Chapter 10: The Darkness

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"You know your mom was friends with my mom" Ceyx spoke fixing the sails of the boat that had gotten ruined. "She was" Cara perked sitting beside him like he was going to give her candy, "It was terrible that father got in between them- but my mother always told me about how kind and gentle your mother was- she was an angel that constantly visited earth to ease the pain of those who were sickly and knew they were going to die" Ceyx spoke.

"How did she meet father" Cara asked, "Maybe that's something you need to ask him" Ceyx spoke. "You look just like her" Ceyx spoke, "You've met her" Cara gasped, "Cara I'm over 10,000 years old" Ceyx chuckled, "Oh right" Cara spoke, "I feel so weird that I knew nothing of my past" Cara spoke. "Sometimes your past could bring you down more than it can help you out" Ceyx spoke. "I guess that makes sense- there's no need for me to ponder over a woman I never met" Cara spoke. "Good" Ceyx nodded.

"Wait- what's that sound" Ace spoke, the sudden noise of crashing waves filled the air as the group looked beyond to the giant waterfall they were sailing to. "We're not going down that are we" Jackie mumbled, "The Angels gate lies beyond the demons passage" Talos spoke. "Hold tight" Cara yelled as the boat tipped off the edge sending them into a spiral of abyss.

Cara opened her eyes, the darkness around her seemed to go on forever. "Swimming around she noticed that she was alone and she could breath underwater without being a mermaid. "Cara" her voice filled the water, a familiar voice. "Cara my dear daughter come to me" the darkness seemed to call, Cara swam deeper.

Ace spun around, he was breathing underwater, how was this possible. "Cara" he yelled into the darkness, what happened, where was everyone. "Ace" Cara's voice called, "Ace help me" She called again. Panic took over, "Where are you I'm coming" Ace spoke, "Down here" she whispered, Ace looked downward into the darkness. Why would Cara call him into the darkness, was she trapped. "It's not real" another voice filled the waters, "Mom" Ace spoke. "It's not real Ace snap out of it" His mom yelled, coughing his eyes flung open as he gasped for air. "Good your awake- we have to wake the others" Ceyx spoke.

"What's going on- where are we" Ace spoke, "Were on Demon island- it's the passage to Angels Gate where we need to go- it's the ultimate test of many to come- the triangle brings out the darkness and weakness in all of us" Ceyx spoke.

"Why aren't you affected" Ace spoke, "I have no weakness" Ceyx spoke looking out onto the ocean. Shaking Cara he called her name, "Damn it" he yelled.

"Matt" Jackie yelled, "Cara- anybody" She yelled again. The darkness around her seemed so cold and chilling. "Jackie come to me" her fathers voice called. A chill went down her spine, her father who was so strict  on her, she had to be perfect all the time. He punished her every time she did something wrong, he was the demon in her closet. "No" she sobbed, "Your a disappointment" he stormed as she sunk deeper into the darkness.

"Jackie" Matt yelled into the darkness, what the hell was going on he kept thinking. "Ace" he yelled, "This isn't funny" he spoke. "Matt" Jackie's voice called, "Matt help me" She cried. "Okay Jackie doesn't cry" he mumbled swimming to the darkness. "Matt wake up" Ace's voice filled his head. "This isn't real- I knew it" he spoke slapping himself he gasped for air coughing. "Thanks man it was to creepy where ever that was" Matt spoke running to Jackie.

"Jackie wake up" Matt spoke, Jackie shot up gasping for air she was panting. "Get him away" she yelled grabbing Matt and holding on to dear life, "Who" he asked, "My dad- he's going to hurt me again" Jackie spoke, Matt's eyes turned red with anger. What did she mean he was going to hurt her again, "It's okay he was only in your head" Matt cradled her.

"She's not waking up" Ace growled, Jackie and Matt joined them trying to wake Cara up. "What do I do" Ace yelled to Ceyx, he looked over to him not knowing what to do.

"Cara I miss you- come stay with me" The voice spoke, Cara kept swimming to it. "I'm coming mom" She spoke swimming down. "I've been waiting for you" Another voice took over, it was sinister and chilling. "Cara Boogey or should I say Cara Morningstar" A dark laughter called, "Who are you" Cara spoke, "Soul eater- the deeper you give into your desires the more vulnerable your soul becomes- much more delicious" She laughed.

"Bite her" Matt spoke, "What" Ace spoke. "Mark her again- give her the control Mark and command her back" Matt spoke. "That's genius" Ace spoke grabbing Cara he dug his canines into her neck his eyes becoming black and he commanded her back to him. Cara's neck seared with pain, her mark started glowing, her eyes shot open as she gasped for air turning over on her side she felt sick to her stomach and threw up.

"It worked" Ace spoke hugging her, "A little dazed Cara slumped into his warmth. "I thought we lost you kid" Ceyx spoke. "I thought I lost me to for a second" she laughed as Ace helped her up. "Where to now" Cara spoke, "Up the mountain" Ceyx spoke pointing to the distance where two large mountains with a moon in the middle stood. "That was one crazy test" Matt spoke, everyone hadn't spoken a word since the shores, everyone was still shaken up. "We should stop for a bit" Ace spoke, "You look tired" Ace added. "I agree" Ceyx spoke starting a fire, Matt found Jackie sitting on a log looking up the mountain.

"How long has he hurt you" Matt spoke, "Since I was a kid- I think he was disappointed in me being a daughter" Jackie replied, "Why didn't you say something to me- his head will be on chopping block" Matt grumbled. "I don't want that" Jackie spoke, "He's awful but still" Jackie spoke, "What about Cassius does he know" Matt spoke, "No- I've protected him all this time" Jackie spoke.

"Jackie your going to be my queen one day- you can't have people like that in your life" Matt spoke, "When did I agree to be your Queen" Jackie huffed. "When you were born" Matt replied in a duh tone. "We'll see about that Mr. King as far as I know I've only signed up to be your advisor" Jackie spoke.

"Don't ever do that again" Ace spoke looking back to Cara. "Do what" Cara questioned, " Scare me like that- I thought I was going to lose you" Ace spoke, Cara touched her mark. "How did you get me back" Cara questioned, "I put a control mark on you- it's very old but sometimes werewolves would give their mates control marks to control them if they were reckless" Ace spoke, "That's awful" Cara spoke. "Did you take it off me" Cara demanded, "I will Cara after we get out of the triangle and I know your safe" Ace spoke.

"Was it your mothers voice that made you go deeper" Ceyx spoke, Cara nodded. "Your going to have to let it go Cara" Ceyx spoke. "I know it's just hard" Cara spoke her eyes watered. "It's okay" Ace spoke holding her close. Cara fell asleep in Aces arms, "You love her a lot- you've loved her for a long time" Ceyx spoke. "Since the day I met her" Ace replied thinking back to the first day he met Cara, it was their first year at the Academy and Ace was registering for his room.

"This is going to be awesome- 4 years of screwing around before we become kings" Matt spoke, "and the girls" Matt spoke looking at the huddles of girls around them, talking and registering. And their she was, wheeling her suitcase through campus like she didn't notice the world around her, she was wearing a dress and her curls fell down to her waist. Her eyes seemed to change colours but they were purple, so unique. She stood right in front of me and all I had to say was Hey or even a nod but instead I reached out to give her my pen to register and I touched her boobs.

"sorry" I spoke, "If you ever touch my boobs again I'll hang you by the balls from the clock tower" Cara spoke continuing on her way to register.

"Hang  you by the balls" Ceyx laughed, "That's what she said" Ace spoke looking down to Cara- they had come a long way from his secret crush on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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