Chapter 9: Stuck in the triangle

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Everyone had fallen asleep, they were docked on yet another Bermuda island. The stars scattered the sky, "I was worried when you left me behind" Ace spoke as they walked along the beach, "I'm fine" she replied. Cara picked up a stone tossing it out onto the waters she watched it skip a few times before sinking. "Somethings wrong- I can feel your emotions" Ace spoke.

"I'm so scared of going home- facing my mom- well the woman I thought was my mom" Cara replied. "Nothing is different Cara- she still loved you so much that she raised you as hers" Ace spoke. "And us" Cara spoke, "What about us" Ace spoke, "We're different now- you marked me" Cara spoke. "I know but I don't regret it- I love you" Ace spoke.

"I don't hate you" Cara replied, her feelings for Ace had definitely grown but was this love. Ace smirked pulling Cara into him he kissed her passionately, "What a cute couple" Ceyx's voice filled the air. "I'll check on Matt and Jackie" Ace spoke leaving the two of them.

"I never understood love- tell me does it feel as good as people say it does" Ceyx spoke standing beside Cara. "I barely know what it is myself" she replied looking out onto the ocean. "Father won't take me as his heir Cara" Ceyx finally spoke, "You don't know that" Cara argued. "When you were born all father ever did was check on you- used all his magic to visit as much as he could- you were his everything after your mother died" Ceyx spoke.

"Your making me feel guilty- I've spent my whole life resenting him for forcing his empire on me" Cara spoke, "His love for you made him want to protect you- to keep you safe from people who might want to kill a half Angel half demon breed" Ceyx spoke. "There are people who want to kill me" Cara spoke confused, "Of course- father gave you to the witches to hide your true lineage" Ceyx spoke.

"You give him purpose Cara- he wants to see you duke by his side" Ceyx spoke. "I don't want to rule by his side- I just want to be a normal girl who thought she was a witch" Cara spoke. "So than how will you convince to take me as his heir" Ceyx questioned. "I'm taking this one step at a time- I didn't even know if you would come with me- I figured you'd hate my guts" Cara spoke, "I thought I did but you have this light about you that intrigues the people you meet- I almost want to follow you" Ceyx chuckled.

"I know we haven't started out that great but I was hoping we could be friends and maybe brother and sister one day" Cara spoke, "I could do that" Ceyx smiled. "Good" Cara smiled back. Talos came back in the morning, "Ceyx you finally came out of that fortress" the water whispered as the waves became rugged and smashed against the boat. "What's that" Jackie spoke holding Matt, "Its the guardian" Ceyx spoke, a large dragon rose from the waters. "Oh my god" Cara whispered, "release me" The guardian hissed. "Why does everyone want to leave this place it's so nice" Ceyx spoke sarcastically. "Fine- than die" it hissed before diving below the boat.

"Cara I'll kill it from the bottom- try to distract it" Ceyx spoke plunging to the depths, Distract, think Cara think. "I got it" she yelled standing up, "Orpheus" she yelled, it was a spell to create illusions, suddenly there was illusions of their boats everywhere as the water swirled trying to forgive out what boat was the real one. A few minutes later the water stilled, Ceyx pulled himself up onto the boat.

"Not bad" he smiled, "Same to you" Cara spoke. "God I feel so helpless next to Hercules" Matt groaned. "Don't call me that" Ceyx muttered. "We've been fighting for centuries" Ceyx added.

"The boat drifted to a shoreline, "I'll be back again" Talos spoke as the sun set Cara looked into the new island. Something Erie gave her goosebumps, "I wish I had beer" Matt spoke slouching back on a log, Cara snapped her fingers and bucket of beer appeared. "Awesome" Matt spoke taking one, "So Ceyx what is like being a god" Jackie questioned, "Cara is a god to" Ceyx pointed out, "But it's different- We know Cara" Jackie spoke. "It's nothing special" Ceyx spoke keeping it short, "Come lets go find a place to make out" Matt spoke holding Jackie's hand, "excuse me" Jackie arched her eyebrow, " I meant hang out" he spoke brushing it off. "If you want me to follow you to the bathroom you can just say so" Jackie spoke, "That's not what I want but if it'll get you to come let's go" he smirked.

"Lets go explore" Cara spoke to Ace, she kept looking into the forest, like something was there. "Another voice calling you" Ace spoke, "No why" Cara spoke, "You seem to know where your going" he spoke, Cara stopped looking back she had carefully maneuvered her way through the trails. "Odd" Cara spoke, continuing further into the dark Cara stopped at a giant tree, it was old and dead.

"Something feels" Cara spoke not sure what she was doing here, why this place seemed familiar. "Garden of Eden" her father  spoke, "What" Cara spoke, "This is the garden of Eden" her fathers voice filled the air. "Your witch mother is Eve" he  spoke, Cara's mouth dropped. "But I thought Eve fell for you" Cara spoke confused, "She did- I have her purpose and people to reign over and in return she took care of you for me" Her father spoke.

"So my mom is like a billion years old" Cara spoke, "Be careful Cara- in the garden your greatest desires come to life" He spoke lastly. Cara didn't know what that meant until she turned to find Ace, his eyes were black and he licked his lips. "You okay" she spoke ready to back away, what could he possibly want from her now for Pete's sake he already bit her.

"You look so beautiful" Ace mumbled pulling Cara into him he kissed her passionately. "Ace stop" Cara mumbled, "I need you- I can smell the heat on your body- I want to make lots of pups with you" Ace spoke his voice hoarse, "I don't think we're quiet there" Cara spoke, "It's now occurring to me that you have no self control" Cara mumbled.

"Alright I don't mean to be a cock block but the lady said no" Ceyx spoke tapping Ace, Ace spun around to find Ceyx. "She's mine" Ace growled, "Of course but how about we pack up the wolf and bring Ace back" Ceyx spoke calmly. "I need my mate" Ace spoke pulling Cara into his chest. "Haven't you caused enough damage on this trip" Ceyx spoke, those words sent Ace into a rage of anger and suddenly he punched Ceyx sending him flying. "Ace stop" Cara yelled holding his hands. "Your mine" Ace spoke, "Okay let's go" Cara spoke leading Ace away from Ceyx. "Don't follow us" Cara yelled back to Ceyx.

"Strip" Ace spoke pulling Cara into him, "If I do this you'll bring Ace back" Cara spoke, Ace nodded. Cara sighed taking off her clothes she let Ace hold her, "You make my wolf go crazy" Ace spoke, His eyes were still black but seemed normal. Kissing her he pulled her legs to wrap around him, her naked body felt so good on his, "This might hurt a bit" Ace spoke bringing her down onto him, it was her second time having sex and she was just as tensed as the first time. "God you feel so good" Ace muttered picking up his pace.

"Sorry about that" Ace spoke, Cara wobbled a little before Ace picked her and started walking back. "Next time I'm leaving you home- you clearly can't control yourself" Cara spoke, "Not around you- I want to dominate you every chance I get" Ace spoke. "You don't actually want kids right now" Cara spoke still shaken from his earlier statement. "I don't really care when it happens- now or later- but I do want kids" Ace.

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