Chapter 13: Friends

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"Rodney Huet?" the teacher called, 

Rodney kicked the back of Bills chair, "Here!" the bully spoke up.

"Bill Pines?"

Bill growled as Rodney kicked the back of his chair again. "Here" 

Rodney squeaked at the low demonic voice that issued from Bill's mouth and the teacher sighed and put down the roll to look at him. "Bill? What did Mr Pines say about using your powers?"

"All it did was go all low like this. It's not using my powers. Its hard to control when I'm mad."

"And what's making you so mad?"

"Rodney won't stop kicking my fucking seat is what!" Bill said. 

The teacher sighed and turned to Rodney, "Mr Huet, do I need to remind you of the rules regarding bullying?"

"No, sir."

"Then stop kicking the back of Bills chair or so help me I'll send you to detention, are we clear Mr Huet?"

Rodney sunk in his seat. "Yes, sir."

"Good, now, back to roll call."

Bill smirked at Rodney and the boy sneered. "Don't think you've gotten away with this, Cipher"

Bill made a kissy face and tilted his head with a smirk making Rodney snarl quietly.

"And last but not least, Katie Monroe"

Bill froze at the name .

"Yup, I'm the other smart kid, my Dads a scientist." 

He turned to see Katie in her chair and she smiled at him and waved. 

Bill felt light-headed. 

He stood up quickly and grabbed his backpack, rushing out the room as the teacher called after him. His heart pounded in his chest as he ran to the tree, the oak tree, the safe place. 

He dropped his pack and sat down, curling up in a ball as he drew in shaky breaths. "BrEaTh KiD!" the voice urged as his throat constricted. He focused on his breathing, focused on his heart beat, and eventually he calmed down.


Lunchtime came around, and Bill glanced up as he saw Katie running towards him, her long brown hair waving out behind her in that purple scrunchy tied pony tail. She sat down next to him. "The teacher wanted me to ask if you were okay? You looked in a real panic, is something wrong?" she asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. Bill flinched and looked up at her with wide fearful eyes "Your father, he kidnapped me to study me, Stanford got me out, but, but he still wants me back, he a horrid man, Katie."

Katie looked shocked, "Oh Bill, I am so so sorry," she said, pulling him into a hug. Bill sobbed into her shoulder, the scent of strawberries rather soothing, "It's okay. I won't let him hurt you."

"Thanks," Bill said, wiping his nose on his long-sleeved shirt. Katie pulled a sweater from her backpack and tugged it on "Its getting cold," she said with a smile, pulling out her lunch box. Bill nodded "Yeah, cold," he muttered, not really listening.


Katie trailed down the stairs the next morning and her father handed her, her lunch, "Here we go sweetie, and there's something in there for your friend too, so no sneaks!"

"Very kind of you, Dad, thank you" she said, kissing his cheek as he tapped it. She giggled and skipped out the door, "Love you sweetie have a good day!" he called after her. Katie waved to him as she hurried down the street to school.


Lunch time came around quickly, and Bill hurried to the tree to meet with his friend. The girl waved at him and Bill felt his heart flutter; she was so cute when she smiled. So nice. 

He sat down beside her, wearing the bright yellow sweater Mabel had made for him, "Nice sweater, very dazzling" she said.

Bill grinned, "Mabel made it for me."

"Mabel Pines?"


Katie pulled out her lunch box, "Oh! I almost forgot! Dad made you some cookies."

"What? No! Why would I eat those, they're probably poisoned," he said, waving his hand at her as she offered him the chocolate treats, "He doesn't know you're my friend silly, at least, I don't think he does, I never told him your name or who you were, just that I met this really great guy at school and we're friends."

"You think I'm great?" Bill asked with a small smile, 

Katie nodded and gently punched his shoulder, "The best"

Bill took the cookies, "Thanks Katie."


Stanford had requested that if he wanted to walk home, he would have to walk with someone. Katie had decided on walking with him since her house was closer to the forest. Bill followed the happy girl down the pavement with his stomach churning, he felt really sick all of a sudden. Katie turned back as she noticed him slowing down. "Bill? Are you okay?"

"I feel sic-" his face went green, and he leaned into the bushes nearby and hurled his lunch into the green foliage before he could finish his sentence, "Ewww" Katie said, giggling a little. 

Bill stood back up after he was sure he was good to go. His vision slightly blurry "Are you sure you're okay, Bill?" Katie asked. Bill nodded and waved his hand. "Go home. I'll be fine." 

Katie patted his shoulder, "Feel better soon, okay?"

Bill nodded and watched her skip off.

He walked up the pathway, feeling dizzy as a dodo bird. He stopped to lean against a lamppost. Leaning his burning forehead on the cool metal, "Feeling off, Cipher?" a voice asked. Bill shot up and looked around. Dr Monroe was standing not too far from him.

"Leave me alone! I am not a LAB RAT!" he screamed.

Dr Monroe stepped forward with a grin, "That voice! Oh! And your eyes! Remarkable! I can't wait to dissect one" he rambled, already listening the possible research papers he could type up.

Bill growled and lunged for him and Dr Monroe laughed, he had expected this after all "NOW!!" he yelled, pointing to him. There was a loud bang and Bill fell back, a horrible pain in his chest. He looked up to see a smoking gun pointed at him. The owner smirked at him and cocked his head as he surveyed his work. Bill patted himself down till he found it, blood already seeping into the yellow sweater. He gasped "You, you shot me" 

He couldn't believe it.

Dr Monroe came over, stepping on his stomach to avoid the chest wound his accomplice had made, "Not so high and mighty now, are we, Cipher?" he asked, smirking down at him.

Bill coughed up some blood, "How about we make a deal" Dr Monroe continued, "I fix you, you stay as my Lab rat for the rest of your days, deal?" 

Bill looked up at him, he was on the verge of passing out "Deal" he spluttered, fainting before he could shake his hand. 

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