❝S W E E T N E S S❞

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*depiction of rape and abuse ahead*

"DeJayvin! I mean it get the hell of me!" i screamed as he tried to enter me. He ignored me and continuously tried to force himself in me. I screamed and pushed him away. "Stop!" i yelled while getting off of the couch.

I felt the sirens go off ; always that moment where I knew I really did fuck up. His face went extra dark and he grabbed me by hair and punched me 4 times. The hardest he probably ever could have our  6 years of 'relationship.'

He smiled, "this is why i fuck you up everytime. cause you keep playing with me." He put his hands around my neck and started to choke me.

His hands where so tightly wrapped, that he was lifting me off the ground at that point which made me panic. I had a mentality I would die any minute from now ; even though I wasn't fighting my tiny breaths.

I tried to cough but nothing was working, I was starting to see black swirls so I used the last of my powers to spit in his face.

He dropped me and even though I was tired, I clocked him in the face before racing up the 20 marble stairwell.

I kept on running; he was so close. I locked myself in the bathroom and opened up the window hoping to escape and go to one of my neighbour's houses for help.

I could feel him about to enter the door, pick the lock with something. I knew there was no time for my first plan so I sighed and with no regret opened under the sink.

I grabbed the glizzy and reloaded it. 3 bullets. Hopefully I could just scare him away. I nodded and waited for him to come through the door.

I remember when I first met him. He seemed the most respectful and sweetest nigga on this planet.

He called my grandma 'm'am.' and he would also always help me out with anything i had wrong going on.

He would actually return the favor.

And now, I was about to do something i may seem to regret later.

He came in with a knife in hand, "i'm gonna fucking kill you today you bitch!" he screamed. I shot him 2 twice.

He slashed my leg a bit.

He fell. i stood there in shock.

I instantly stated to cry. I didn't even know what I was feeling. I leaned down and checked his heart beat.

I heard 3 more beats. Indicating he could be saved, he's still alive just unconscious. Then it stopped.

I heard nothing else. I backed away from him. I nodded and grabbed his phone from the kitchen table.

I made a bunch of fake texts between him and girls, him and gangmates who weren't real, and also drug dealers. 

I made up a fake story and wrote it down in the span of 20 minutes incase I ever got questioned by the police department.

I went out through my backyard so that our camera's wouldn't see me and I knew that they would probably sort through it.

I went out in a black hoodie and brought fake blood, and pva glue. I got home and edited some camera footage before stepping in the blood and walking around the house.

up the stairs and down. I picked up the bullets so if they searched the house the bullets wouldn't be matched to my gun. And i buried the gun under my clothes.

I dusted of everything put different bullets from a draco on the floor. That i dipped in blood. I looked around and nodded. 

I pressed play on the cameras and act like i was just coming in the house and seeing him dead. I shook his body no.
I was crying.

And not once anything i just wrote down was a real emotion.

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