Chapter 11: Dr Monroe

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When Bill woke up, he couldn't move or open his eyes. He was freezing cold and rather afraid as he floated in the darkness of his mind. Trying to use his powers also proved fruitless, something was blocking them. The steady small hum of an air conditioning unit filtering above made him shiver, goosebumps erupting across his skin. 

Why was it so cold!?

Wherever he was he was bare chested and lying down, strapped down tightly to a metal table, slightly warm underneath him from his body heat. "Bill Cipher, awake I see" a voice asked him, filled with mirth. The steady beep noise quickened, his heart beating at the same pace, he could feel something plastered to the sides of his head and chest, and a sharp pain in his inner elbow. Whoever had him was monitoring his heartbeat and brain activity. 

A hand placed itself on his shoulder, fingers gloved in rubber, "I have so much I want to learn from you, now that you're human it should be so much easier. My names Dr Monroe, it's a pleasure to meet you Bill, do stay calm" the man said as Bill's heartbeat sped up in fear, "I won't hurt you, too much."

STANFORD!! Bill yelled in his mind, hoping to reach the man that could save him.

"He CaN't hEar uS!"

NO! STANFORD! HELP ME! He cried, he could feel tears running down his face.

"SeNd a MeNtAl LiNk"

I can still do that?


Bill sent a burst of energy and magic to Stanford's mind, hoping he could connect what frayed ropes remained, the blocks fighting him as he pushed through. The machines went haywire and Dr Monroe's hands were on him again, curling into his skin tightly, "What are you doing, Cipher?" he growled.

Dr Monroe's fingers loosened as the machines calm down and Bill sighed with relief as the hands removed themselves from his skin "Doesn't matter anyway, you can't escape" he said, as he brushed the skin near his heart. "These ruins are fascinating..." the man said, prodding the scars curiously. Bill mentally shivered, wanting nothing more than to shove him off him and stab a knife through his chest. The scars burned with horrid phantom pains and it made him feel physically sick.

Stop touching them! He cried out in his mind.

"GeT YoUr FiLtHy HaNds OfF uS!" the voice screamed.

Hush now he whispered to the voice as he sunk back down into the darkness. He was far too exhausted from his magic use and the drugs to stay awake.


It had been hours since Stanford had found Bill missing. At first he had thought the boy had run away, but closer inspection found the signs of struggle. There was the sharp cloying whiff of chloroform and all of Bills much loved things were still here. Stan leaned against the door frame "I got Wendy on the lookout and the rest of the Zodiac crew also have their eyes peeled" he said,

Ford nodded as he began to tidy up Bill's messy room "Thanks"

"Hey, relax Sixer, we'll find him," Stan said, giving him a reassuring smile.


Bill woke to another, separate pain in his elbow, a hand was on his arm and he still couldn't move, "I'm just taking some blood, relax" Dr Monroe said, patting his arm as his heartbeat sped up.

"TrY tHe MiNd LiNk AgAiN" the voice asked him, Bill took a deep breath.


The voice chuckled at the back of his mind.


Ford finished making Bill's bed when he heard the voice, barely there, but still clear. He stood up with his ears on alert,




"Where are you!?"

Some sicko named Dr Monroe has me trapped some place, I can't move so I can't open my eyes and see, just get me out of here! It's cold and I'm scared! And this damn asshole keeps shoving needles into my arm!

"Dr Monroe?"

Yes, you know him? Wait, don't tell me. You knew him from college and he also went nuts.

"Yes and no, he wanted to follow a different; more gory path to researching the supernatural of Gravity Falls. I refused, and we went our separate ways. I think I know where you are, okay? Just hold on!"

Please hurry! I don't want to be dissected!

Stanford rushed down the stairs, Stanley after him. "I know that look in your eye, whats going on?"

"I found Bill, just stay here," Ford said, making sure his guns were in their correct holsters. Stan held the door open as Stanford sprinted across the grass and out of sight, "Go get him, Sixer."


Stanford snuck into the lab with his gun ready as he crept past security. The lab was quiet save for Dr Monroe at his desk. He had a vial of red liquid, most likely Bill's blood and was viewing it through a microscope, "Amazing DNA" he muttered. Stanford rolled behind a tray and peered out at the rest of the lab. Bill was asleep, chest bare, and strapped down to the table by the far wall. Machines beeping as they monitored his heart rate and brain activity. Stanford scanned the screen, smiling as he noticed Bill was awake, it meant he could do this

"Bill? I'm here"


"Just relax, okay? I'm going to get you out of here."


Stanford snickered quietly and aimed his gun at the vials, pulling the trigger. Dr Monroe shrieked as the blast sent glass flying everywhere, "What the hell!?" he cried, turning to face him. His eyes widened as he spotted him standing there. "Stanford!? How the hell did you get in here!?" he asked, blood on his glasses and his lab coat. 

"I want my kid," Ford said, pointing to Bill. 

Dr Monroe smirked, "Your kid? Interesting, he's a demon and yet you treat him like a son, rather strange, especially after all the trouble he's caused you."

"He deserves a normal life, Monroe! Let him go!"

"And waste a good research opportunity like this?" Dr Monroe tutted and pulled out a piece of paper. "He still has traces of demonic energy in his system, Stanford." he said, handing it to him

Ford took the paper "0.3% that's impossible, the zodiac should have gotten rid of it all!" he argued.

Dr Monroe went over to Bill and unstrapped him, taking out the needles and the wires, "I'll let you take him home, but be warned, Stanford, if Bill is left alone for less than a minute he's mine for the taking, and I won't be giving him back that easily," he said, letting Stanford pick up Bill.

What's going on?

"Calm down, it's just me, you're safe now"

Oh thanks fucking goodness, Imma nap now... Bill's voice trailed off as he fell asleep.

Stanford hurried out the lab, "YOU HEAR ME STANFORD! HE WILL BE MINE!" Dr Monroe shouted after him.

"Crazy son of a bitch," he muttered. 

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