Chapter 9: Summer's Over Kids

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Bill waved goodbye to the bus as it trundled down the dirt path, sad that the twins were gone for the rest of the year. Every eye turned to Gideon as the bus disappeared, even those who had also come to say goodbye eyed him up, "I, uh, is something wrong?" he asked nervously. Stanford took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes "Why did you tell people Bill was back?"

Gideon's eyes widened "What? I didn't!"

Bill could smell the lie, "Tell the truth, pig nose!" he grumbled. Gideon shook his head "I only told my Dad," he said. Bill sighed, "Then he told everyone else with his constant yammering. Gideon, I got beaten up, twice!"

"Oh, I'm sorry" the boy said, looking a little nervous.

"No, it's fine, I deserved it" Bill mumbled, flinching as Ford put a hand on his shoulder, "You didn't deserve to be beaten up, Bill, don't say that" He said. Bill gave him a small smile "Thanks" he mumbled, kicking a rock. Stan punched his fist threateningly "I'll go have a chat with Bud Gleeful" he said walking off before Stanford could stop him.


Stanford grabbed the car keys, "Come along then Bill, I need to get you vaccinated before school starts up, don't want you catching anything."

Bill gave him a confused look, "Vaccinated?"

"They're going to stick long needles in your arms and inject medicine into your body to help fight deadly diseases that could kill you if you caught them," Stan said. Stanford grabbed Bill before the demon could process this information and the boy struggled as the man carried him out to the car, "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! THIS IS CHILD ENDANGERMENT! CHILD ENDANGERMENT!" Bill screamed.

Stan shut the door behind them and burst into laughter as Ford drove off.

They came back hours later, Bill's eyes red from crying and a handful of lollipops in his grip, from which Bill was sucking on a red one and glaring at Ford every few seconds. 

Stan smirked at them "Have fun?"

Bill kicked his shin as he passed him, "Fuck you old man!" he growled, rushing to his room and slamming the door shut. Ford smiled "He bit the doctor twice and screamed bloody murder, but he got them all."

"Good" Stan said, rubbing his leg.


The next morning Bill awoke bright and early to someone shaking him, "Wake up Bill, it's time for school" Ford said, smiling down at him. Bill opened his eyes with a groan and rubbed the sensitive orbs, "What time is it?"

"7 am,"

"My arm hurts" Bill whined. Ford ignored him and took out some clothes from the chest of drawers, setting them down on his bed, "Wash up, get dressed and come eat, quickly now" Ford said, clapping his hands loudly. Bill rolled out of bed and went to go shower.

Breakfast was cereal and Bill stared at the contents as his arm refused to move, "It hurts too much!" he whined.

"Then use your other hand," Stan said, pointing to his right one. Bill grumbled, he was left-handed, it would be far too hard to eat. Ford came in and set down a backpack at the table, "Here are your school things, don't be rude, do as your told, listen to your teachers, and no fighting! Or powers! Understand me?"

Bill rolled his eyes "Yes" he mumbled, Ford ruffled his hair "High schools tough, especially on smart kids like you"

"Did you go to high school early?" Bill asked, 

Ford shook his head "Parents wouldn't let me, but I was a few grades up from Stanley," he said with a smile. Bill pointed to his bowl, "Can you, uh, can you give me something I can maneuver easily with my stupid left arm?"


They dropped him off around 8:30 am at the school gates. Ford beeped the horn and gave him a smile and a wave before he drove off. Stan's laughter echoed in his ears. The boy gazed at all the taller, older kids and gulped as he trailed in. People stared at him as he walked passed and he adjusted his backpack, "Hey Cipher! No one wants you here, Freak!" a voice yelled. 

Bill turned around and was suddenly face to face with the three bullies, "Have we met?" he asked, the taller one sneered "Right, you don't know my name, do you? Names Rod, what are you even doing here, Demon? Do you want me to beat you up again?" he asked with a smirk. Bill grinned. "May I remind you, Rod, that it wasn't me who ran screaming like a girl when said demon, kicked your ass."

People oohed and Bill smiled as Rod growled. "Yeah? Well, I still bet you up the first time, Bill!"

"Beating up children, that's low," Bill said, crossing his arms. The crowd oohed again and Rod snarled and raised a fist to punch him, "ENOUGH!" a teacher yelled. She grabbed Rod's arm before he could strike, "You, Principal's Office! Now!" she said, pointing to the building. Rod stomped away. 

"Bill Pines? You come with me" she said.

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