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I woke up to panicked knocking. I groaned unhappily and rolled over. The knocking proceeded and I threw open the door. I was surprised to find a sobbing Jordan holding a dead Eragon. He explained through the tears surprisingly well but I had to quiet him once in a while for Brice was asleep upstairs. I agreed to help him and lead him to the "dreaded basement" as Brice called it. I'd almost died here. Brice had seen it and refused to leave me alone because of the danger that lurked everywhere. He didn't know about the magic he had it was almost as strong as mine with training he could out power me. I had Jordan lay Eragon down and proceeded to heal him murmuring desperately looking for a way to get his soul back. Brice suddenly appeared from the stairs.
"Jordan you want to go upstairs the magic in this room would destroy your body instead of fade your soul because of you lacking one" Brice says.
"How h how did you?" He stammers.
"Ant explained when he almost died that you'd sold your soul to keep him safe but you died and became the devil's favorite. He permitted you to spend the rest of Ant's life with ant which just made you both immortal" Brice says.
"You're right" Jordan says and walks up the stairs. Brice began muttering and slowly Eragon opened his eyes.
"Where are my parents?" Is the first thing the child asked.
Brice lead him to Jordan. Jordan thanked me and Brice giving us a painful yet nice hug. He released us and lead Eragon home. I looked at Brice.
"I was wondering where my books were disappearing to and why they kept reappearing in the kitchen" I say as Brice looks down at his feet.
"Seto I'm so-"
"Don't be you can read anything in the library except for the things that are locked up"
"Alright thank you"
He pressed his lips against my own and I already knew I was blushing as his yellow hair tickled my forehead since I was a bit taller than him. No one understood but he was dominant and always would be the man of this relationship. I wouldn't have it any other way. I set my arms loosely around his neck as his hands found their way to my waist. I blushed deeper. He whispers the three words no one had ever said to me. The words my dad had never said. The words my mother thought but never let me hear.
"I love you"
"I love you to"

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