Chapter 4: Ghost Pines

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"What the hell were you doing" Ace shook Cara, she had almost took a walk off the roof. "I-um- I was sleeping" Cara replied confused. "Off the roof" Ace yelled, "I am a witch I mean I could fly" Cara mumbled. "What's going on- do you usually sleep walk" Ace calmed down enough to talk. "No- must be the stress" Cara lied, her father rarely tranced her but even he was growing tired of her.

Ace wrapped his arms around Cara, "You scared me" he spoke into her hair. "I'm sorry about earlier- I shouldn't have reacted like that, I wanted things to be perfect" Ace spoke. "It's okay" Cara simply replied, she was still thinking about her dad, she no longer heard what Ace was staying she just agreed. What was she going to do, a knowing idea came to her, she knew deep down she would have to go to hell and convince her father to choose another heir.

"I'll pick you up after school" Ace spoke, "Huh" Cara questioned on their way back to her room. "It's going to be our first date so dress nicely" Ace smiled placing a kiss on her forehead before leaving. When did she agree to go on a date, "Ugh" she muttered. Classes seemed to drag for the day as Cara tried to figure out a way to hell, she would need a gateway. She would need to visit her village, she would need to go back to Ghost Pines.

"A field trip" Jackie spoke, "Yeah my mom isn't feeling well so I'll go visit her" Cara spoke. "Did you tell Ace" Jackie spoke. "No, that's why I'm telling you- if Ace knows where I'm going he's going to follow me" Cara spoke, "And that's such a bad thing" Jackie laughed. "I'm just not ready for him to meet my mom she's weird" Cara spoke. "So what am I supposed to say" Jackie spoke, "Tell him I'm visiting relatives and you don't remember where I live" Cara spoke, "You owe me" Jackie sighed. "Thank you" Cara smiled hugging her, "Cara" Ace knocked, "Ace- what are you doing here" Cara spoke looking around the hallway, "Our date" Ace spoke, "Oh- right- yeah no totally didn't forget" Cara laughed awkwardly. "Are you okay- you seem distracted" Ace spoke, "I'm okay- let's go" Cara spoke, she needed to get this over with quickly.

"Back to the forest I see" Cara spoke following Ace through the familiar woods, "I didn't want to take you out- I wanted you all to myself" Ace spoke firmly, a table came into sight, it was set nicely with food and the ambience was perfectly set to look romantic. "I never pegged you for romance" Cara spoke, "Maybe if you stopped pushing me away I could show you how romantic I am" Ace spoke. "I'm not pushing you away" Cara stated, "This isn't even a relationship" Cara added. "Stop that" Ace spoke, "What" Cara asked confused, "Stop stomping on my feelings for you" Ace replied dismissing her comment. Cara's eyes grew wide, feelings, he barely knew her.

"I hope you like pasta" Ace spoke opening bowls of pasta, bread and salad. Cara picked at her food, she still needed to pack and talk to the Dean. "So- how come you don't use your powers often" Ace spoke, Cara froze it was a question she hopped to never answer, her powers were darker than even she could really control- she was afraid of losing control. "My mom and aren't on the greatest of terms- so I try not to use them in spite of that" Cara lied, "Are you sure that's all" Ace spoke, he didn't believe it was that small of a reason. "I just want to be a normal person- become a reporter and live in the human world" Cara spoke changing the subject.

"Your not a normal person" Ace spoke, "Did you like me before you knew I was your mate" Cara questioned, "I've had a crush on you the moment I met you" Ace spoke, "Why didn't you ask me out or hit on me" Cara questioned, "I didn't want you to be just a fling and I didn't want to fall in love with you and my mate came along- I couldn't do that to you" Ace spoke, Cara's heart hurt, what if the mate wasn't her. "But you are my mate and that makes me happier than you could ever know" Ace spoke, "Stop that- it's weird" Cara waved her fork at him.

"I didn't get to dance with you" Ace spoke, "I don't dance" Cara spoke, "Everyone knows how to dance" Ace spoke turning on the music he brought, bringing Cara to her feet they began to sway into the night. Stepping on his feet Cara blushed, "See I told you" Cara spoke embarrassed. "It's my job job to catch you" Ace spoke. "Your so cheesy" Cara mumbled, Ace closed the distance, before Cara could say another word he kissed her sending her flying into a world of passion as she fought him for dominance.

"Your a good kisser for someone who's only had one" Ace chuckled, "Your not so bad yourself" Cara smirked. "Your so beautiful" Ace spoke peppering kisses on her face. "Okay- stop- weird" Cara spoke pulling away, "What are you going to do when we have children" Ace spoke, Cara's eyes bulged. "Children- I'm way to young for that" Cara spoke, Ace shrugged, his mom had said the same things to his father once upon a time.

"Anyways I have a lot of homework can we go now" Cara spoke. "Yeah" Ace replied disappointed he wouldn't get to spend any more time with her. "Be safe" Jackie spoke, Cara nodded pulling her duffel bag over her shoulders she hugged Jackie before getting on the bus, this would be a long ride.

"What do you mean she left" Ace yelled making Jackie flinch, "Hey man she doesn't know where Cara is" Matt spoke, "She just said she had a family emergency and that she would tell me when she got back" Jackie lied. "And you have no idea where your best friend since first year lives" Ace seethes, "Witches don't reveal there covens" Jackie defended. Ace sighed rubbing his forehead, "Your just as difficult as she is" He spoke, "She'll be back Ace" Jackie spoke, "It's hard for wolves to be away from there mates" Matt spoke, Ace had left already calling people trying to find Cara.

"You've been avoiding me" Matt spoke, Jackie sighed. "Sorry I've been busy" Jackie replied, she slept with him, crossed a line she never wanted to admit she wanted to cross. "It's lonely not having you around being a pain in my ass" Matt spoke, "Can we please just forget it happened" Jackie spoke, "I don't want to forget, I've had a crush on you since second grade" Matt spoke, "You- you can't just say that to me" Jackie blushed. "Please just give me a chance" Matt spoke holding his hands together.

"I don't know" Jackie spoke getting her books from her locker. "I know you like me to- everyone knows we should be together- even our parents I'm surprised we aren't betrothed to each other" Matt spoke. "Fine- one date" Jackie spoke, Matt smiled, "You won't regret this" He spoke.

Cara stepped out of the bus, looking at the dark forest she sighed. "Welcome home" she mumbled before beginning her walk through the forest, it was foggy and the trees were right out of your typical horror movie. "Cara" a voice echoed, Cara stopped turning around she noticed a dark figure looming in the trees, "I heard your soul calling for me" it spoke, coming out of the dark it was cat. "Of course my spirit animal is a cat" Cara laughed, picking it up, "I'm going to call you Moon" Cara spoke putting the cat back onto the floor she began walking again with her new companion.

"Cara" A woman greeted her, "Aunt Fae" Cara smiled hugging her, "What brings you back here" she questioned, "A mission" Cara replied, "Oh you haven't changed- always chasing your heart" Aunt Fae laughed. "Where is my mom" Cara spoke, "She's visiting another Coven" Aunt Fae spoke, "Oh" Cara replied disappointed she wouldn't see her mom, everything looked the same- a small town filled with small people.

"Who is this" Aunt Fae spoke, "Moon- he's my spirit animal" Cara spoke, "So cute" she replied. Cara settled into her room, compared to the Academy Cara lived a rather lavish life.

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