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Tour Time...

"Okay okay, our song isn't at number one but it's on the chart, which counts." Lauren said.

"Bro, I don't give a fuck. Can I just go on stage already?" Dinah asked and she nodded making her put the ear piece in before grabbing a microphone.

She ran on stage and the crowd went wild. She won't lie and say that this wasn't the best feeling ever. Because it was...The show is now over and Dinah being Dinah decided to have an after party. On the streets to be exact. Normani was already in the limo so when Dinah got in, she was still pumped to even care that the person she hate is sitting next to her on her phone. When the limo stopped at the destination, Dinah climbed through the top with alcohol in her hands as her fans screamed when they seen her topless.

"Who's ready to party?!" Dinah yelled and they all cheered.

Good thing the neighbors didn't mind that much. When it got to a point that Dinah was sitting on the car and Normani was in between her legs.

"Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss." The crowd chanted and they did exactly that.

Hey, that's what a pr stunt is...

Pulling apart, Dinah threw out merch and climbed down before exiting the car.

"Okay okay, it's getting late so we should start heading out. It was a blast hanging out what you all. See ya Dinasty!" Dinah yelled making them cheer before she entered the car and they left.

Drunk and out of their mind, Normani was straddling Dinah's waist as Dinah was gripping her ass to death.

"Hey, we are here." The driver announced making them scatter into the apartment...


Groaning, stretching, naked. All of it. Normani gets up before yawning while pulling her hair back. Putting it into a messy bun, she look to her right and seen Dinah sleeping peacefully but will probably wake up with a headache. She smelt herself and realized she was wearing Dinah's hoodie plus she smelt fresh. Getting up quickly, she looked in the mirror and saw the hickey...

"Dammit." Normani bit her lip before thinking about what her mother told her before she left.

"Even though you hate her and it's not an actually marriage, just have fun with it and show her what she's missing."

Normani sneakily went back into the room before grabbing her phone and went back into the mirror.

Normani sneakily went back into the room before grabbing her phone and went back into the mirror

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She captioned it: The party was fun, but that after party was even better 😘😏

Smirking to herself, maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. Posting it, she put down her phone before doing her morning routine. Walking out of the bathroom, she seen Dinah with her hands rubbing her eyes trying to adjust to the lighten. Normani looked at her back and seen the scratch marks on them. Biting her lip, she put the aspirin and some water down before sitting down next to her.

"Take some of that." She ushered and Dinah stopped rubbing her eyes before yawning.

Grabbing the aspirin, she chugged one down before gulping her water.

"What the hell happened last night?" Dinah asked.

"Judging by your back, my clothes, these hickeys...I think we had sex." She observed the amount of hickeys on Dinah's chest before lifting her shirt to reveal the hickeys on her stomach.

"Wait what?" Dinah asked her brain just clicking on what she just said.

"We were drunk, just chill out and pretend like it never happened since we both don't really remember what happened." Normani told her before getting up and leaving the room as Dinah took off after her.

"Dammit, the amount of missed calls I have." Dinah muttered before dialing Lauren phone.

"Had fun?" Lauren teased.

"Fuck off, what do you need?" Dinah asked.

"Our song is at number 1, and I have to go so peace." Lauren hung up making Dinah eyes widen in surprise before checking the charts and it was.

"She's not fucking with you I see." Normani observed as she opened a carton of mangoes.

"Wait hey hold on, those are my mangoes." Dinah completely changed the subject but Normani still ate one.

"Oh well." Normani teased before twirling her ring on her finger.

She went on Instagram and seen her account blowing up, looking at her tags, she seen many videos from last night and pictures of Normani. Dinah didn't even realize that Normani was behind her with a plate in her hand.

"Hungry?" She asked and Dinah nodded before taking the plate.

Normani left her to be before making her way to the bedroom. Changing her clothes into something better, she took a photo before posting it on Instagram.

 Changing her clothes into something better, she took a photo before posting it on Instagram

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Still confused on what I should do, going out to find out 😓🤧 wish me luck

Dropping her phone, she took a deep breath before grabbing everything she needed and made her way out of the house. Dinah obviously being the dick head she is, decided to invaded in on her business.

"Where are you going?" Dinah asked blocking the door.

"Out, can you move." Normani demanded but Dinah completely ignored the second half.

"Out where?" Dinah asked.

"None of your business, now move Dinah." Normani tried to push her out the way but Dinah grabbed her wrist and pinned her against the door.

Struggling against her grip, Normani stopped before opening her eyes to see a set of brown eyes looking down at her. Dinah slowly slid her hands and interlocked them but kept Normani hands about her head. Leaning down she kissed Normani which Normani hesitated at first but reciprocated the movement of their lips. Dinah hands slid out of Normani's before grabbing her thighs and lifting them so Normani can straddle her waist. Moving them to the counter, Dinah hand slid inside Normani's dress before pulling off her underwear. She laid Normani back and pulled her dress up before diving her tongue inside Normani. Normani gripped Dinah's hair before letting out a very low but long moan.

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