Man can be magnificent

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King~ Ch. 2

Henry sat in the throne room, his fingers tapping upon the wooded arm of the seat. The men had managed to capture the expert marksman who had saved his life, and they were on route to the great hall to present him to an audience with the king. Henry didn't know what to expect. He wanted to thank the man, but wondered what he was doing watching the parade, and why he had run from the knights he had sent after him.

The colossal doors of the hall gradually opened, revealing two knights leading a chained figure into the throne room. His hood was still covering his face, not falling as the men dragged him forward, the rattling of the chains echoing in the room.

"Remove his chains, this man saved my life and is a hero of the kingdom, he should not be treated as a prisoner!" Announced Henry, outraged.

"Your Majesty, she would not come willingly." Explained one of the knights.

"Remove the chains immediately!"

The knights did so.

Henry processed the words.


"Yes, can women not also be hero's of your mighty kingdom?" Replied a light voice, but sarcasm laced every word. The figure reached up, tugging their hood from its position obscuring their face.

And sure as the night is dark, a woman now stood proudly before her king. Henry observed that she held herself strongly, radiating confidence and defiance. Her face was beautifully angular, around his age, and her long blonde hair falling in waves down her back.

"Forgive my ignorance." Spoke Henry, but she only rose her chin higher, almost scoffing.

"I only wish to thank you for your deed earlier. I owe you a great debt of gratitude." He continued.

"I didn't do it for you." She replied coldly.

"I beg your pardon?" Henry's advisor choked out, "is that any way to speak to your king?!"

"I did it for the kingdom." She finished. Henry remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

"This kingdom has been ruled by many a foolish man. Many a man who lust for power and money, who's only concern is greed. But I see you. You know your people, you are not callous with them. You rule with wisdom and devotion beyond your years. I did not fire that arrow for you. I fired it for England."

Henry watched her intently as she spoke. His mind whirled with questions. Who was this girl? Why did she hold him in such high esteem, seemingly for more than just his crown?

"Leave us." Commanded Henry. The others in the room only gawked at him as he commanded again, "Leave us!"

The men are quick to obey their king and scurry out of the room.

"A private audience with the king? Lucky me." Mocked the girl.

"You say you see me. What do you mean?" Asked Henry, ignoring her comment.

The girl was silent for a moment, but when she spoke once more her tone was confident.
"Most kings lock themselves behind great walls of stone and gates of iron. They feel that the crown atop of their head gives them the rule of a deity, that they are divine. They do not care for those who starve beyond their palace gates or for those who fall on their battle fields. To them, men are expendable. Pawns in their game. But not you. I see the way you train your men. You are beside them. You endure as they do. On the streets, you watch them not like they are below you, but like they are one with you. Your parades inspire them. Your courage and governance make them feel safe. That is why they love you. You stand before them not as their king, but as their brother."

Henry wanted to feel flattered by the words, he should. But he could not bring himself to be anything more than curious about the girl that stood before him. He wanted to speak to her more, to unravel her mind. To know how her aim was so fantastic and to ask her what more he can do for his people.

"And that is why you shot that arrow, for the people beyond these gates?" He asked, standing from his throne and walking down the middle of the great room to where she stood.


"And you say I speak of wisdom beyond my years yet here you stand, preaching to the king himself."

"I cannot preach if I do not follow they ways of the church." She said nonchalantly.

"You do not follow Christ?" Henry breathed, astounded. He had not met anyone other than those who worship the devil who did not follow some governance of the Lord.

"No. I do not believe in power greater than that of men on earth. If a God does exist, his influence is exempt from our world. We must seek what we desire from one another, not from a higher power. Man is imperfect, yes. But man can also be magnificent."

He was nothing short of amazed. The girl he had just met had done nothing but surprise him. Not only with the way she presented herself, but also in the way she spoke so surely and uniquely.

"May I have your name, my lady?"


"Well Amice, it would be my pleasure to have you accompany me to a feast tomorrow, here, in the castle."


Henry paused for a moment. It was unheard of to question a request of the king.

"To show my gratitude for your protection of England."

"I am afraid my company is not suited to your... associates." She said, cringing at the thought of her trying to converse with the kings rich bastard 'friends'.

"Please. Stay here tonight. I'll have the maids tend to you."

"I don't need your spoils and luxuries." She spat, a little too harshly.

Henry almost recoiled.
"Then what would..."

Amice worried she had overstepped, so she amended her outburst.

"I will stay here, but I do not want your maids to treat me as through I am anything above that of what I am. I can tend to myself."

"As you wish. Thank you, Amice." He was relieved, and rather excited to have the chance to spend more with with this intriguing girl.

She simply brushed him off as she exited the room through the great doors, opening them without assistance.

The King ~ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now