Chapter 14: Endings

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When he awoke he realized he could actually move this time, and rather than the soul crushing darkness he had leather straps keeping him in place. He peeled open his eyes and turned his head, glancing around the lab, then at himself. His chest was bandaged tightly, but the only pain was a small dull ache, a much lesser pain sensation than he had passed out with. He was wearing a clean pair of gray shorts and yes; he was very much freezing, 

Why was the AC on!?

Dr Monroe was hunched over his desk, muttering under his breath as he read something to himself. The frantic whispering of his voice was already annoying and Bill rolled his eyes, "Yoo hoo!" he called, trying to get Dr Monroe's attention. The man looked up with a sparkle in his eyes that made Bill's spine shiver, "Oh good! You're awake!" he said, standing up and slamming his reading material onto the desk.

"Why is there no pain?" Bill asked, as Dr Monroe made sure the straps holding him down were tight enough, "Drugs can do marvelous things, my boy. Now, settle down I have work to do."

"Wheres Katie?" he asked, trying to peer around the lab-coat wearing buffoon in his way. Dr Monroe snarled and banged a fist on the table, making Bill jump and look back up at him "My daughter is off limits!" he growled. 

Bill smirked. "Jealous?"

The man poked him. "If you even think about harming my daughter, you evil demon. I will make you suffer worse than Hell's lost souls who burn in the fiery pits they were thrown into!"

Bill chuckled. "Hurt? She's my best friend, you idiot! Out of all the people at school she treated me like a normal human being!"

Dr Monroe looked a little shocked, but he shook his head, his cocky demeanor returning, "Shut up, I need to concentrate" he said, pulling a wheeled tray over to himself, "I very much want an eye, so I suggest you hold still" he said, picking up a scalpel.

Bills eyes widened, but he relaxed a little when the man hesitated and put it down, "Look at me getting too excited, maybe just some blood first, I jump into things far too quickly," he said.


Bill woke from a drug-induced haze to find the lab was dark, empty, and still cold. But at least someone had covered him in a blanket and turned off the damn AC. Even if it wasn't enough, it made him thankful. He could hear the far off whistling of the Janitor and suspected he had been the one to help him.

He closed his eyes with a loud sigh, "Fuck my life" he grumbled.

Bill's eyes snapped open as he heard the door to the lab beep and quiet footsteps echoed down the tiled floor, soft and small, "Bill?" a voice whispered.

"Katie? What are you doing here!? Are you crazy!?" he whispered loudly. Katie came rushing up to him and began to unstrap him, "Oh my goodness, I thought you were dead, I saw the entire thing, I am so sorry I didn't help, I was scared," 

Bill put a hand on her shoulder, "I don't blame you, your dad is insane," 

Katie chuckled nervously and placed a hand to his cheek, stroking the freckles with a finger, "I really, really care for you Bill" she said. Bill felt his heartbeat speed up. "M-Me too, you're the only one at that damn school who ever treats me like a normal human."

"You are a human, normal? Not so much."

She leaned up and kissed his cheek softly, "Come on, let's get you home," she added, helping him to stand. Bill's face heated up and Katie giggled at his him,  kissing his other cheek "You're a dork" she said, putting his arm around her shoulder and leading him out the lab.

Katie helped him all the way home, his mind a little foggy, and not because of the drugs. The girl sat him down on the porch's old sofa and knocked on the door frantically until she heard noises. Ford came running and yanked open the door, "I found him in my dad's lab and brought him home, I have to go sneak back into my room now, bye!" the girl rambled, kissing Bills cheek one more time before she ran off. Bill waved after her, a goofy smile on his face. 

Stanford chuckled, "Do you like her?"

Bill rubbed his cheeks, a little embarrassed, "N-No, we're just friends," he insisted. 

Stanford helped him up "Sure" he said with a smirk "Now, what happened?"

"Dr Monroe shot me," Bill said. 

Ford gave Bill to Stan and grabbed his gun, "I'll be back soon, I have a certain scientist I need to teach a lesson, no one hurts my family," he growled.

Stan helped Bill into bed. "Need anything?" the man asked,

"Just a good sleep" Bill said closing his eyes. 

Stan switched off the lights "Night, kid"


The End

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