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Normani was on her way to the hospital with Ryan and Justina since they are her emotional support right now. Honestly, she wasn't actually ready. Seeing Dinah in the state she was made her wanted to faint, throw up, all of it. Before they visited the hospital, Ryan made Normani take a test and it did come back positive. The hospital did contact Normani since they are married, Dinah's manager put Normani in the emergency contact list. The hospital told Normani that she is stable and is done with her surgery, all bullets was removed and everything important. As the trio made their way into the hospital, Normani nerves kicked in and her heart started beating rapidly.

"Hey relax, she might be on drugs right now but she's perfectly fine." Justina comforts causing Ryan to snort as Normani shakes her head.

They walk to the receptionist situated in the lobby of the building and asked for Dinah Jane Hansen which she mentions the third floor and room 12. Before they knew it, they were standing outside her room. Justina opened the door and they all looked shockingly at the girl who looked at them, but with one eye.

"He-hey, what happened? Why am I in the hospital." Dinah asked, her voice scratchy, back arched foward, and arm dangled as the other in a cast.

"Oh man, you look rough." Justina commented causing Ryan to hit her on the arm.

"I-I can't see out of my left eye, it feels like I can't open it." Dinah points out and they didn't know how to respond.

Normani slowly backed out the room as her stomach felt tense and her head felt nauseous. She swallowed the bubble in her throat and Dinah frowned seeing her exit the room.

"Normani..." Ryan trailed as she looked at the girl who is on brink of breaking down.

"D-did I do something wrong?" Dinah questioned and Justina shakes her head.

"Here buddy." Justina placed the pregnancy test down on Dinah's lap and Dinah smiled softly and looked up at Justina with both her eye lids shut.

"I-I am going to be a mom?" Dinah wondered and Justina nodded.

"Justina told me you were stable, I didn't expect you to be awake." Milika speaks up with Normani by her side.

"H-hi mommy, I-I'm going to be a parent."  Dinah happily say.

"I know sweetheart, but you two need to have a conversation alone." Milika notes and she sits Normani down on the bed.

Dinah face turned worrisome and she reached out her left arm to touch Normani's left hand.

"Are you okay?" Dinah asked as everyone made their way out the room.

"How could I be?" Normani questioned as her voice cracked and she kept her eyes locked onto their hands.

"Well if you are upset because I'm here then don't be, the only pain I feel is you being sad." Dinah tells her causing Normani to make eye contact as a tear fall down her eye.

A small smile entered her face causing Dinah to smile widely.

"You're so cheesy." Normani let's out a little laugh.

"If being cheesy makes you happy then I don't care cause now I'm happy." Dinah interlocked their hands slowly and Normani fidgeted with her wedding ring.

"Do you really not remember what happened?" Normani wondered.

"Well no...all I remember is making my way to you then all of a sudden everything went dark." Dinah explained and Normani sighed.

She pulled her hand away and got up. Dinah frowned before she felt a pair of lips on her own.

"I'm not leaving your side ever again, and plus we are going to become parents Dinah...no matter the outcome" Normani smiled and Dinah smiled as well.

"I feel really happy, that my stomach hurts right now." Dinah mentions as she wraps her arm around her stomach.

"Did I give you butterflies?" Normani giggled and Dinah blushed.

"You are making me feel like a kid again.." Dinah muttered.

"Hm, this does remind me of the time you got hurt and I had to take care of your wounds. You're such a cute little baby." Normani sat back down feeling a little nauseous.


"Look at me Normani, I bet you don't have the balance to do this." Dinah stuck out her tongue as she stood on a branch on one foot.

"Dinah, I'm a gymnast and you aren't. Get down before you get hurt." Normani huffed.

"No, because I am better than you." Dinah teased as she paced back a forth on the small branch.

"Okay you are now get do- DINAH!" Normani watched as the taller girl slip and hit her head on the branch.

"Ow." Dinah rubbed her now bleeding forehead and climbed down the tree carefully.

"You're such an idiot." Normani huffed as she pulls out a band aid her mom gave to her when she goes outside.

Dinah rolled her eyes and moved her now bloody hand to look at it. Normani cleaned her wound then placed the band aid on it. She gave the wound a little kiss causing Dinah to blush and clutch her stomach with one arm.

"Why'd you do that?" Dinah wondered.

"My mom said it will help the wound feel better if you gave it a little kiss." Normani explained before sitting down.

"Yeah whatever." Dinah huffed.

"Stop being a little baby." Normani rolled her eyes this time.

"At least I'm cute as heck." Dinah bragged.

"You're such a cute little baby then." Normani shrugged.

"What, stop being weird." Dinah pushed Normani away with her other hand.

"You said you was cute and I said you are little baby. How is that weird?" Normani questioned as she kicked Dinah's hand away.

"I don't get how you are older than me but more innocent." Dinah laughed and Normani blushed.

"Whatever." Normani crossed her arms and hid her face.

"Thanks for patching me up though." Dinah tells her and get up slowly to not feel nauseous before holding out her hand for Normani which Normani took.

They walked back to the house with a conversation full of disagreements and agreements.

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