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"YOU WANT ME TO GET WHAT AND TO WHO?!" Dinah yelled, her uproar can be heard through the whole neighborhood as she paced back and forth.

"Dinah, can you just cal-" Dinah quickly cut her mother off.

"CALM DOWN, YOU want ME to MARRY a SLUTTY ASS BITCH!" Dinah cursed making Milika gripped on Dinah's ear making her yelp.

"Sit down, now!" She ushered and Dinah sat down while rubbing her ear.

"Firstly, do not cuss near me or in this house again. Secondly, you are going to get married rather if you like it or not. Thirdly, never speak on a woman like that again. Do you understand me?" Milika asked and Dinah nodded.

"Yes ma'am." She muttered and Milika composed herself before walking into the kitchen to start dinner.

Dinah sighed before pulling out her phone and started to scroll through Instagram...

"Are you crazy?" Normani asked.

"First of, who the hell are you talking to and secondly, what the hell are you talking about?" Andrea asked.

"I'm talking about you selling me to a spoiled brat." Normani told her.

"Oh you mean the wedding? Yeah, your father suggested it so don't come at me." Andrea snapped back and Normani groaned before walking to her father's office.

Not even daring to knock, she barged into his office and slammed the paper on his desk.

"I am not marrying this...person." Normani pointed.

"Sweetheart, you really have no choice." He said.

"Why didn't you chose Arielle or Ashlee?" Normani asked and he sighed.

"What happened, I heard my name.?" Arielle asked making Normani plop down on the chair.

"Dad wants me to marry Ms. Dickhead Jane." Normani told her and Arielle smirked.

"Yeah Dad, why didn't you choose me or Ashlee." Arielle crossed her arms.

"Don't bring me into this, I ain't gay nor getting married sis." Ashlee spoke as she entered the room.

"I'm not either so why are you forcing this down my throat." Normani huffed.

"Because you are the youngest and only old enough to marry her, your sisters are too old to even date her." He said making them scoff.

"Rude." Arielle muttered....

"Why couldn't you get Masi to marry her?" Dinah asked.

"I know you hate her in all, but why pin this on your cousin?" Milika asked.

"Because Thomas actually likes her, somehow, and I don't at all." Dinah responded before hopping up on the couch.

"Well it's all for PR anyway, if you go on tour, you'll be as far away from her as possible. Deal?" Milika asked and Dinah nodded.

"Sounds like a plan to there going to be a wedding?" Dinah asked and Milika nodded making Dinah groan.

"I'm going to have to kiss her?" Dinah asked again and Milika nodded with the biggest grin making Dinah let out a yell.

"Okay fine, I'll do it only because I love you." Dinah told her before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You better love me, now go get your siblings." Milika ushered causing Dinah to charge off...

"Isn't it obvious that Arielle clearly likes her more than me, let her date her." Normani told him and he shook his head.

"Hun, you don't do anything and you marrying her will help with the business, her mother and I decided that our companies should partner up together." Derrick discussed.

"I'm about to go to college." Normani tried.

"You don't need college, I promise you... it's a waste. I went to college and it did nothing for me, when I was in highschool, I started this business just before I met your mother." Derrick assured.

"Wow Dad, good to know." Normani rolled her eyes before leaving with a door slam...

Wedding Day

"Nervous DJ?" Lauren asked.

"Uh no, I'm more nervous about this new song we're releasing." Dinah started to braid her hair.

"Same, hopefully I can find a hookup at this place." Lauren smirked as Dinah laugh before shaking her head.

"You would say that." She said before washing her hands and walking out of the dressing room...

"You nervous babes?" Camila asked.

"Uh, no. I'm scared that I will yank her eye out just by seeing her face." Normani responded making Camila roll her eyes.

"Well my crush is here so bye girl." Camila told her before leaving.

"Can you not be violent?" Ally asked.

"When it comes to her, no." Normani answered honestly and Ally nodded slowly before leaving as well.

Normani then left just after straightening her dress...

Skipping the everything...

"I ask you each now, to repeat the marriage vows." The minister ushered.

"I, Dinah Jane take you, Normani Kordei for my wedded wife, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward." Dinah finished feeling the burden off her chest.

"I, Normani Kordei take you, Dinah Jane for my wedded...wife or husband, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward." Normani finished.

"Great, now I now pronounce you...hus- wife- husife and wife. You may kiss the bride." He finished making everyone laugh and Dinah went for first.

Normani was taken back before quickly kissing back as everyone applaud having them separate quickly.

"Great wedding done, now I want the food and presents." Lauren patted Dinah's back before they took off running into the next room.

"Did you enjoy the kiss?" Ally asked tugging her towards the room.

"It's just a kiss, nothing bad nor good about it." Normani responded, but Camila can see through her facial expression that she is still a little taken back by the action.

"Yeah, oh my God...he's right there." Camila squealed.

"Ew, are you talking about Prawn Mayonnaise?" Normani asked getting snapped out of her world.

"Okay rude." Camila crossed her arms.

"Aren't Prawn, a symbol for small dick?" Lauren asked putting her arm around Camila.

"Yes, and he flexes it way too hard." Normani responded.

"You should say soft because they won't be able to feel it when it's hard." Dinah said making Lauren laugh before giving her a high five.

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