Chapter 4: The Zodiac Crew

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Two hours later~

Gideon hurried down the street, his skateboard clicking as it ran over the cracks in the pavement. He was skating as fast as he could as Robbie ran beside him; they had also called him over the Shack. Bill was back and the Zodiac crew had answered the desperate call of Stanford Pines. But they were late, thus the hurried rush.


Wendy glanced at the blonde-haired boy in Stanford's arms. "That's Bill?"

"Yes, Wendy, I explained it" the man said, putting Bill down in the zodiac he had painted using the can of spray paint she had brought, "I know, it's just, weird" she said, going to stand in her part of the Zodiac. She popped the gum in her mouth and grinned at Dipper, "Sup dude."

Dipper blushed, "Hey, W-Wendy."

Stan glanced at the boy and grumbled as he tapped his foot, "Why are we doing this again Point-Dexter?" he asked. Stanford adjusted his glasses, "Because Bill deserves to have a life, Stanley" he said. Wendy punched Stan gently in the shoulder. "Come on, you old geezer, just help us, okay?"

Stan took his place on the circle and crossed his arms as they waited for the rest of them to arrive, a grumpy and stubborn look on his face.


Robbie grabbed Gideon off the skateboard and flipped the board into his hand, "You ride to slow, little man, let me help" he said, the teen obviously a lot faster on his long legs. He sprinted across the pavement and through the forest, racing across the grass to join the rest of the crew by the Mystery Shack, "Sorry we're later" he said, dropping Gideon onto the ground, his face red from running. Gideon let out an 'oof' noise and stood up, giving Robbie a glare as he took the final spot.

Stanford smiled, "I have briefed you of the issue, now to fix it," he said, taking Stanley's hand in his. Bill groaned and opened his eyes as he woke from the drugs. The flash of yellow returned and he sat up quickly, letting out a growl and leaping at Ford. Ford's eyes widened and he grabbed Dippers hand just in time, the entire group glowed blue. The ex-demon fell back, screaming in pain, trying to reach Stanford as the magic kept him from touching him, "StAnFoRd!!!!" he yelled angrily, clutching his head as he writhed on the ground.

Blood, sparkly and dark, poured from every hole in his face as Bill let out one more horrid bloody scream of pain. He collapsed on the ground while the sparkly blood disintegrating into nothing as it floated off his face. The Zodiac crew held on tightly to each other as a blinding flash of light erupted from the middle of the circle, and they closed their eyes. A burst of energy flung them back and everyone let go, catapulting a few meters away from where they had stood.

Stanford hit the ground, wincing at the pain in his back intensified, his ears ringing from the sudden blast. He opened his eyes and sat up, rubbing at his ears as the noise slowly returned. Everyone all appeared to be fine, thank goodness.

Mabel stood up shakily, rushing back to the circle, eyes wide "BILL!" she cried.

The blonde boy was still lying in the now burning circle, orange flames licking at the flammable spray paint and dry grass. Mabel ran to the middle and dragged him out before the fire could touch him, "Bill?" she asked, gently tapping his face as she sat down next to him.

Everyone crowded around as the boy as he opened his eyes, blue and human, back to normal. They all let out a sigh of relief, "Mabel?" Bill asked weakly, looking up her.

Mabel smiled, "How do you feel?"

"Much better..." Bill said with a tired smile, closing his eyes as he drifted off. Ford picked him up from Mabel's lap as he fell asleep, "Thank you everyone, you can all go home now" he said, brushing the grass out of Bill's hair.

Robbie picked up Gideon's skateboard and waved it at the boy as they began to walk back home, "Dude, you suck at riding this, let me teach you a few things."

Gideon smiled and nodded. "I'd like that. "

"I still can't believe Bill used to be human," Robbie said as they walked off. 

Gideon chuckled. "Yeah, it is weird."

"It's time to start again, Bill Cipher," the wind whispered as it ruffled Bill's hair. 

Stanford looked around as he carried the sleeping boy back into the house, peering into the forest with a frown, "Something wrong Stanford?" Stan asked as he noticed his brothers look of concern, Ford shook his head.

"Just thought I heard someone talking."

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