Chapter 2: His Mate

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"Why are you late" Jackie whispered, Cara sighed slumping in her seat she explained to Jackie what happened. "You kicked the future king" Cassius laughed holding his chest. "He was in my face- it was self defence" Cara defended. "Maybe he likes you" Jackie smiled, "I can't see why- he's going to find his mate tomorrow" Cara spoke, why would he go around crushing on girls when his soulmate is almost there.

"Maybe it's you" Jackie spoke, "Yeah I'm sure that's possible- I think there's a little bit more thought out into the process" Cara replied on the way to lunch- why would fate pair her up with a king.

"It's just a little weird that's all- he's never hung around us this much" Jackie spoke pointing to there regular table where he sat with Matt- also true. "Maybe there lonely" Cara shrugged, "Thanks for the injury Boogey" Ace spat as they sat down, "Aw I didn't know a big guy like you can bruise so easily" Cara cooed. His grip on his fork tightened and his eyes grew dark.

"So the party tomorrow is going to awesome- alcohol- food- great music, and this guy the main event" Matt spoke changing the subject. "Whatever" Ace muttered, "Whats the matter don't want a mate" Jackie teased, "Oh he wants her- he just wants her all to himself, dude I said you could leave the party after you find her" Matt spoke, Ace looked intently at Cara eating her burger, did she know how beautiful she was, how frustrated he seemed to be around her lately more than usual.

"I have soccer practice" Cara spoke getting up, tossing the remaining of her food away she headed off to practice, "Captain" Cassius waved at her. Cara had made it to captain of the boys soccer team in the time she had spent at The Academy. There wasn't a girls team due to the fact most of them took cheerleading, Cara had to prove herself over and over again but she gained the respect of her team players and the coach.

"That was a good practise" coach Salvetor spoke as Cara grabbed her gym bag. "I think this going to be a great season- Cara a word" he spoke opening his office. "Cara what are your plans for after you graduate" Coach questioned. "I'm not sure yet" Cara shrugged, he seemed surprised but everyone knew what they wanted to do or what there destiny would be. "Well if your interested you could pursue your soccer passion even more" he spoke, "I know great coaches for important soccer teams- I could put in a good word" He added. "Thank you Mr. Salvetor but I think my soccer days will end here at the academy" she spoke politely, although she had to admit it tempted her but Cara had another passion and that was to write, she was drawn to, she loved it.

"Alright if your sure" He spoke before dismissing her, "Hey your back late" Jackie spoke getting out of the showers, "Cassius wanted to see a movie" Cara replied, truth was he wanted to talk to her one on one about this girl he was crushing on.

"Did he tell you about his crush yet- he thinks I don't know but hello we're twins" Jackie laughed. "Can I ask you something" Cara spoke sitting on the balcony chair, "Of course" Jackie spoke sitting beside her, "What is Cassius going to do if your the next advisor- I mean who decided that it was you and not him" Cara questioned, "It was me- I decided" Jackie spoke, "I know all I ever do is party but I'm great when it comes to political affairs and Cassius well it scared the hell out of him so I opted for it" Jackie spoke, "But isn't there something that you want to do- a dream" Cara kept going. "Well I've always wanted to be a model but let's face it Cara people like us have responsibilities" Jackie replied rather maturely.

"I guess your right" Cara smiled, her mother had never truely pushed her but deep down her mother knew what her future would be, from the very first time she spoke to the dead or the very first time she rose a graveyard of skeletons. But it scared Cara- everything that was expected of her- it scared her.

The next day was quiet, Matt and Ace didn't show up for classes, probably preparing for the big event. "Do I have to go- I mean I don't need to" Cara whined as Jackie fixed her makeup, Cassius paced the room waiting for us to be ready. "Yes Cara you need to go" Jackie glared tossing her dress at her, Cara nibbled her cheeks, she had a report to get done and her deadline was tomorrow morning, she would have to be sneaky- show up get her friends drunk and sneak off.

"Fine" she muttered slipping on her dress and fixing her hair, she placed her heels on. "You look wow" Jackie grinned, "You always say that" Cara rolled her eyes, "What its not my fault you look like a god damn angel" Jackie spoke, Jackie wasn't completely wrong half of her genes were angelic. The party was already out of control- Matt had rented a entire mansion or owned probably. People were scattered everywhere drinking making out practically having sex on the walls. The music was way to loud the floors shook, woman walked around in skimpy dresses serving cocktail foods. "Dude this party is insane" Cassius spoke as Matt walked up to them, "Only the best for my cousin" Matt grinned, "Where is the guest of honour" Cara questioned, "Probably hunting for his mate" Matt shrugged, a woman approached us carrying a platter of shots. "To friends" Matt yelled giving us each a glass. Cara threw hers in a plant nearby pretending like she drank it.

A few more shots and a couple drinks, Jackie was gone, Cassius disappeared and Cara bolted for the kitchen exit she had scouted earlier, grabbing a cupcake she hurried down the grassy side, out of no where she was grabbed, electricity jolted up her arm as her attacker held her firm against the brick wall, "I found you" his dark voice sent a shiver down her spine an all to familiar shiver. "What are you doing" she snapped pushing him away. "Mate" he growled he looked almost inhuman his eyes were dark as he fought for some kind of control.

"Good for you- you found her" Cara spoke beginning to walk off, "Mate" Ace grabbed her hand tiny sparks erupted on her arm. "Oh- oh no- no-no" Cara panicked, "I finally figured out why I've had a crush on you all these years" Ace spoke, "Whats that" Cara yelled, Ace turned around. Cara made mad dash locking herself in the closest washroom. "This is crazy- this cant be happening" Cara paced back and fourth, "Cara" Jackie slurred, "Cara let's go drink" She spoke again. "Okay" Cara spoke getting drunk seemed be the best thing to do at this point, Ace would find her but if she was drunk she wouldn't have to deal with him tonight.

"I'm taking her to my room" A dark voice spoke, Cara was to numb to realize she picked up, she had drunk everything handed to her, she had watched Ace keep his steady eye on her from across the room, he knew exactly what she was trying to do to avoid him but it didn't matter because she would have to deal with it tomorrow.

"I don't want it" Cara slurred, "Don't want what" Ace spoke taking off her dress he placed his shirt over her head. "The crown- I don't want it- you can't make me- my dad can't make me take his crown you can't make me take yours" Cara slurred resting her head on the soft pillow. "Crown- your a princess- I thought your mom was a witch" Ace spoke in confusion. "Cara" he shook her again but she was sound asleep, what did she mean by her dads crown, he knew all the kings and queens in the supernatural world and Cara was not the child of anyone of them.

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