❝S W E E T N E S S ❞

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February 7th 2019, 11:29am.

I was really upset. My mom has me do monthly drug tests because I overdosed while having fun with a few "friends." of mine.

I've kind of either lost or cut off everybody in my life. So when I get a new person coming into my life I'm always gonna do my best to be nice.

Kentrell keeps texting me and I don't really answer as much because I've been looking for ways to get the drugs we did out of my body.

Believe it or not: drugs can still be traced in your urine or blood sample 3-5 weeks after they've been taken.

So I'm worried. because the results get sent to my mother, they tell me in person. and I had to go to a teen re-hab. That place is prison with therapy.

and it's hell.

So yeah I'm worried. Something about knowing that my mom dosen't want me to die, makes life kind of better though.

Plus, her dad died because he was an addict. So she's really firm on drug safety and stuff like that.

Failed to find anything on google, i had to go in and drink the cup of water and piss in the little bottle thing and had it to the nurse.

I was chilling on the bed thinking about the fact that there's somebody in this hospital having a surgery right now and stuff.

And somebody just died in here which brought me to the topic of  DeJayvin's death. And the police have yet to question anybody.

Does that mean they've got a lead?

"Miss Monroe?" the nurse said shutting the door and sitting on the stool. i instantly started thinking about the shitty rehabilitation centre.

I closed my eyes before she said, "your results came up and it says in the chart tracker that your pregnant. and also 4 weeks pregnant. Which is actually 1 month pregnant. Congratulations." she said.


CVS. As soon as I entered my car I went down to CVS. My mom was gonna be pissed when she hears I'm pregnant.

I was searching, for the clearblue pregnancy tests because they're expensive and usually I'm cheap but today no holding back.

I brought the ones with 2 inside of them and brought a hersheys bar, and condoms. Before leaving the store.


When I got home I took both tests and sat in the bathroom in silence waiting for the timer to go off.

Just as I blinked I heard the ding, and i checked the tests.

Both positive. Both positive. Really? I remember seeing Kentrell fucking nut on the couch. The hell?


What do I do?
Who do I tell?
How do I tell?

Should I even keep it.

These thoughts raced through my head. I just touched around my stomach and slowly cried.

I couldn't tell if it was joy, or sadness, or confusion. It was something that just made my eyes tear up; and I accepted it.

Should Kennedy keep her baby?

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