Chapter 8: In the Eye

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The water swirled into an abyss, "Ceyx lives in the eye" Talos spoke pointing down. "Great" Cara muttered, "Well guys I guess your staying here" Cara spoke, "Absolutely not" Ace spoke crossing his hands over his chest. Cara sighed "What's that" she yelled everyone turned to the other side of the boat, Cara plunged into the water, "Sorry Ace" she whispered, the current of the water was strong, Cara found herself being swayed out of course. "Looks like you need a tale" A mermaid spoke, "Not you again" Cara spoke, "I could help you" She spoke, "My name is Iris" she added. "Okay Iris how could you help me" Cara spoke, "My shell can give you a temporary tale" she spoke pointing to her necklace. "What do you want in return" Cara questioned.

"I want to be free of the triangle" Iris spoke, "You possess your fathers powers- you can free me" She added. "Fine" Cara spoke, she smiled her eyes turning red as her shell lit up, Cara's feet tingled as a surge of water circled her, "I have a tale" Cara almost fainted. "Set me free" Iris spoke, "I set you free" Cara spoke, Iris smiled hugging her. "Cara the deeper you go the more desire comes to life" Iris spoke warning her. Cara nodded before taking off into the depths of the triangle, "Having a tale is not easy that's for sure" Cara muttered trying to balance herself against the current.

At the bottom of the abyss Cara could see a light. Swimming out of the whir pool Cara gasped. The city was miraculous, "It's Atlantis" Cara mumbled. The lost city that humans searched for was right here at the bottom of the Triangle. "And I bet Ceyx lives in the castle" Cara spoke swimming towards the large golden castle,

Cara swam up to the castle it wasn't underwater which she thought was odd but everything in the triangle was, lifting herself onto the floor her tale returned to legs and she began to walk through the large pedestals. "So Ancient Greek" she muttered coming across many different artifacts. "I love the Greek methodology" a voice spoke over hers, Cara turned to find a man who looked like her father. "Hello Cara" He smiled, "Are you Ceyx" Cara questioned already knowing the answer. "It's nice to finally meet you sister" he smirked, "I need to talk to you" Cara spoke getting right to the point. "I know- the triangle has been keeping tabs on you and your friends" Ceyx spoke. "So you know why I'm here" Cara spoke, that was easy. "So you don't want to rule hell- you want me to take your place- as if I would want your left overs" Ceyx replied firmly. "I didn't think of like that- I thought you wanted to be king" Cara spoke.

"Before you were born I was going to be king" Ceyx spoke, "So it's my fault for being born- let's forget about how messed up daddy is" Cara gritted, the audacity of her brother for blaming his failures on her. "Yet you remind me of him" Ceyx smiled, "You have his anger, his will to be free and most importantly his selfish desires" Ceyx spoke, Cara's eyes grew wide. "I'm not selfish" Cara defended herself, "Aren't you- all you think about is your own future, how important your life is- you won't even accept the love of the man fated for you" Ceyx replied.

"You don't even know me" Cara huffed, "I know enough about you to decline your offer" Ceyx waved continuing to walk down the halls. "Please- I know you want to be king more than I do" Cara spoke following him. "Fine maybe I am being selfish- but all my life I've had this stupid legacy following me- always being watched, and I found something that I love- my writing makes me feel so alive" Cara spoke.

"At least you're honest" Ceyx spoke, "I know that we don't know each other and I'm asking you for something really big but would you at least come back and see our father with me" Cara spoke hopeful. "This is my home now" Ceyx spoke sitting on a giant throne, ruling over a kingdom of nothing Cara couldn't help but wonder. "Drogo will escort you out" he spoke again motioning to a large figure in the corner wielding an axe. "You know where to find me" Cara spoke.

Cara swam away from the large castle looking back she couldn't help but feel disappointed. "All we need to do is kill Ceyx and we'll be free" A voice spoke, Cara his behind the coral, peeking up she could see mermaids gathered together. "I'll lure him out and you put this through his heart, it's Poseidon's trident- said to be celestial the only thing that could kill a god is a weapon made by a god" one spoke to another.

"I should warn him" Cara muttered swimming back to the castle, "Ceyx" a mermaid yelled, Cara his behind a large pedestal, oh no she was to late. "Think Cara" she hissed, "What is it creature" Ceyx spat, man was he a dick Cara couldn't help but think.

"Set me free" She spoke batting her eyelash, "I can't do that" Ceyx dismissed her. Cara could see another mermaid moving beneath the glass floors, in a sudden moment the mermaid leaped from the waters ready to strike Ceyx in the heart, Cara jumped from the pedestal "Vincire" she yelled using a binding spell to hold the mermaid in place. "Cara" Ceyx spoke eyes wide at the mermaid holding Poseidon's trident.

"Your welcome" Cara spoke as Ceyx sealed his castle after casting out the mermaid in oblivion. "Why did you come back" Ceyx questioned, "Your my brother- I didn't want them to kill you" Cara shrugged. "We don't even know each other" Ceyx spoke. "I'm learning a lot that you could care about people you just met" she smiled remembering her growing feelings for Ace.

"Hmm" Ceyx replied, "I'll go" he spoke. "Huh" Cara spoke, "I'll go talk to our father with you" He spoke, "But it's not because of you- I'm getting bored down here" he spoke. "Thank you" Cara yelled, "Cara" Ace yelled at the empty waters. "She can't hear you" Talos spoke, "Take me to her" Ace growled, "I can't- the waters are dangerous for her- you could never survive" Talos spoke. "Damn it" Ace yelled.

"She'll be fine Ace- her father wouldn't let anything happen to her" Jackie reassured him. "Hey guys" Cara spoke climbing onto the boat, "Cara" Ace spoke hugging her tightly, "I've only been gone for a few hours" Cara spoke, "Did you find Ceyx" Matt spoke, "I did" Cara smiled looking back to the water Cetx emerged stepping onto the boat, "Woah- he's hot" Jackie muttered, Matt glared at her. "He's not that good looking" he scoffed causing Ceyx to smirk.

"Everyone this is Ceyx" Cara introduced them. "Nice to meet you all" Ceyx spoke sitting down. "Are you okay" Ace spoke, Cara nodded. "So how do we get home" Matt spoke, "A portal" Cara spoke, "Hate to burst your bubble but a portal will get into the Bermuda Triangle but it won't get you out" Ceyx spoke, "What" Cara yelled trying to summon a portal with her magic she even dug deep into her dark magic, "Whats going on" she mumbled. "It's the darkness of the triangle- easy to get in hard to get out" Ceyx spoke, "So how do we get out" Ace spoke.

"We travel to the demons passage- Cara and I combined would be enough magic to get us back to the world" Ceyx spoke, "How far is that" Jackie spoke, "It's a two day travel over the edge of the waters" Ceyx spoke cryptically, "It's going to get much worse than what's already happened" Ceyx added, Cara's hand touched Ace's mark.

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