hmph, perfect, I'll kill you all." He growled. 

Hibari's eyes widened, "Mother?" Why was she here? Wasn't she suppose to be at home? All thoughts melted away into worry as he watched Miyu fight Rei.

As Miyu deflected the blade, she could feel herself getting weaker, her strength slowly melting away. 


She had to get Kyo-chan to safety faster.

She positioned herself so she could have some better grounding, watching as Rei readied himself again.

"Mother, watch out he-" Before he could say another word, Rei shot out flinging the dagger straight at Miyu's head. 

Knocking away the dagger, Miyu crouched as her leg whipped out to knock him over. Jumping, Rei flipped himself and didn't hesitate the attack her from midair, landing a swift punch to her stomach.

Miyu grunted, blood seeping out from her lips as she blocked the attack with both arms. Her mouth gasped out due to the sensation of pain doubling. Regaining her posture quickly, she grabbed Hibari and moved him out of the way, before Rei attacked closely behind her. 

The pain was slowly increasing every time she attacked Rei, but she didn't care, how dare this man try and hurt her precious son? 

Miyu's eyes widened, shit. Her arms flew to her side as Rei kicked her, full force, slamming her into the wall. "Gah-!" She coughed, blood staining the ground. 

Falling, Miyu took one last glance at Hibari. Hibari screamed, "No!" Getting back up, he ignored the pain that tormented his body and slammed down his weapon on Rei, catching him off guard.

 "Hibari-senpai! Move!" Tsuna shouted as he crossed his arms, his golden-colored eyes focused onto Rei, narrowing as he muttered, "X Burner...!" 

Rei screamed as the attack hit him full-on, paralyzed for a short amount of time. Hibari saw his chance and quickly attacked, leaving Rei unable to do anything but defend himself from Hibari's rage.

Tsuna was quick to follow and also joined in on the attack, occasionally sparing a concerned glance at Miyu. 

"Miyu-san...hold on...!"




"DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!" Mei screamed as she attacked furiously at Yamamoto, who could do nothing but block off her attacks.

She growled as she noticed Yamamoto doing nothing but blocking her attacks, "Why? why won't you attack?! Do you think that Mei is too weak?! IS THAT WHY?!" Her red eyes flared with anger as memories flooded back into her head,

"you're a woman! there's no way you can do that!"

"If only she were a boy..."

"it doesn't matter if you win!! I'll still be the next successor of the business!! it's because a girl like you can't handle business like this!!"

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