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Normani and Dinah was getting ready to go back to California after visiting Normani's family for a while. They wanted to get hers out the way first because she knew they were going to be chaotic. Dinah's family is more chill than Normani's since she only lives with her mom and the rest of her siblings live with her dad. Her mom was really the only person to help and support her career so of course she stayed by her mom's side, but somehow she's a daddy's girl. When they got off the flight, fans on fans basically swarmed them.

"Jesus, I was just trying to go home. How they know we were coming back?" Dinah asked Normani as she guided her through a pathway to getaway and Normani shrugged.

After getting through the crowd, they found themselves in a preordered uber which took them straight to Dinah's house. Normani started playing with Dinah's fingers, fiddling with her wedding ring. They sat in silence since they both had major jet lag.

"Is this your place?" The uber driver asked and Dinah nodded as she picked up Normani's backpack.

"I'll get everything, just wait in the car." Dinah told Normani and she was already half asleep.

Dinah grabbed the suitcases and brought them to the front door then jogged back to get the now sleeping Normani. Picking Normani up in her arms, she waved off the driver and knocked on the door. One of Dinah's siblings opened the door causing Dinah raise an eyebrow.

"Where's my mom?" Dinah questioned and the little girl shrugged before running away.

Dinah walked into the house ignoring the ruckus that her siblings were creating and right into her room. Dinah set down her wife carefully and started to change into more comfortable clothing. After successfully changing Normani, she tucked Normani in and went to go get the suitcases (she changed Normani into her clothes which I'm sure people find clothes bigger on them more comfortable). Dinah was met by her younger brother and sister who had a smirk on her face.

"How's the sister-in-law?" Her brother, Daniel asked and Dinah rolled her eyes then tucked her hand in her pocket.

"Why are y'all here?" Dinah wondered and her sister, Kamila rolled her eyes.

"We heard that we were becoming aunts/uncles so I gotta hear it myself." Kamila responded with putting her hands on her hips.

"Where's my mother?" Dinah questioned as she looked around.

"Don't change the subject Dinah also she's our mother two." Kamila stated.

Dinah went to grab the suitcases ignoring her siblings but ran into her father causing her to furrow her eyebrow.

"Ah I was wondering who Gina was running from." Her father, Gordon laughed and Dinah rolled her eyes before grabbing Normani's suitcase first.

"She's sleeping so you won't see her until later tonight." Dinah directed her words to Kamila and Daniel as she made her way upstairs.

When she reached the top step, she noticed her mother with her suitcase.

"Thought I should help since you have a messed up arm." Milika points out and Dinah smiled softly.

"Nice to see you again." Dinah hugged her mother and Milika hugged her back.

"Why are you being so soft?" Milika scolded, playfully, and Dinah laughed.

She didn't really know herself since she and her mom would be literally screaming at each other at the top of their lungs.

"Guess I'm just tired, I have bad jet lag right now." Dinah figured since she wasn't able to go to sleep because she was worried about Normani.

"Well get some sleep, your wife is waiting for you." Milika went to go down the stairs but Dinah stopped her.

"Why are they here?" Dinah asked and Milika sighed.

"Well they were worried about you after the incident and wanted to see their oldest sister, for your father his first born child." Milika explained and Dinah shakes her head, slowly.

"I'mma go put these away, see you later." Dinah exited the conversation and Milika ushered her off.

As soon as Dinah entered the room, she noticed Normani woke and on her phone.

"You're not tired?" Dinah wondered and Normani looked at Dinah.

"I am, I'm just waiting for you." Normani opened her arms and Dinah pushed the suitcases in the closet before sliding into Normani arms carefully.

"I'm so tired..." Dinah muttered and Normani kissed the top of her head.

"I'll wake up before you so I'll wake you up when it's time to eat." Normani yawned, then started playing in Dinah's hair.

Dinah fell asleep as soon as she felt Normani fingers run through her hair. Before they knew it, they were both awake and trying to wake themselves up. Normani was taking off Dinah's bandages and started cleaning her wounds. She kept the cast and bandages off since Dinah wounds needed to breathe two times a week.

"Kiss." Dinah ushered and Normani pecked her lips softly before throwing away the dirty bandages and used equipment.

"I think your mom and sister was cooking." Normani stated and Dinah smiled softly.

"Eat enough for the both of you." Dinah says after she brought Normani closer to kiss her belly.

"I'm really hungry so I think I'll be eating a lot." Normani muttered as she cupped Dinah cheeks.

"I'm really happy I married you..." Dinah trailed off and Normani smiled gotten really wide.

"I'm happy that I married you too." Normani replied as she played with Dinah's baby hair in the back of her neck.

"I hope our child isn't scared about my eye." Dinah pointed out and Normani giggled.

"Oh please, they are going to think it's cool and that you're the coolest mom in the world." Normani exaggerated.

"I'm the dad of this parenting." Dinah corrected and Normani rolled her eyes playfully.

"Oh shut up." Normani pushed them onto the bed with Normani straddling Dinah.

"This is how I got you pregnant Manz." Dinah smirked and Normani jaw dropped.

"DINAH!!" Normani squealed as they both smiled widely and pulled each other in a kiss.

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