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KENNEDY POV:"Not my baby, no, jayy you can't do this to your momma

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"Not my baby, no, jayy you can't do this to your momma." his mother, angelica said. Something about angelica made me feel mad.

The glares she gave me when she saw that we we're a couple. The words she called me.  I wouldn't cry if I found out she died.

 He was being rolled out on the stretcher/gerny with a sheet over him. A bunch of his friends where there shaking there heads.

Some fans of his recording it.

The wind blew. My hair flew back and my tears felt like ice on my face. They pronounced him dead 4 hours later.

The doctors said that in his final moments, he was struggling to breathe. And also. At the autopsy. They said he was schizophrenic. And he hid it from everybody.

Everybody could've just helped this nigga if he spoke up. But instead he decided to try and kill me because of his mentals.

The only questions I got asked at the autopsy were:

"where were you when he was shot?" the lady asked me. "do we have to answer questions?" angelica asked.

"you don't have too, some people say they wouldn't wanna speak until they have a lawyer present, m'am."

"well i don't, i just lost my boyfriend, the love of my life." i said wiping my eyes. She patted me on the shoulder.

clips where posted of him in the stretcher, videos of him and me. A lot of people commended me for making him a better person before his death.

But i feel i made it worse.


Two weeks later: date of DeJayvin's Funeral.

"We are here today, to honour the life of the young and very talented musician.  DeJayvin Jordan Smith."

I saw his mother wiping her eyes with her damp tissue. I held my composure back than to roll my eyes. Because we were on live on  television.

"yet we have lost another young man to gang violence, in his own home. At this time. We invite DeJayvin's family up to pay their respects and share a bit about this young and well hearted child."

I heard tears everywhere as I stood up and walked down. angelica grabbed my hand. i don't know why though. 

I think she's was trynna make it seem as if we been so tight she can just jerk my hand like she playing with a dick like that.

I started to cry again just thinking that me. Kennedy Brianna Monroe, caused everyone in this room pain.

Something I would have never though I was capable of.

angelica started with a voice as if she was annoyed, "DeJayvin was and still very is kind. He is loving. All the people in life that he met left his presence with a smile. With laughter and happiness. Nothing could ever and I mean ever get me angry enough than when he wouldn't listen. Sometimes I felt as if I didn't raise him right, and as i look on the grief on everyone's faces. i know that i was very wrong about myself. Fly high baby from your mother to the beautiful soul of DeJayvin." she said sniffling through it all.

"Amen." everyone in the crowd said.

I memorized my speech. But before i did mine his aunt would go, "DeJayvin is a big guy on love. everywhere he went, he would spread it. He wouldn't use profanity, ever be rough, or violent with everyone despite what most people would've thought. A good friend of his named, Kentrell had engaged DeJayvin in a life that wasn't for him. A thug mentality put my little angel in the place he is today. If only you would've of listened to your mother the times she told you not to leave, to me, your father, or you're girlfriend. But through it all. I still managed to love you. Long Live DJ." she said bowing at his coffin.

It was my turn. I looked at him and started to cry as angelica rubbed my shoulder. I decided to talk about how it was when i first met him. he was perfect.

"my boyfriend was the most amazing person i had ever met. i was lucky to even had met him. He was very patient with me through my attitude issues. he never once told me about things that bothered him about me. I could tell he adored me. And he made me feel like i was special, when I felt like nothing. He was a gentle and loving soul. He would give anything in the world just to see a smile on his loved ones faces. And always when you think he can't get anymore kinder, he dies. Gang violence is a now serious issue that we need to address. Long Live DeJayvin." i sighed as i wiped my eyes again.


SZA was singing for him. Apparently, they where friends but i believe probably more. She wrote the song herself.

I could only wipe my eyes so much before my tissue died off. I don't even know why I had so much remorse. 

I had no regrets. The flashbacks of how he purposely tried to throw acids on me to burn my skin off.

He also slit my fucking leg so bad that I was walking with a limp. I had to tell the police that I had bent my knee while going for a jog.


I looked on the stage and it looked like DeJayvin was walking and looking straight at me. I gasped and blinked and he was gone.


I was hyperventilating and angelica looked at me like i was crazy. "are you okay?" she asked. I wiped my eyes and then nodded.

I kept looking over my shoulder. Just to make sure. I killed him for sure. I did right?

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