Chapter 5: Hell and Back

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"This is it Moon" Cara spoke looking at the huge cave, this was the opening to the other realms in the universe. "Basically I read a spell a door opens and voila I'm in hell- easy right" Cara spoke nervously.

"Via temporis, iam clamo ad te via spatti

Te ubio, aperire...Aperi!

Via concurssus, tempos spatium admi ut imperio", Cara spoke, it was quiet. "Didn't work" Cara muttered taking out her spell book she was sure she said it right. Suddenly the walls began to tremble and shifted into a door. "Success" Cara chanted before opening the door, "Well Moon here we go" Cara spoke stepping through the realm.

She had only ever been to hell once, a realm so dark and tainted it only ever inflicted fear. The souls were lost, enslaved and punished for there wrong doings, doomed to live there nightmares over and over again. And her father ruled over this domain, in his large castle, "Who goes there" A guard spoke, he was dressed from centuries ago, maybe mid-evil. "It's me Cara- tell my dad I have come to see him" Cara spoke, the man nodded leaving and returning this time allowing her to pass.

"You came" her fathers voice rang through the rooms, he sat upon a huge iron throne. "I came to return this" Cara spoke taking a crown from her back pack. "Your making a huge mistake- you have no idea how powerful you are- your practically a god" his voice boomed.

"I didn't ask to be one" Cara defended. "This is not what you want- to be a mate of a wolf- to dress up as a ornament next to him" Lucifer boomed. "Dad have you ever once asked me what I want" Cara spoke. "I want what's best for you- one day you'll see it to" He spoke dismissing her all together.

"You have other children" Cara spoke, "None of them compare to you" He scoffed, "Why- why me- what is so good about me- what about the sons, aren't they more suited" Cara spoke, "No" he spoke, "Why- you don't care for them" Cara yelled, "Of course I do- but" He spoke, "But I love you more- I care for you the most" He blurted out, Cara stilled. "Because you loved mom the most" Cara spoke.

"I fell in love with her- an emotion I didn't even know I was capable of- it broke my heart to return here and leave her behind" He spoke, "So give this all up and come home to her- to us" Cara pleaded. "You don't understand the restlessness of the spirits trapped in this world- if the balance falls whose world do you think will suffer" Lucifer spoke, "This is so unfair" Cara huffed.

"I'm not going to rule over this domain- I don't want to be the next queen of the wolves either" Cara spoke, "I just want to be normal" she spoke.

"I'm looking for Cara Boogey" Ace spoke to woman, he had threatened half the school officials- gotten hold of Cara's records and found her home town. "So your the wolf chasing my daughter" a woman spoke, she was beautiful, just like Cara. "Mrs.Boogey" Ace spoke, "How are you feeling" he added noticing she didn't seem sick. "I imagine that's the excuse she used to run away" Cara's mother spoke. "Please just call me mom" She smiled, "After all I hear we're going to be family" she spoke. "If she'd stop running away from me" Ace muttered, "Stubborn isn't she- just like her father" Her mother spoke absent minded. "Can I talk to her" Ace spoke, his wolf was on edge, he wanted his mate. "She's not here" Cara's mom replied, "What" Ace almost yelled, "She's visiting her father" She added, "Okay Where is that- I can go there now" Ace spoke impatiently.

"Unfortunately you don't have the ability to cross worlds- not even I do, only celestial beings like Cara can" Her mother spoke, stopping at a large cave, "Celestial beings" Ace spoke confused, "Cara is the daughter of Lucifer" her mother spoke, "As in the devil" Ace spoke in confusion, "She doesn't tell you much does she- I imagine she keeps herself hidden- ashamed people might view her in fear rather than friend" Her mother spoke.

"So that's what she meant by saying she didn't want her fathers crown" Ace spoke piecing all the odds together. "When she returns- it will be right here" Her mother spoke. "Do you know when" Ace spoke, "Time and space work differently in the realms" Her mother spoke.

"Mom-Ace" Cara spoke looking between her mother and Ace, how did he even find her. "Oh darling your back- Ace was looking for you" Her mother spoke hugging her. "How- Where- how did you find me" Cara spoke, "Your school records" he replied with anger, his arms folded over his chest indicating he was not happy. "Ace is such a lovely young man dear" Her mother spoke cutting the tension. "Why did you come here" Cara almost yelled, "I was afraid you ran away from me" Ace spoke. "Well it's nice to know I can't even do that" Cara gritted.

"Alright that's enough" Her mother spoke, "What did you tell him" Cara spoke looking at her mother. "The truth" Ace replied, "So do you still want me- after all I am the spawn of pure evil" Cara spoke she wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer. Ace approached her, wrapping his arms around her he pulled her flush against him, taking in her smell. "Your mine Cara no matter who you are" he spoke.

"Why don't you join us for dinner- I made spider casserole" her mother chimed, "She's joking- mom" Cara glared. "You young generation just don't know what traditions are" her mother huffed walking away. "So your dads Satan- your like a god" Ace spoke as they walked through the town, "I'm a celestial- I wouldn't quiet call it god" Cara spoke, "But witches worship Satan- do they worship you" Ace spoke, "We haven't worshipped anyone in decades" Cara replied, it was a new era- lesser evil.

"I use to think my mother was the most power being in the universe" Ace spoke, "You can't tell people about me- they'll be so scared of me" Cara spoke, "I would never tell anyone about you it would put you in danger" Ace spoke.

"Cara- if you ever run away again I'll chain you to my bed" Ace spoke tucking a stray hair behind her ears. "Your crazy" Cara spoke rolling her eyes, "Like I would ever let you do that" she added.

"I need to go somewhere- I won't be back for a while" Cara spoke, "Absolutely not" Ace replied, "I have to Ace, my dad wants me to rule hell one day- when I graduate- he's not going to give up, so I need to find my half brother Ceyx if I can bring him with me convince dad he's a better heir I might have a chance" Cara spoke, she had thought long and hard about this plan, it was worth a try.

"So I'll come with you" Ace spoke, "You can't cross dimensions" Cara replied. "Actually he can" A voice called, "Grandma" Cara spoke hugging her grandmother, "So this is the young king- handsome" she spoke examining Ace, "Thank you grandma" Ace smiled, "What do you mean he can cross dimensions" Cara spoke, "He should ask his mother- she's done it many times" She spoke. "That's right she's a very power person" Ace spoke.

"You can't come with me, Ceyx is trapped in the Bermuda Triangle- all magic is rendered hopeless there except me" Cara spoke, being half god had its perks. "I'm going with you Cara if I have to follow you to my f$&cking death I will" Ace yelled, "Fine your words" Cara yelled back. Ace pulled her into him kissing her hard he wanted to strip and take her right there, she frustrated him so much. "Oh it's so nice to be young" her grandmother chimed, realizing she was still there Cara shoved Ace away. "Let's go home grandma" Cara spoke taking her grandmothers hand.

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