Chapter 5: In My Head

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2 And A Half Months Later ~

Nightmares, he'd been having them almost every night, and every time he'd wake up screaming, shaking and clutching his blankets to his chest as he gasped for air. Stanford would always come running to make sure he was okay, and he was grateful for that, even though it was somewhat embarrassing.

It had been two-and-a-half months since he had returned to his old life, returned human once more. It had been rocky, and it had been hard, and he had to learn to do so many things all over again. Sleep had been easy, eating even easier, and sure, some things he had been confused with, like electrical systems that hadn't existed in his time. Then he had to share the attic with the two teens as there wasn't enough room in the small house for him to have his own one, a sleeping bag had been placed on the floor for him, and it was all he had for the moment. Stanford said he could take one of the bed when the twins went home and he was looking forward to that.


He gazed at his reflection in the small lake. Mabel beside him. She was picking wild flowers and humming a tune quietly as she strung them together. He turned back to see her and smiled, she giggled and smiled back, holding up the flower crown, "Done" she said, putting it on his head. 

He let her, the scent of flowers calming and sweet. He looked at his reflection in the water, a smile on his face. But then his reflection grinned nastily back at him, eyes going gold and black slits staring into his very soul. His heart skipped a beat, "yOu WiLl NeVeR GeT rId oF mE!!!" it screeched at him.

He stumbled back, terrified and reached for Mabel, but she was gone from her spot on the ground. He looked around, eyes darting everywhere as he searched for her, "MABEL!" he cried, but she didn't reply.

He stood up in horror as the lake turned to blood, bodies floating up to the surface in bits and pieces, Mabel, Dipper, Stanford, even old Stanley. 

Dead because of him.


He sat up in his sleeping bag, panting loudly and tears running down his face. He was vaguely aware of a hand on his back, rubbing it comfortingly, "It's okay Billy, it was just a nightmare, it's okay" Mabel said soothingly. He shook his head, the blood pounding in his ears loudly. Mabel pulled his sweaty body over and hugged it tightly, making a small shooshing sound as he began to sob.

Dipper sighed and got out of bed, disappearing out the room, probably going to go wake Stanford. They come back moments later, but it was obvious Ford hadn't slept yet, he had dark circles under his eyes, the whites bloodshot, "Hey, had another one huh?" he asked, kneeling down beside him. 

Bill nodded. 

Night terrors, at least that's what Ford called them. "You want to talk about it?" he asked him quietly. Bill shook his head "Just go to sleep, I'm fine" he said, lying back down stubbornly. Stanford stood up, re-adjusting his red sweater and putting a hand through his gray hair "Its helps you know, to talk" he said as he left the room, shutting the door behind him.


Delicious smells wafted into the slightly ajar door of the shared bedroom. Dipper was the first to wake, he got dressed quickly, hurrying out the door as he zipped up his hoodie. Mabel was next, she had to step over Bill's sleeping form to get there, the door creaking as she opened it wider.

Bill woke minutes later, nose twitching at the good smells. He smiled and opened his eyes, stretching his body sleepily as he sat up. He rubbed the sleep from his blue orbs and grabbed his clothes from the desk, tugging them on quickly before he rolled up his sleeping bag, stuffing it under Dipper's bed for later.

Stanford was making breakfast thankfully, the family enjoying the pancakes and bacon the man had made as Bill entered the room, "Morning Bill" Ford said, putting a plate in front of him.

Bill looked down at the smiley faced bacon pancakes and snorted, "Morning to you too, did you sleep at all?" he asked as he began to eat away at his breakfast. Ford shook his head "I tried..." he said trailing off. Bill picked up the maple syrup bottle and poured some on his pancakes, "Well at least you tried Grunkle Ford" Mabel said in all her positivity, Ford gave her a smile.

Mabel stood up from her seat and yanked open the fridge, pulling out a jug of sparkly pink liquid, plastic dinosaurs floating inside it as she set it down on the table, "Mabel Juice, Bill?"

Bill cocked his head. "Uh, sure?"

Mabel poured him a glass, and he took it, sniffing the contents, "Is this safe?" he asked. Dipper shook his head when Mabel wasn't looking and Stan was making a cutting motion across his neck, "It can't be that bad, guys, geez" he said taking a sip. Energy coursed through him and he almost dropped the glass as he placed it back on the table, "Whoa" he said, his voice jittery.

Mabel giggled "Good?"

"I, I feel like I could run a marathon, what the hell is in this stuff?" he asked in shock, Mabel giggled again "That's a secret," she said tapping her nose.

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