Information about this Story

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Ok! This is the new story I was preparing for the release date of Pokemon Sword and Shield! I will write a Pokemon Story one day, but I really wanted to post this story about Fire Emblem Three Houses! Alright, now let's talk about the story details! 

1. This is a Thank You Story and part of a series in itself! I have yet to write the first three books in this series, but I couldn't help myself and write the last book! I really love this game! 

2. Character Charts! 

Students = Byleth, Beresu (female Byleth), Sothis, Flayn, Cyril, Anna, Ning

Edelgard Hubert Fredinand Linhardt, Caspar, Bernadetta, Dorothea, Petra, Kronya

Dimitri Dedue Felix Ashe Sylvain Mercedes Annette Ingrid Miklan

Claude Lorenz Raphael Ignatz Lysithea Marianne Hilda Leonie

Teachers = Seteth, Manuela, Hanneman, Catherine, Gilbert, Alois, Shamir, Tomas, Jeritza, Jeralt, Rhea

Family = Nemesis = Jeralt - Byleth + Beresu - Sothis (adopted)

Sothis = Rhea - Seteth + mother (dead) - Flayn

Blaiddyd = Lambert + mother (dead) - Dimitri

Macuil (related to Ashe) = Lonato - Christophe (dead) - Ashe (adopted)- siblings

Fraldarius = Rodrigue - Glenn (dead) - Felix

Wilhelm I = Ionius (dead) + Patricia - Edelgard

Riegan = Almyra + Tiana - Claude

Dominic = Gilbert - Annette

Derick = Aegir - Fredinand

Lamine = Jeritza - Mercedes

Gautier = Miklan - Sylvain

Goneril = Hoist - Hilda

Many sisters - Anna

Daphnel = Count Galatea - Ingrid

Gloucester = Lorenz

Ordelia = Lysithea

Maurice = Edmund - Marianne

Vestra = Court Vestra - Hubert

Javi = Ning

Indech = Varley - Bernadetta

Grandfather - Petra

Bergliez = Randolph - Fleche - Caspar

parents - Raphael - Maya

merchants - Ignatz

Balthazar = Dorothea

Charon = Catherine

Shamir - Cyril

Judith + Nadar

Subjects = Rhea: Headmaster

Seteth: History

Manuela: Choir

Hanneman: Chemistry

Catherine: Gym

Gilbert: Art

Judith: Self Defense

Cornelia: Health

Alois: Literature

Shamir: Dagda Language

Tomas: Computer

Jeralt: Math

Jertiza: Campus Police

Gwendal: sub teacher

Acheron: sub teacher

Classmates/College Level

4th Year

Lorenz Anna Linhardt Petra Dedue Hubert

3rd Year

Mercedes Raphael Leonie Claude Byleth Ferdinand Dorothea Marianne

2nd Year

Slyvain Ingrid Dimitri Felix Hilda Ignatz Edelgard Beresu Kronya

1st Year

Annette Ashe Ning Lysithea Flayn Cyril, Caspar, Bernadetta



As you can see, we have all the characters here, but the DLC characters (minus Anna and Jeritza). I will wait until the other DLC characters to appear to determine if they should be a part of this story. 

3. This story will have references to the other three books as well as references to Fire Emblem Three Houses. If you have not played Three Houses and want to, do not read this book until you have. 

Ok, that should cover everything! Let's begin this story! 

Fire Emblem Three Houses: A Trio of HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now